• 状态增加信息趋向固有熵。

    With the number of state increasing, the information entropy tends towards its intrinsic entropy.


  • 这样,对孤立系统能量简并,粒子位置可能状态

    So, if the system is isolated, then the degeneracy of your energy is just a number of waysthat you can flip the positions around.


  • 如果量子力学方法来处理对于平动的状态数的确也是这么量级。

    And if you treat this properly, quantum mechanically, for the translations, there's actually a magnitude of the number is similar.


  • 光谱中的线以及其它线双重性指出预期价电子可用状态是双重的。

    The doublet nature of this and other lines in the na spectrum indicates a doubling of the expected number of states available to the valence electron.


  • 序列检测阶段通过状态融合减少维特比译码状态数,然后结合判决反馈进行检测。

    The states of Viterbi decoding were reduced through the state combination. The signal was detected combined with the decision feedback.


  • 这里不同所以我们你们知道之前我们有限状态记得怎样高温时的。

    Here it's different, so now we have You know before, when we had a limited number of total states, remember what happened in the heat capacity at high temperature.


  • 指明平衡系统宏观产生微观状态密度在空间随机不均匀离开平衡引起

    It shows that the macroscopic entropy production in a nonequilibrium system is caused by spatially stochastic and inhomogeneous departure from equilibrium of the number density of micro-states.


  • 有限状态系统想法,想法是,那么比方我们之前采取的方法一个状态对应能量

    And the idea was for a system with a finite number of - states. The idea was so let's say, the way we had it before, there was one state with energy zero.


  • 杂志创刊号上发表的论文包含话题广泛图像增强矩阵状态(关于这个话题不要我太多)都有所涉及。

    The inaugural issue includes topics ranging from image enhancement to condition Numbers of matrices (don't ask).


  • 某种情况下,这个能量占据的概率更大,因为更多状态对于系统而言,这个不是或者是

    Just the way, in a very small way, this energy might be favored just because there are more states with it then there are states here. But again, with the system, it's not a factor of three to one.


  • 考虑信息变化趋势得出语音识别hmm状态并非越多越好的结论,指出了汉语单字hmm状态数6为宜。

    In isolated word recognition of Chinese considering the trend of information entropy the result is obtained that the number of the state in HMM about 6 is the best selection.


  • 流量福劳德流动状态影响因素,即超临界亚临界流。

    The Froude number of flow is the factor of flow status: supercritical flow or subcritical flow.


  • 第一状态初始化一些基本变量,计算总的问题记录测试开始时间

    The first state is to initialize several essential variables, count the total question, and record the quiz start time.


  • 相比可知其用途房子美国拥有更多的房子,这种状态几年内不会改变

    America has more homes than it knows what to do with, and that state of affairs is not going to change for years.


  • 通过检查复杂度方法已经发现了通过以下问题推出复杂性有用的:确定系统进入某种状态有多难?

    By inspecting the cyclomatic complexity measures, I have found it useful to reason about complexity via the following question: How hard is it to determine how a system got into a certain state?


  • 可以使用计时器变量记录保持当前状态时钟嘀嗒

    You might also use a timer variable to keep track of how many ticks of the clock you've been in the current state.


  • 研究表明硬币出去之后在着陆可能显示被抛之前状态(如果1开始,你永远不会到偶的情况是一个道理)。

    Research has determined that a coin will more often land showing the side when it is flipped (for the same reason that, if you count up from one, you will never have more even Numbers than odd.)


  • 如果线程多于处理器,那么线程必须处理器时间有些线程一直处于等待状态这样应用程序效率降低了

    Once there are more threads than processors, the threads must compete with one another for processor time, and some threads will always be waiting, so the application effectiveness is reduced.


  • 自动操作模式启动以后,这个进度工具条将会不断地更新这个任务状态直到使用特殊时间间隔百分增长值使停止为止。

    After starting in the automatic mode, the progress bar keeps updating the status of the task until it is stopped by using specified time interval and percentage increment values.


  • 据说1918年,出现流感症状小时就处于病危状态

    In 1918, there were reports of people dying within hours of developing symptoms.


  • 复杂度度量状态空间路径紊乱方式

    Cyclomatic complexity is a way to measure how tangled the paths are in the state space.


  • 杀菌剂拯救了不计其生命它们攻击处于悬浮状态单个细胞最为有效

    ANTISEPTICS have saved countless lives, but they are most effective when the bacteria they are attacking are individual cells in suspension.


  • 可以二进制表示一个规则,可以用表示ca细胞给定状态

    A binary number, as you've seen, can be used to represent a rule, and an integer can be used to represent the state of a ca cell at a given step.


  • 如果团队作出决策出于停滞状态就可能项目计划延长甚至

    If the team is stuck in a holding pattern until a decision is made, this can add days, weeks, or months to the project schedule.


  • 研究人员推测这些碎块经过十亿互相碰撞伊伯型天体,柯伊伯带原始状态不再

    Researchers surmise that over billions of years the debris should collide, grinding the KBO-type objects down to ever smaller pieces that were not part of the original Kuiper Belt population.


  • 量子缠绕技术中的个重要概念是:粒子能够串连成一种结构,这种结构中,个粒子状态改变会立即影响一个粒子,即便这两个粒子之间相隔公里也不例外。

    Quantum entanglement involves the notion that particles can be connected in such a way that changing the state of one instantly affects the other, even when they are miles apart.


  • 另外研究者发现钱的志愿者相较志愿者感觉到自我状态良好

    In addition, the researchers found that participants who counted out the bills rated themselves as feeling "strong" more often than the paper counting group.


  • 做点刺绣,玩个字谜游戏、复局桥牌之类的,保持大脑身体活动状态

    I keep my brain and body active with needlework, crosswords, Sudokus or duplicate bridge.


  • 工作的时候都有多达300同时平台但是为了能充分维持这种工作状态所需的人力超过这个倍以上,因为大多员工每两个星期的工作结束之后就会得到个星期的假期。

    Up to 300 people live on the platform at a time, but keeping it fully manned involves more than twice that figure, since most staff get three weeks off for every two that they work.


  • 这样就建立了一个按钮来显示背包状态(已使用/总共并且点击可以显示所有背包

    This gives me a button with bag status (total used/total available) and it opens all my bags/closes all my bags on a press.


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