• 20000名投票用户40%表示他们结婚其他投票用户则受到了外部因素的影响。

    Some 40% of the 20,000 users who took part said they would marry for love. The rest pointed to external factors.


  • 幽默作家弗兰·拉伯维治(FranLebowitz)归纳了相思病种种道:“为结婚人们错得大谬。”

    Humorist Fran Lebowitz sums up the foolishness of lovesick - ness in the following terms: "People who get married because they're in love make a ridiculous mistake."


  • 西方结婚理想一种新的婚姻形式适应,双方可以自由拒绝桩婚事

    The Western ideal of marrying for love is accommodated in a new omiai in which both parties are free to reject the match.


  • 许多无夫妻今天聚集州府圣保罗,喧嚷他们的心声。他们认为所有情侣有权结婚而不只是那些能够相处情侣。

    Loveless couple gathered at the state capital today to voice their opinion that all couples have a right to be married, not just those who can stand each other's company.


  • 没有强迫经历体会来使她明白我她的然后我们决定结婚,”新郎说到

    "I didn't force her, but used my experience to convince her of my love, and then we agreed to marry," the groom said.


  • 聊天结婚因为年纪大了之后,发觉喜欢聊天一个人很大的优点

    Marry a person who likes talking, because when you get old, you'll find that chatting is a great advantage.


  • 大多数人他们结婚当天他们妻子——愿意重来一

    Most said they loved their wives more now than on their wedding day -- and would do it all over again.


  • 当地媒体报道,澳大利亚昆士兰州名20岁男子近日与其狗——一只5岁的拉布拉多犬结婚

    A 20-year-old man from Queensland in Australia married his best friend - a 5-year-old Labrador, local media reported.


  • 母亲送给父亲结婚戒指留给留给还有一些感人故事个我知道的无可置疑的事实:她给予我的中有父亲一部分

    My mother left me the wedding ring she gave my father, a few moving stories, and the sure knowledge that she was loving me for him too.


  • 结婚戒指不论外表还是到内在婚姻见证,是心灵相连的纽带,代表颗忠实无尽的

    The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two loyal hearts in endless love.


  • 如果你们已经有了孩子可以考虑结婚,使子女之间纽带更牢固。

    If you have kids together you may consider getting married to enforce the bond of love that already connects you through your children.


  • 比如说如果结婚了,你一般不会正规神庙求助而是去狐仙那里寻求对困境的垂怜。

    If you loved someone who was already married, for instance, you wouldn't go to the regular deities for assistance, but the fox spirit might prove sympathetic to your plight.


  • 男友胜过一切我们甚至谈到研究生毕业结婚

    I love my boyfriend more than anything, and we've even talked about getting married after grad school.


  • Nezhat幼年丧母,然后发现自己很难夸大那位结婚不久便死去一任丈夫的好处,又欲把婚姻帽子第二任丈夫头上;还试图让自己女儿检举父亲

    She exaggerates the merits of a first husband who died shortly after their marriage, browbeats a second to the point that he is unfaithful, and tries to force their daughter to inform on her father.


  • 经过这样场磨难,一直陈勇军求婚心存犹豫王莉终于意识到这个男人对自己,2007年3月,两结婚了。

    Having undergone such a tough event, Wang li, who once hesitated about Chen's request of marriage, finally realized Chen's love. They got married in March, 2007.


  • 1874年,哈代与不顾阶级差异父母反对结婚,而婚后日渐疏远,以至最终宁愿独自阁楼上的房间

    The couplewho had married for love in 1874 despite differences in class and parental opposition—had become so alienated that she had taken to spending her time apart in an attic room.


  • 所以一个不仅仅与对方一起度过有意义时间而且还是希望能够结婚并在一起度过一生

    So the feeling of love is usually effective not only in drawing people together for significant amounts of time, but also in encouraging them to spend their entire lives together in marriage.


  • 获救几个月内丽莎认识并和另一位船长结婚英国接着成为伦敦海德公园引人注目的事件。

    Within months of her rescue, Eliza met and married another sea captain, moved to England, and went on to become a sideshow attraction in London's Hyde Park.


  • 永远不要感受如果是个试着一个女人结婚隐瞒下去,永远孤单下去,只是因为上帝成为那样

    Never to feel real love, to try and fake it by marrying a woman if you're a gay man, and live an entire life alone and without love because God made you born that way!


  • 但是坚持称圣诞树胜过其他一切事物这也是和圣诞树结婚理由

    But, according to the report, he insisted: "I love my Christmas tree more than anything else, so that's why I want to marry it."


  • 许多例子中男女双方因为结婚他们是因为内心银行账户达到标准

    In almost every case, a man and woman marry because they are in love, and they are in love because their love bank balances are above the romantic love threshold.


  • 迪士尼版本里,结局是丽尔人鱼变成艾利克王子结婚

    In the Disney version, the film ends with Ariel the mermaid being changed into a human so she can marry Eric.


  • 告诉和他结婚已经21柔斯·伦,说“我更愿意快乐中尉”,他赢得了一枚英勇勋章20纪念章

    "Rather be a happy lieutenant, " he tells RoseEllen, hiswife of 21 years. He has a bravery medal and 20 citation bars.


  • 因为戒指价钱代表了他们之间无尽的,所以会有很多人为了结婚戒指而超支

    The challenge of putting a price on their priceless love leads many consumers to overspend.


  • 年轻人通常责任只有一些肤浅观念,就匆匆结婚

    Youngsters usually rush into marriage with only the shallow notions of what love and responsibility mean.


  • Pope说明,模型代表了狱长妻子希望两个月后作为他们结婚四十周年礼物送给

    The model represents his love for his wife, Pope explains, and he hopes to give it to her as a fortieth anniversary present in two months.


  • 初恋人大所以初恋失败的多。成功的结婚应该未婚的,因为谁都喜欢原装

    The first love, more do not understand love, so the first love failure. Less successful. Marriage should find a unmarried, because everyone like the original.


  • 这部歌舞喜剧向我们讲述了缘分的:Loretta母亲试图不要为了结婚因为那些男人,他们把你逼疯,因为他们知道为了你会这么做!”

    This operatic comedy is about love as destiny. Loretta's mother tries to convince her not to marry for love because "When you love them, they drive you crazy, because they know they can."


  • 这部歌舞喜剧向我们讲述了缘分的:Loretta母亲试图不要为了结婚因为那些男人,他们把你逼疯,因为他们知道为了你会这么做!”

    This operatic comedy is about love as destiny. Loretta's mother tries to convince her not to marry for love because "When you love them, they drive you crazy, because they know they can."


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