• 约翰需要这次运动会特别训练

    John needs to be specially coached for the sports meeting.


  • 必须特别训练速度短跑然后跟球队一起训练

    I must work especially on speed and sprints and then we'll face the training games.


  • 特别训练阿富汗突击队与阿富汗警方一道努力控制局势

    Specially trained Afghan commandos fought alongside Afghan police to try to take control of the situation.


  • 由于训练不足他们使用需要特别训练的武器)作战

    As they poorly trained these units forgo using the lance, which requires specialist training, and fight with a sword.


  • 经过特别训练具有丰富经验外科医生的操作下,胃镜检查活组织检查安全的。

    Gastroscopy and biopsy are generally safe when performed by surgeons who have had special training and are experienced in these endoscopic procedures.


  • 经过特别训练具有丰富经验外科医师的操作下,结肠镜检查活组织检查都是安全的。

    Colonoscopy and biopsy are safe when performed by surgeons who have had special training and are experienced in these endoscopic procedures.


  • 空中转身是有特别训练的,所以经过国家体委推荐最后推荐了李宁

    The air turns, the sideways take a special training, so the national committee of the recommendation, the final recommendation of the Li ning.


  • 有了这种雷达经过特别训练空军机组飞机可以低的高度夜间不利天气条件下飞行。

    With this radar system and a specially trained Air Force crew the aircraft can operate at a low altitude and in night or adverse weather conditions.


  • 经过特别训练具有丰富经验外科医师的操作下,内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)安全的。

    ERCP is safe when performed by surgeons who have had specific training and are experienced in this specialized endoscopic procedure.


  • 曼联发言人谈到弗莱彻,上赛季最后阶段复出打了几场。眼下他在卡顿接受特别训练计划

    United spokesman said Fletcher, who returned to action shortly before the end of last season, would be given a special training programme at the club's Carrington training ground.


  • 至于马尔蒂尼身体状况在对卡塔尼亚的比赛中踢了半个小时现在他正进行特别训练使膝上不会加重

    As for Maldini's fitness, he played an hour against Catania, now he's undrgoing specific training so the knee doesn't swell up.


  • 大学研究指出,通过特别训练服务帮助可以使自闭症状障碍小孩减少焦虑加强社交技巧

    According to a new Université de Montreal study, specifically trained service dogs can help reduce the anxiety and enhance the socialization skills of children with Autism Syndrome Disorders (ASDs).


  • 使用者无需经特别训练享受滑行水上雪上乐趣使用,可将气囊中气体放出,将滑行折叠存放

    Users can enjoy the water or snow pleasure without special exercise. When the utility model is not in use, air inside an air bag can be released out to fold the sliding bag to store.


  • 据《成都日报援引保护区官员话说,卧龙大熊猫饲养中心计划大熊猫特别训练警犬其他动物圈养一起。

    The Wolong giant panda breeding centre plans to have four pandas raised in captivity live with a specially trained police dog or other animals, the Chengdu Daily quoted reserve officials as saying.


  • 于太空舱仍在地球大气层内,因此不需要特别的服装或训练

    Because the capsule remains within the Earth's atmosphere, no special clothing or training are needed.


  • 且,他还有一个特别的习惯——每天晚上和朋友打一小时的麻将来训练大脑。

    What's more, he had a special habit—playing Mahjong with friends for an hour every evening to train his brain.


  • 学院将会负担现有计算机科学法律管理新闻社会学资源完成特别情报训练补充说

    "The college will use Fudan's existing computer science, law, management, journalism and sociology resources and then carry out special intelligence training," he added.


  • 马拉松比赛特别适合研究因为为了比赛,选手们投入大量时间进行训练渐渐地他们会把融入日常生活中。

    Marathon running is particularly suitable for studying because participants have to put in sufficient training hours for the competition, and the athletes accommodate this into their day accordingly.


  • 只有500名狂热分子参加这场战斗战斗模拟者受过良好的训练特别注意模拟了一当天发生小型战斗。

    Only 500 diehards are in this fight but the re-enactors are well-drilled and take special care to mimic a small skirmish that took place on the day.


  • 根据今年九月一项研究显示,宇航员呆着太空手套工作或者训练指甲容易掉落特别是手比较的那波人。

    Astronauts with wider hands are more likely to have their fingernails fall off after working or training in space suit gloves, according to a study released in September.


  • 问题:一些为了特别的比赛或者一定目标训练跑步厉害,跑了太多哩数,允许适当恢复时间

    The problem: Some runners who are training for specific racesor certain goals run too hard, run too many miles, and don't allow forproper recovery time.


  • 这个训练有可能发生事,就是能够训练人们寻找特别事情

    What you can do, and that's likely what's going on in this sort of training, is you can train people to look for particular kinds of things.


  • 时间专门训练这些特别技巧每周重复训练一次也是必须教练帮助训练领域之一。

    Take time to train sports skills exclusively and perform repeat drills once a week. This is another area where working with a coach or trainer is essential.


  • 底线如果为了一个特别室外比赛训练尽可能多的尝试室外跑来比赛的情况准备

    The bottom line: if you're training for a specific outdoor race, try to train outside as much as possible to get prepared for race conditions.


  • 曾经有过特别插曲,那时我们训练了将近小时离开学员家乡的乡村道路,进入拥有稳定车流行道。

    One incident stands out in particular. We were about an hour into the lesson and had just graduated from the backroads of the student's hometown to a two-lane street with steady traffic.


  • 再者液压混合动力车并不要求任何特别公交车大车库车队经理没有工具训练方面

    Plus, hydraulic hybrids don't require anything a typical bus barn or fleet manager doesn't already have in terms of tools or training.


  • 哈尼夫说:“新加入的人都会特别进行特殊训练尤其是对那些西方国家的参加者。”

    He took care of the special training of chosen newcomers, especially Westerners, ” says Hanif.


  • 哈尼夫说:“新加入的人都会特别进行特殊训练尤其是对那些西方国家的参加者。”

    He took care of the special training of chosen newcomers, especially Westerners, ” says Hanif.


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