• 4所示物理组织结构实现每个租户LDAP服务器中有一个专用子树

    While in the physical organization structure implementation showed in Figure 4, each tenant owns a dedicated sub-tree in the LDAP server.


  • 程序DLL物理组织,而命名空间是逻辑组织其构成应与程序组织无关。

    Where assemblies and DLLs are the physical organization of a library, namespaces are a logical organization and should be factored independent of the assembly's organization.


  • 数据库系统之前始终应该重新评估调优参数物理组织即便这些系统同一平台也应如此。

    Always re-evaluate tuning parameters and physical organization of the database before moving it to a different system, even when the systems are on the same kind of platform.


  • 物理组织网1月10日报道,牛津大学科学家解开了一个掩盖五十年的谜:分子如何为什么以及是否确实会改变自己形状

    (PhysOrg.com) -- Oxford University scientists have solved a 50-year-old puzzle about how, why or indeed if, sugar molecules change their shape.


  • 即使它们允许存在多个物理分布服务实例,但是每个实例都只有抽象定义(组织统一管理)公共实现

    Even if they allow multiple physically distributed instances of services, there is one abstract definition for eachmanaged by the organization as a wholeand a common implementation.


  • 尽管简单而且支持任何物理设备存储类型,但是可能实现系统数据迁移/复制组织宿主实例同步

    Even though it is simple and it supports any physical device storage type, data migration/replication across systems and host instances synchronization across organization is not possible.


  • 进行用例建模时,目的使用参与者来对角色建模不是物理的、现实世界组织系统本身

    When you are use-case modeling, your goal is to use actors to model roles and not the physical, real-world people, organizations, or systems themselves.


  • 这些建议涉及数据库模式XML关系存储之间选择索引定义以及带有分区集群选项物理数据组织

    These recommendations address the database schema, the choice between XML and relational storage, definition of indexes, and physical data organization with partitioning and clustering options.


  • 根据其他研究团队既往试验,该小组认识超声波组织产生物理效应

    The team knew from experiments done by other groups of researchers that ultrasound can have a physical effect on tissue.


  • 包括来自于“底层物理化学因素,也就是分子间的作用,影响了上层基因染色体细胞组织生物体

    They include constraints imposed "from below" by physics and chemistry, that is, from molecular interactions upwards, through genes, chromosomes, cells, tissues and organisms.


  • 提供一种逻辑方式以便查看物理资源它们组织独立性实现或者地理位置

    It provides a logical way of viewing physical resources, independent of their organization, implementation, or geographic location.


  • 设计数据库物理布局应当设计空间组织开始步骤如下

    Start designing the physical layout of a new database by designing the table space organization, as shown in the following steps.


  • 1948年夏天物理俱乐部组织假日旅行中,遇到了德利

    During a vacation trip of a Physics Club I met Deli in the summer of 1948.


  • 没有循环依赖二进制文件文档构建第三方代码组织合适的文件夹内。源码物理布局逻辑层次组织方式相匹配

    No circular dependencies, binaries, libs, docs, builds, third-party code all organized into appropriate folders Physical layout of source tree matches logical hierarchy and organization.


  • 物理存储组织大小相同的单位通常称为

    Physical storage is also organized into equal-sized units, most commonly known as page frames.


  • 如果站点庞大而且笨拙可能需要物理布局重新组织比较简单迷你站点

    If your site is large and unwieldy, you may need to reorganize its physical layout into simpler mini-sites.


  • 这些疼痛随着维度数量(举例来说物理的、时间的、组织公司)和团队分布的程度而增加

    These pain points increase with the number of dimensions (e.g., physical, temporal, organizational, and company) and the degree of distribution within the teams.


  • 令人担心的是,电磁场可能通过其他热量机制损害人体组织许多生物物理学家手机信号提出如上担忧

    The fear remains that electromagnetic fields could damage tissue through some other, non-thermal mechanism, a concern raised by many biophysicists about cellphone signals.


  • 每种燃油混合物都必须经过体育仲裁组织FIA,成分物理特性的测试。

    Each fuel blend must be submitted to the sport's governing body, the FIA, for prior approval of its composition and physical properties.


  • 珊瑚依靠这些珊瑚生存动物灭绝不止仅仅对于渔业造成威胁地球物理角度来看生态系统一个严密的生物组织体系,她规定营养能量转化和流动

    The loss of corals and the animals that depend on them doesn’t just threaten fishing. From a geophysical perspective, ecosystems are biological mechanisms that regulate flows of nutrients and energy.


  • Judy组织结构中的物理位置并不重要

    It doesn't matter where Judy is physically located in the organizational structure.


  • 法国国家粒子物理研究组织意大利granSasso国家实验室CERN在此实验合作

    France's National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research collaborated with Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory on the experiment at CERN.


  • 当然可以执行一个简单lsdir大多数时间组织站点物理布局不会时间采用这样预防步骤

    Sure, you could just do a simple ls or dir, but most folks that don't spend time organizing their site's physical layout also don't take the time to take precautionary steps like that.


  • 应用基础结构(applicaation infrastructure)虚拟化(有时称为应用组织——applicationfabric)使应用物理OS硬件分离出来。

    Application infrastructure virtualization (sometimes referred to as application fabrics) unbundle an application from a physical OS and hardware.


  • 硬件级别中物理处理器作为不同执行单元进行组织的,例如定点浮点操作单元。

    A physical processor is organized as different execution units at the hardware level, for example, fixed point and floating point operation units.


  • 而言之,组织是以交流基石建立起来;交流既是物理网络也是心智网络,将组织内外的每一个人都联系在了一起。

    In short, organizations are built on a foundation of communication; communication is the physical and mental network that ties everyone-both within and without the organization-together.


  • 的工作也从数学上更严格解决了一个统计物理问题,即高度组织系统比如压缩气体如何快速发散达到平衡

    It brings rigor to another question of statistical physics: How quickly does a highly organized system, such as compressed gas about to be released, reach its disordered equilibrium state?


  • 根据某个属性聚集数据常见、也是非常有用的技术,这种技术可以物理组织一个的数据。

    Clustering data according to a certain property is a common and very useful technique to physically organize the data of a table.


  • 任务机器物理拓扑结构,或者由机器以逻辑性的拓扑结构组织

    Tasks are organized by machine, in the physical topology, and by tool in the logical topology.


  • 欧洲物理研究组织宣布说目前更加精密测试已经确认了至少部分实验准确性

    The European Organization for Nuclear Research said more precise testing has now confirmed the accuracy of at least one part of the experiment.


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