• 特恩伯格指出传统测试最能评估分析语言技能无法衡量创造力实践知识,而这些也是解决问题和实现成功关键因素

    Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.


  • 靠好点子创业致富德国人都美国”,麦肯锡

    Germans who want to convert bright ideas into riches go to America, says McKinsey's Mr Mattern.


  • 常用制衡使得塞伯特恩大众相信他们最终得到了永久的和平

    It was a popular maneuver which convinced the populace of Cybertron that they were destined for permanent peace.


  • 洛瑞协助其他'谢菲家庭'成员绝佳机会特恩布尔说道

    This is a wonderful opportunity for Lawrie to be able to assist another member of the 'Blades Family', "said Turnbull."


  • 遵循戴维这样药剂师优秀传统,施特恩·巴赫一直自己身上做药物实验。

    In the best traditions of chemists like Davy, he dosed himself with his own stuff.


  • 先生如果需要帮助可以特恩·来。”我建议着。

    If you need help, Sir, I can fetch someone either from Thornfield Hall or from Hay, 'I offered.


  • 去年12月,艾伯领导党内强硬派撕毁了这份协定继而特恩布尔赶下台。

    In December Mr Abbott led the party's hardliners in tearing up the deal and then unseated Mr Turnbull.


  • ……那幢房子里?”指着月光下起灯火特恩费得府,吃惊地

    You live in … in that house? ' he asked, surprised, pointing to Thornfield Hall, which was lit up in the moonlight.


  • ·施特恩·巴赫为镇静药“安定发明人,于2005年9月28日去世享年97岁。

    Leo Sternbach, inventor of Valium, died on September 28th, aged 97.


  • 当然存在一些BUG看到最好错误塞伯特恩目前地球上天空时间

    Of course there are still some BUG, I see the best BUG is, when Cybertron was present on the Earth Sky time.


  • 据说,去年九月上任的帕特恩先生对援助计划中的浪费不能有效实施计划现象感到震惊。

    Mr Patten, who took over his job last September, is said to have been shocked by what is described as a catalogue of waste and incompetence.


  • 为了安抚反对者,布尔保证将法案8月13日提交上议院带领联盟反对票。

    To placate them, Mr Turnbull committed his coalition to voting against the bill when it came before the upper house, on August 13th.


  • 去年,在霍华德·特恩脱口秀一个嘉宾声称识别出素食女人食肉的女人。

    Last year, on the Howard Stern TV talk show, he had a guest who claimed he could always smell the difference between vegetarian women and carnivores.


  • 虽然特恩议员在背后支持塔基评论还是凸显联盟内部该方案问题分歧

    Although Mr Turnbull's front bench rallied behind him, Mr Tuckey's comments highlight deep divisions within the coalition on the issue of the CPRS.


  • 陆克文特恩布尔协议被废前不久,大型商业游说团体澳大利亚工业集团刚刚签署约定。

    The Australian Industry Group, a big business lobby, had endorsed the Rudd-Turnbull deal days before its demise.


  • 他们很远·特恩部件结果却是件徒劳无益的差事,因为那儿没有货

    They sent me all the way to Brighton to buy some special component, but it turned out to be a fool's errand because they are out of stock.


  • 3年后,施特恩·巴赫又开发出一种成分更加简单伹药效增强换代品,取名“安定”,其受欢迎程度令人惊讶

    Three years later a simpler version, several times stronger, was developed by Mr Sternbach and called Valium. This became astonishingly popular.


  • 特恩名市场调查员对5200户家庭进行调查最近的一次调查中,梅尔·卡多纳的产品根据经济价值位列第一。

    Mercadona products were ranked number one, in terms of value for money, in a recent survey of 5,200 households by TNS, a market researcher.


  • 布尔由于社会问题观点澳大利亚共和运动领导人身份惹火了自由党内的传统主义者,在位仅仅15个月

    Mr Turnbull’s liberal views on social issues, and status as a former leader of Australia’s republican movement, grated with party traditionalists. He lasted as leader just 15 months.


  • 布尔由于社会问题观点澳大利亚共和运动领导人身份惹火了自由党内的传统主义者,在位仅仅15个月

    Mr Turnbull's liberal views on social issues, and status as a former leader of Australia's republican movement, grated with party traditionalists. He lasted as leader just 15 months.


  • 特恩·萨旺:“如果我们南半球星系观测能获得相同结果表示能量存在与否确实一个问题。”

    Utane Sawangwit says, If our result is repeated in new surveys of galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere then this could mean real problems for the existence of dark energy.


  • 2009年9月艾利克斯·雅布伦斯基和迈克·特恩给他们自己定了野心十足目标一年内每个制作一部纪录片。

    In September 2009, Alex Jablonski and Michael Totten set themselves an ambitious goal: to make one documentary every month for a year.


  • 株已经有100历史的刺枝杜鹃花2个月获任明特恩住宅区首席园丁?亚伯拉罕(Ray Abraham)发现的。

    Ray Abraham, discovered the 100-year-old Rhododendron beanianum just two months after taking up his role as head gardener at Minterne House.


  • 雅布伦斯基找到托,告之他计划相同事情不过通过电影然后伍德故事拍成了麻雀之歌第一,一切便开始了。

    Jablonski approached Totten with the idea to do the same thing, but with film, and things came full circle when Wood became the subject of Sparrow Songs' first episode.


  • 1956年,施巴赫胡乱处理种苯二氮卓类化合物的时候,胺化合制成了种白色晶状粉末,标上"Ro5"06卯"放在架子

    In 1956 Mr Sternbach, fiddling with yet another benzodiazepine, treated it with methylamine, made a white crystalline powder, labelled it Ro 5-0690 and put it away on a shelf.


  • 8月10日最新民调显示仅有26%的被调查者满足成绩较六月中旬的民调结果下降了18%之巨,而与此同时,认同陆克文先生作为首相的民众是认同特恩布尔先生的

    A poll released on August 10th showed only 26% of voters approving of his performance, a plunge of 18 points since mid-June. Almost four times as many voters prefer Mr Rudd as prime minister.


  • 8月10日最新民调显示仅有26%的被调查者满足成绩较六月中旬的民调结果下降了18%之巨,而与此同时,认同陆克文先生作为首相的民众是认同特恩布尔先生的

    A poll released on August 10th showed only 26% of voters approving of his performance, a plunge of 18 points since mid-June. Almost four times as many voters prefer Mr Rudd as prime minister.


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