• 感觉指引到达境界感受喜悦快乐乐趣

    Allow your feelings to direct you to all the states of love, joy, fun, and happiness.


  • 一个懂得永远不会因为只有在完全无我的时候,才达到爱的境界

    A man who does not know what passion is will never know love because love can come into being only when there is total self-abandonment.


  • 一个懂得永远不会因为只有完全无我的时候,才达到爱的境界

    A man who does not know what passion is will never know love, because love can come into being only when there is total self-abandonment.


  • 境界,那是过以后彻底谅解,那更是一种思维方式积极转变

    It is a great love of state, it is thoroughly understanding that pain after, it is also a kind of thinking mode the positive change.


  • 你如果始终不能适应个人,适应习惯,说明没有或者说爱的境界因为这些细节里。

    If some one finally could not be used to the other, his life, which could only state that he does not love her, or to say, he has not come to the love level, for love exists in such minutia.


  • 最高境界是象基督一样平等每一个人

    Attain the highest state of loving everyone equally as Christ did!


  • 最高境界经得起平淡流年

    Love is the highest realm withstand insipid unease.


  • 师者职业责任,一种职业习惯,一人生境界,是行的

    The teacher humanistic love is one professional responsibility, one professional custom, one kind of life boundary, one kind of motion.


  • 作品主题也是境界也是一种人生艺术人世间只要有情变得美好光明

    Love is the theme of his works, is a realm, and is also a life of art, the human world as long as there are ways of love, it will become a beautiful and bright.


  • 我们过去实际上一系列我们生活提升更高境界课程

    Our past is a series of lessons that advance us to higher levels of living and loving .


  • 那些通过奉布施已经尝到了神露人,就达到了永恒根本真理境界

    Those who have tasted nectar as the result of performing sacrifice reach the eternal Ultimate Truth.


  • 留住美丽的一瞬间美能达与众不同境界幸福这里开始,我们保存浪漫永恒

    Keep your beautiful moment, let your Minolta to different realm! Happiness of love from here on, we save you the eternal romantic!


  • 最高境界经得起平淡流年。

    The highest state of love is reached once you get through those insipid days.


  • 然而完美的唯一存在如果恐惧存在,表示已造出了一个根本存在的境界

    But: Only perfect love exists. If there is fear, It produces a state that does not exist.


  • 但丁构想创作神曲》,源于对“善”理想境界追求

    The Divine Comedy, conceived and composed by Dante, originates from the pursuing of the ideal realm of goodness and love.


  • 最高境界友情,师基础是平等。

    Teachers love the highest plane of friendship and love is based on the equality of division.


  • 死亡关系中,本文认为他的自然之美、人性之死亡的消解超越形成了美与融合的独特境界

    Through the relationship of beauty and love and demise , I think that the natual beauty and personality love exceed and clear up the death , corresponding with particular joint of affection and sad .


  • 服务仙境开启大门。 如口味无限变化美酒所有味道集于一身,这就是最高境界

    Service opens the doors to the greatest fields of beauty and charm, wherein is enjoyed the nectars of the infinite variety of tastes, all blended into one drink, that of superlative love.


  • 最后,在结合中,看到了古今圣贤诗人梦所梦想的天堂缩影正是我追求的人生境界

    The prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I.


  • 和谐灵魂,是维系整个生命框架链环大自然荣耀,是人类完美的境界

    Love is the soul of harmony, the connecting chain that links the whole frame of being; it is the glory of nature, and the very perfection for human kind.


  • 知识总是最大可能引领到天堂境界人类苦难的同情经常带回现实世界

    Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens, but pity always brought me back to earth.


  • 我们达到较高境界时,一切都变得明亮平静就像天上星星一样

    In the state of love, we can soar to the higher state where everything stays clear and still like the stars above the sky.


  • 12大地震中见证了人民教师的伟大,揭示了人民教师师德责任崇高境界。”

    China has witnessed teachers great love in the May 12 Earthquake, which is a combination of teachers morality and responsibility.


  • 爱的朋友们,力量升华我们精神境界,能照亮原本黑暗忧郁日子

    My best friend : the power of the love can lift our spirits, brighten an otherwise dark and dreary day . when we are receptive , love can change us . the power of love can heal the wounds of a soul .


  • 爱的朋友们,力量升华我们精神境界,能照亮原本黑暗忧郁日子

    My best friend : the power of the love can lift our spirits, brighten an otherwise dark and dreary day . when we are receptive , love can change us . the power of love can heal the wounds of a soul .


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