• 那些非法牟利主管麻烦了。

    I smell trouble for the executives who have profited illegally.


  • 广一个牟利机构成立于二零零五年二月日。

    Broadcasting Arts Studio (BAS) is a non-profit organization established on February 5, 2005, with an initial membership of about ten people.


  • 本贴严厉谴责鄙夷一切利用本站资源进行牟利盗版行为

    Any profitable behavior of utilizing the resources downloaded from this site is condemned and disdained sternly!


  • 本站严厉谴责鄙夷一切利用本站资源进行牟利盗版行为

    Any profitable behavior of utilizing the resources downloaded from this site is condemned and disdained sternly!


  • 过去收购苹果更高价格卖出以牟利过程中出现很多问题

    There have been problems in the past of scalpers buying up iPhones to resell at higher prices.


  • 话说,站点牟利的;你希望你的访问者能够你的站点上消费。

    In other words your site is about making money for you and you want your visitor to stay at your site and buy from you.


  • 目前存在将液化石油气掺入溶解乙炔牟利情况,本文探讨对此如何鉴定问题

    Currently, acetylene is mixed with liquefied petroleum gas to make profit. In this paper, the problem of how to identify them is discussed.


  • 苹果而言高端硬件软件捆绑看起来中原帝国牟利恰到好处模式

    In Apple's case, the company's bundling of a premium hardware and software package appears to be just the right model for finding profits in the Middle Kingdom.


  • 许多俄罗斯人包括那些一边谴责西方堕落,一边利用学校股市牟利无耻的普京信徒。

    So do many Russians, including shameless Putinists who denounce the West's decadence but exploit its schools and stock markets.


  • 而行为人占有现实财物还是获得牟利机会,是亲友非法牟利贪污罪根本界限

    Possessing the real property and obtaining the opportunity of profit is the fundamental limit to distinguish the crime of illegally profit-seeking for relatives and friends and corruption.


  • 只要上市公司治理内外部监控机制不尽完善,上市公司利用信息不对称牟利动机就无法遏制。

    As long as the corporate governance of listed internal and external control mechanisms are not perfect, listed companies use asymmetric information on the profit motive can not contain.


  • 本站严厉谴责鄙夷一切利用本站资源进行牟利盗版行为对于本站特有资源转载注明来源

    Any profitable behavior of utilizing the resources downloaded from this site is condemned and disdained sternly, Please specify when reproduced unique resources for the website source!


  • 然而读者却能清楚地看出苏格拉底认为智术应当求真理,他蔑视智术牟利做法,因此阿嗤之以鼻。

    The reader, however, sees clearly that Socrates despises the use of intellect to make money, rather than to search for the truth, and hence has complete contempt for Hippias.


  • 行为经济学家们研究经济决策心理他们只要擅长自己工作发现某些毫无廉耻推销员会籍以牟利的伎俩。

    Behavioural economists study the psychology of economic decision-making, and if they are any good at their task they will discover something the unscrupulous salesman could use to his advantage.


  • 2005年赵川同仁上海创立“草台班”剧社,致力于推动中国民间立场戏剧,建设非牟利公共空间社会剧场美学

    Zhao Chuan co-founded Grass Stage Theater Company with his colleagues in 2005. It aims to develop a non-profit public space and new social theatre aesthetics in China.


  • 他们这么并非想多牟利,而是出于他们义不容辞高贵责任感

    They did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige.


  • 私下承认动机为了牟利

    The man privately admits that his motive is profits.


  • 这些牟利为目的的公司大打以防万一张牌,鼓励父母们储存婴儿脐带血以防有一某个亲戚会需要

    These for-profit companies lean heavily on the fear factor, encouraging parents to bank their baby's blood just in case a relative needs it one day.


  • 银行发放质量欠佳的按揭贷款,想办法虚高价格售予毫不知情投资者风险转嫁给他人从中牟利

    A bank takes weak mortgages and finds a way to sell them for more money to unsuspecting investors, passing the risk onto others while making a profit.


  • 所签的协议只是禁止自身的间谍经历牟利没有禁止她靠自身名誉名人身份来赚钱。

    Her agreement would prohibit her from making a profit by selling her story related to the case but it doesn't prohibit her from earning money based on her name or her celebrity status.


  • 倒卖档案牟利或者将档案给、赠送给外国人的;

    selling archives for profit or selling or giving archives to foreigners;


  • 所以很多人控诉Facebook放弃基本原则只是为了自己牟利

    So, many accused Facebook of abandoning its core principles in pursuit of profit.


  • Rajaratnam指控利用大量技术公司商业机密牟利,而他本人否认这些指控

    Mr. Rajaratnam has been accused of using privileged information to profit from trades on a number of technology companies and has denied the charges.


  • 使用姓名牟利慈善提升信誉,因你的贡献而提供保证和培育信任

    Using your name and the name of your non-profit charity in your promotion will lend credibility and breed trust in your offer.


  • 注意总是显示原始文章的反向链接而且他们任何方式从中牟利

    Note that YeeYan always links back to the original article and they don't monetize the translation in any way.


  • 但是我们觉得尤其是我们有患有糖尿病的家人,我们开发能够帮助人们程序不是从中牟利

    But we thought, especially with family members, we are more interested in developing applications that could actually help people rather than trying to make any money out of this.


  • 但是我们觉得尤其是我们有患有糖尿病的家人,我们开发能够帮助人们程序不是从中牟利

    But we thought, especially with family members, we are more interested in developing applications that could actually help people rather than trying to make any money out of this.


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