• 提出一种基于支持向量机械运行状态预测方法

    A new method of condition trend prediction based on SVM for mechanical equipment is put forward.


  • 利用ARMA模型航空电子装备选定状态预测量进行估计。

    Arma module can be used to predict the state-argument of aviation electronical armaments.


  • 研究表明,基于灰色系统理论航天器故障状态预测方法可行的。

    Here, the method to predict fault status of satellite based on Gray System Theory is proposed.


  • 实际应用表明系统运行稳定正常,可扩充性对电池组状态预测准确

    The practical application shows that the system is characterized by stable operating, fine extension and precise SOC estimation.


  • 研究非线性运动系统在线监测故障诊断状态预测开辟了有效途径

    The research can be generalized to any nonlinear dynamical system and gives a new approach for monitoring condition, fault diagnosis and prediction online.


  • 文中内燃机连杆磨损介绍了其内燃机维修状态预测故障珍断上应用

    Taking for example the wear of connecting rod copper sleeve, the paper introduces the application of this method to the prediction of internal combustion engine maintenance and fault detection.


  • 我们以煤灰软化温度预测例,介绍了如何将算法应用动力配煤过程状态预测建模

    Proposed algorithm can be used to establish models of state estimation process for steam coal blending.


  • 灰色系统理论应用于设备故障诊断,较好地解决了设备状态预测故障模式识别问题。

    By applying the theory of grey system to diagnosing equipment breakdown, the problems of state prediction and trouble-mode recognition of equipment can be solved.


  • 论文提出了一种基于链路状态预测的ODMRP协议改进,即LSF-ODMRP路由协议。

    This paper presents the on-demand Multicast Routing Protocol with Link Status Forecasting(LSF-ODMRP).


  • 根据研究发现,博伦研究小组发现推特状态预测道琼斯工业平均指数收盘价准确性高达87.6%。

    Says Bollen regarding the discovery, his team found "an accuracy of 87."6% in predicting the daily up and down changes in the closing values of the dow Jones Industrial Average.


  • 提出了设备运行状态综合预测模型神经网络灰色理论组合应用,提高状态预测准确性

    A synthetic condition prediction model is presented, using neural network and grey theory together make it possible to predict accurately.


  • 根据研究发现,博伦研究小组发现推特状态预测道琼斯工业平均指数收盘价准确性高达87.6%。

    Says Bollen regarding the discovery, his team found "an accuracy of 87.6% in predicting the daily up and down changes in the closing values of the dow Jones Industrial Average."


  • 实例研究表明方法具有较高预测精度有效地应用复杂系统状态预测故障趋势预测分析

    Case study shows that the proposed method is of high precision, and can be effectively applied to condition forecasting and fault trend forecast analysis of complex systems.


  • 项目统计学习理论为基础,深入研究了应用支持向量机方法解决机械智能诊断状态预测相关问题

    Based on statistical learning theory (SLT), the relevant problems of solving the machinery intelligent diagnosis and condition prediction are thoroughly researched in this project by means of SVM.


  • 结果表明,叠加马尔可夫链预测方法计算方便结果准确雨季强度指数状态预测分析提供一种新的途径

    The results show that SPMCP model is simple and accurate in calculation, and it provides a new way to predict the state of rainfall intensity index for the rainy season.


  • 本项目的研究克服传统的智能诊断需要大量故障数据样本不足机械故障诊断和状态预测提供了一种方法

    These researches overcome the shortcoming of needing many fault data samples of existing intelligent diagnosis methods, and provide a new method for machinery fault diagnosis and condition prediction.


  • 针对问题,本文提出一种通过运动函数化建模并利用模型进行粒子状态预测,以保证跟踪准确性棒性方法

    A new method of particle state prediction that based on motion-functional modeling can maintain robustness and accuracy is introduced in this article.


  • 通过状态预测观测器闭环系统时滞系统闭环结构之外,从而使其优化控制规律完全可按无时滞系统进行设计。

    Using this state predictive observer, the time-delay term of closed-loop systems can be transferred to the outside of the system's closed-loop structure.


  • 结合具体工程项目运用以上研究成果,以D350高速风机的振动状态预测为背景,课题其他成员一起开发了D350高速风机在线监测故障诊断预测系统

    Relating practice engineering project, applying the above research achievements, our project team developed on-line prediction and fault diagnosing system of D350 Rapid-Speed Fan.


  • 进化渐进论所预测中间状态化石一直缺乏

    Intermediated fossil forms, predicted by gradualism, are typically lacking.


  • 通过提供状态报告以及频繁更新预测努力确保经理了解所有事物状态

    He works hard to ensure his manager knows the status of everything by supplying status reports and frequent updates and forecasts.


  • 然而,与此同时没有许多西方专家预测那样,中国一直拒绝演变成混乱交战状态

    Yet at the same time China has refused to break up into a warring mess of baronries, as many western experts had predicted.


  • 海湾洋流状态变幻莫测,很难对油污的扩散趋势做出准确预测

    He said Gulf currents are too unpredictable to make accurate forecasts of where the oil will travel.


  • 就是说没有公式或者快捷方式可以预测CA未来状态

    That is, there's no formula or shortcut that allows you to predict the CA's future state.


  • 随着最近美元价格呈现失控的摇摆状态详细说明他们不是预测工具

    As recent wild swings in their dollar price amply demonstrated, they are not the most predictable of vehicles.


  • 研究人员承认他们并不清楚为什么推特用户状态能够如此准确预测股市的变化,他们需要更进一步的研究

    The researchers admit that they don't know why or how this selection of Twitter.com user feeds was able to make predictions so accurate, and they say more research is needed.


  • 人们按照task任务表现感情状态研究打扰消极影响甚至创建模型预测打扰代价

    People have studied the negative effects of interruptions in terms of task performance and emotional state, and have even created models to predict the cost of interruptions.


  • SV - 9系统技术预测描述可能影响系统的当前指定未来状态新兴技术

    SV-9 system Technology Forecast Describes emerging technologies that are likely to impact the current or specified future state of the system (s). Text document 13.


  • SV - 9系统技术预测描述可能影响系统的当前指定未来状态新兴技术

    SV-9 system Technology Forecast Describes emerging technologies that are likely to impact the current or specified future state of the system (s). Text document 13.


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