• 贝尔纳变得般地惨白

    Bernadette turned deathly pale.


  • 过去年里已有冲塞海岸上,时间海滩上积雪融解沿海水域的冷却相符合。提供者萨尼海岸工程

    The dead crabs have been washing ashore for the past three years coinciding with snow melting off the beaches and chilling the coastal waters. Credit: Thanet coast Project.


  • 再说如果阿雷希望某个人可能是因为知道一些危及帮派首领的事,杰克弄个明白。

    And if Arete wanted someone dead, it was probably because he knew something that could hurt the gang leader. Jack wanted a part of that as well.


  • 那个满脸皱纹学者眼睛亮闪闪地盯住白兰,直逼得双手紧紧捂住胸口,唯恐马上从那儿到她的秘密

    The eyes of the wrinkled scholar glowed so intensely upon her, that Hester Prynne clasped her hands over her heart, dreading lest he should read the secret there at once.


  • 然而查拉图斯站着没动身体身后落下,人伤厉害变了形,没有

    Zarathustra, however, remained standing, and just beside him fell the body, badly injured and disfigured, but not yet dead.


  • 昨天波利科夫斯卡娜家庭代表律师团现在已经确信记者俄罗斯内部人员杀害的,是因为自己工作

    Yesterday lawyers acting for Politkovskaya's family said it was now abundantly clear that the journalist had been murdered from inside Russia, and that her death was linked to her work.


  • 作为报复贾斯父母被捕了奥斯维辛,同时余下犯人承受了严重后果

    In revenge, Jaster's parents were arrested and died in Auschwitz, and there were serious consequences for the remaining prisoners.


  • 金姆向母亲解释通过珍妮认识里克的,她珍妮消息感到心烦意乱

    Kim explains that she met Rick and Dan through Janet, and she is upset to learn that Janet has died.


  • 金姆向母亲解释通过珍妮认识里克的,她珍妮消息感到心烦意乱

    Kim explains that she met Rick and Dan through Janet and she is upset to learn that Janet has died.


  • 除了调查杀手之外,卡斯雷萨纳与其团队竭尽重构了罗森博格人生的最后几个月尝试找出的那个人。

    In addition to investigating the hit men, Castresana and his team reconstructed Rosenberg's final months as best they could, trying to pinpoint who might want him dead.


  • 周六上午柏林动物园饲养场里

    Knut died in his enclosure at the Berlin Zoo Saturday morning.


  • 一个圣人下凡,重生这样观念这些社会流行神秘学说不难拉神奥西里斯神换成基督

    The ideas of a Divine Man incarnating, dying and being reborn, were already popular mystical doctrines in these communities, and it was not hard to replace Mithras or Osiris with Christ.


  • 动物园网站上也满给克的留言,安娜的网友写道:“克努可爱的北极熊,你怎么会呢?”

    "Knut, you were the sweetest polar bear that I ever knew — why did you have to die?" wrote one mourner named Anna.


  • 猫王兰尼·布鲁斯、奥维勒·瑞登巴克、罗伯·帕斯莱利,这些什么共同之处?他们卫生间里

    What do the following people have in common? Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli - they all died in a bathroom.


  • 所以人们贝利梅斯卡拉丁、麦克马洪、福塞杰克逊相提并论

    So this week folks are mentioning Billy Mays in the same breath as Carradine, McMahon, Fawcett and Jackson.


  • 然而符咒的效力依旧使可怜牧师在上面的海丝·白兰居住过的海边茅屋都令人望面生畏。

    Its spell, however, was still potent, and kept the scaffold awful where the poor minister had died, and likewise the cottage by the sea-shore, where Hester Prynne had dwelt.


  • 然而根据多米尼克·蒙瑟雷的说法,卡纳异常之处,因为健康状况一直欠佳

    According to Dominic Montserrat, however, there was nothing unusual about Carnarvon's death, since he was in poor health anyway.


  • 里昂小姐美国阿什克罗夫先生多伦多成为了一位成功广告公司经理。并于1947年那里

    Miss Lyon moved back to the US, while Mr Ashcroft became a successful advertising executive in Toronto, dying there in 1947.


  • 信号灯由红转绿继续开车拼命臆测强纳斯的克里斯-克劳夫波涛汹涌的灰暗大西洋上左右摇摆

    The stoplight had changed to green. She drove on, trying desperately to keep her mind from speculating about his death: The Chris-Craft rocking unsteadily in the turbulent grayAtlantic .


  • 拉图斯在把:查拉图斯拉转行当了仵作好事!

    Zarathustra is carrying away the dead dog: a fine thing that Zarathustra hath turned a grave-digger!


  • 不料这个时候,却出现婴孩啼哭声。原来安然无恙婴儿,竟一直盖在床底之下在屋里别处发现头狼尸首,当然奋勇保护婴孩的格勒的。

    He then hears the cries of the baby and finds it unharmed under the cradle, along with a dead Wolf which had attacked the child and been killed by Gelert.


  • 周五意大利拉文纳附近空中一些斑鸠然后数以千计出现的萨尼附近。

    On Friday, came reports of turtle doves falling from the sky near Ravenna, Italy, and thousands of dead crabs on the coast around Thanet in Kent.


  • 年科床”上的指控成功绕过警方看护广而告之这些指控显然认为保护意味着拘禁克里姆林宫里的一些同样为此愤怒不已

    Likewise, some in the Kremlin were angry that Litvinenko's deathbed accusations managed to penetrate his police guard to be broadcast: they apparently assumed that protection meant arrest.


  • 四个人是迦伟人儿子,都大卫仆人手下。

    These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.


  • 英国媒体报道,个名叫贝森妮·洛美国女孩竟然就男友求婚的面前。

    An American woman was struck by lightening and killed while she was on a walk with her boyfriend, who had planned to propose to her when they reached the top of a mountain, British media reported.


  • 就在生存机会逐渐变小,抽中签的可能性达到八分之一,一个叫做勒诺上年纪职员中了第二

    The chances had narrowed to one in eight when the elderly clerk —his name was Lenotre—drew the second slip.


  • 1678年,人们图卢兹发现了另一例病例,64的玛格丽·马修(Marguerite Mathieu)时,腹中怀有25胎儿

    A more recent case had surfaced in1678 in Toulouse, where 64-year-old Marguerite Mathieu had died with a25-year-old fetus still in her womb.


  • 今日种群末世启示:(照片)在普恩。库贝教区莫甘扎高速公路边上的鸟。

    Aflockalypse now: dead birds lay along the side of the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish Photo: ap.


  • 今日种群末世启示:(照片)在普恩。库贝教区莫甘扎高速公路边上的鸟。

    Aflockalypse now: dead birds lay along the side of the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish Photo: ap.


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