• 本文研究主题就是逆向物流渠道模式及其管理

    The theme of this paper is to research on channel and management method of enterprise reverse logistics.


  • 正是通过物流渠道材料汇入工业国家巨大加工能力之中,产品通过市场渠道而散布消费者

    It is through the logistical process that materials flow into the vast manufacturing capacity of an industrial nation and products are distributed through marketing channels to consumers.


  • 为了满足顾客快速而多样化需求供应链物流渠道结构安排成了物流系统设计的一个重要组成部分

    To meet the diversified and quickly changed demand of the customer, the arrangement of logistics circulation structure of supply chain is an important part of a logistics system.


  • 丙烯酸油漆产品滞销的利润空间上升或者直接渠道下沉终端,或者产品直销,从中砍掉经销商厂家所需中间差价物流费用赚取更多的利润空间

    Or directly to the channel sink to the terminal, or do product sales, dealers from manufacturers cut required to take goods intermediate post and logistics costs, to earn more profit space.


  • 营销中心设立因地制宜的物流第三方外包营销渠道良性运作提供保证

    Establishing the marketing center and the third logistics when possible provide the insurance of the satisfactory operation of marketing channel.


  • 研究了直销通过零售商传统销售渠道共存物流服务模式生产商和一个零售商协调关系

    The coordination mechanism between single manufacturer and singe retailer is studied under the logistics service mode of both direct chain and traditional chain through retailers.


  • 这些经济区当地企业建立伙伴关系中国企业联合控制生产品牌物流渠道资产

    These zones will be partnerships with domestic companies, but Chinese enterprise will have joint control of production, brand, logistics and distribution assets.


  • 第二着重经销商流通渠道、应收账款、营销人员管耻、物流信息等领域都存在大量显性隐性风险进行探讨

    The third, fourth, fifth, sixth and last chapters focus on the currency, finance, salesman's management, logistics , information fields exist fold or unfold risk and give a lot of discuss.


  • 尤其是批发零售企业建立畅通销售渠道高效物流系统增强消费者音像电子出版物的可得

    Especially in wholesale and retail enterprises to establish various sales channels and efficient logistics system, enhance consumers 'growing availability of audiovisual electronic publications.


  • 北京快行线食品物流有限公司成立2002年,主要功能生产厂家、供货商销售渠道进行商品配送。

    Beijing Express Channel Food Logistics co., Ltd., was found in 2002. The main function is to allocate the commodity for the manufacturer and supplier.


  • 营销渠道管理包括产品管理、定价管理、促销管理、物流管理、渠道成员激励绩效评价

    Marketing channels management include, products management, pricing management, promotion management, logistic management, the motivation and evaluation of channel members.


  • GIV提供的所有产品一个销售渠道具有专门市场营销策略、独特的商业组织完善的物流服务

    GIV Supports All Its Products With Ad Hoc Marketing Strategies, Specialized Commercial Organization For Each Sale Channel And Integrated Logistic Services.


  • 目标课程供应链渠道管理模拟针对先进的供应链(物流渠道课程无论是本科研究生水平

    Target courses: The Supply Chain & Channel Management simulation is targeted at advanced supply chain (logistics) and channels courses at either the undergraduate or graduate level.


  • 然后渠道物流管理理论进行概要分析,介绍了供应商管理库存”、“经济订货批量”、“物流成本”、第三物流”等理论。

    Then we briefly analyzed the theory of channel logistics and introduced the VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) and the Economic Order Batch and the Total Logistics Cost and the Third Part Logistics.


  • 本文主要针对终端渠道营销物流管理订单处理配送管理、库存管理、卖场内部物流控制以及逆向物流管理五个问题进行了分析说明。

    This paper analyses the order processing, distribution management, stock management, logistics control of point-of-purchase and reverse logistics of terminal channel in marketing.


  • 山东设有大型物流配送基地负责葡萄酒的进口仓储全国销售渠道物流配送服务。

    In Shandong, she has a logistic center, responsible for import, storage and logistics of national sales channels.


  • 我们致力于建设畅通高效可靠安全物流运输服务渠道成为最有价值、最可以信赖物流合作伙伴。

    We commit ourselves to smooth, efficient, reliable and safe logistics channel and to being your most valuable and reliable logistics service provider.


  • 文章强调,我国供应链问题不仅仅表现供应商选择供应渠道确立、供应物的质量价格方面,而且表现在供应链物流实际运作方面;

    The problems of China's supply chain are not only displayed in the aspects of supplier selection, supply chain setting up, and the quality and prices of supply goods, but also in practical operation.


  • 制定执行全国各地仓库货物调配计划,带领物流团队评估选择最配送方案,有效满足各地渠道需求

    Work out and execute goods allocation plan, Work closely with logistics team to manage and organize goods movement between LDC nation wide to meet the demands of sell-in in optimum way.


  • 渠道越多,越加强药物质量监督检验,保证用药安全

    The paper ends with warning that controlling and monitoring of drug quality must be strengthened so to ensure safety in drug use.


  • 建立“拉动式”渠道运作方式,构建扁平化渠道结构、多元化渠道类型伙伴型渠道成员关系以及定价促销物流管理优化。

    To construct a more flatten channel structure, a multiple-channel type, a partnership relation in the marketing channel and the optimization of pricing, promotion as well as channel management.


  • 第五重点讲述钢铁企业营销渠道管理包括钢铁行业营销渠道控制考核激励冲突协调以及物流管理等内容

    Chapter 5 is mainly about management of market channel in steel enterprise, such as control assessment incentive conflict moderate and the logistics.


  • 利用现代冷藏物流系统,开发适合酒店学校家庭烧烤渠道热作速冻肉制品;

    Fourth, it is necessary to exploit instant fast frozen food suitable for hotel, school, family and grill peddler relying on modern chill store logistics system;


  • 强调线性通道,是城市中人流、物流的流通渠道

    "Road" emphasizes the linear channel, which is people, materials or distribution channels.


  • 分销渠道模式与分销物流等方面对家电企业分销渠道现状及主要存在问题进行剖析

    This paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems of distribution channel in household electrical equipment industry(HEEI).


  • 分销渠道模式与分销物流等方面对家电企业分销渠道现状及主要存在问题进行剖析

    This paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems of distribution channel in household electrical equipment industry(HEEI).


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