• 最后一次回首一句'风,需要学会控制自己感情的。

    Looking back at the last leaf of the wind, said only a 'wind, love is a need to learn to control their own feelings.


  • 女人知道需要能力的,女人更知道幸福自己而后能力自己

    Women know that love is needs ability, women know that happiness is always the first to fall in love with yourself and then have the ability to love the people you love.


  • 有时需要一种自然形成苗助长。

    Sometimes more in need of love is a natural formation, rather than contributing to allocate Miller.


  • 一个隐喻,它折射出我们多么需要,同时我们又多么需要被别人需要

    This is a metaphor for how much we need love and how much we need to be needed.


  • 而且流行病对于那些尊重生命牵挂这些需要我们孩子的人,可以适当控制预防的。

    Even more, this epidemic can be properly contained or prevented by loving individuals who care for the lives and future of these children who need us.


  • 母亲曾经一个女人的方式告诉过他什么比起所需所求,自己所给予的方面上需要弥补的东西更多

    His mother had been a woman that gave him what she thought was love, but it had more to do with what she was able to give than what he needed.


  • 我们需要东西我们怎么知道什么时候经历

    Love is something we all need, but how do we know when we've experienced it?


  • 尤为重要孩子们需要我们无条件的——无论他们成功犯错了;也无论我们生活水平的或富。

    And above all, children need our unconditional lovewhether they succeed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life istough.


  • 有些担心他们再也不会全心身地去任何人了。“这些问题的根子通常深埋他们童年里,害怕别人发现自己需要或者由于父母的不赞同。”

    And some people worry that they'll never be able to let go enough to love anybody: "the reason is usually buried in their childhood, in some fear of being found wanting, or in parental disapproval."


  • 感觉不幸福时,知道需要更多食物或者其他麻醉人的东西;你全新方法自己

    When you are feeling unhappy, you know you don't need more food or addictive substances, you need to love yourself in brand new ways.


  • 无论自己喜欢,陌生人那些需要接触,最终联系来自于本身。

    Whether you're connecting with loved ones, with new people, or with those in need... the ultimate connection is always through love.


  • 他们教会所有人都需要。仅自己过失错误决定看成毫无意义的自会使痛苦、变得更自私自利

    They taught me that everyone needs love; that seeing our mistakes and poor decisions as indicators of unworthiness leads to self-absorption and more pain.


  • 即使尼采这样提倡坚强自给自足人,仍然需要生命中的阿里阿德涅,智慧线团将尼采锚定现实之中

    Even Nietzsche, this advocate of 'hardness' and self-sufficiency, needed his Ariadne, with her love and the thread of her wisdom to anchor him in reality.


  • 弗兰肯斯坦》根本用意需要上帝治愈裂缝,需要另一个忠心

    Frankenstein's radical suggestion is that it doesn't take God to heal the rift. It takes the loyalty and love of another person.


  • 不管你们相遇之前怎样怪物,他需要一个姑娘变回白马王子。

    No matter how much of a monster he was before you met him, he just needs the love a good woman to turn him into Prince Charming.


  • 渴望整个世界充满清凉通过清凉的我们可以诞生新人,一个人类这个世界的迫切需要

    My longing is to fill this whole world with cool love; and through cool love we can give birth to a new man, to a new humanity — which are urgently needed.


  • 那些不畏艰险追随某人想法——友谊真谛——会被认为荒唐、不无意义的,是需要担心

    The fear is that the idea of sticking with another through thick and thin – the very essence of friendship and lovewill come to seem absurd, uncool, meaningless.


  • 难怪人们絮絮叨叨的说“无条件…”-真正需要具体帮助

    Never mind people droning on about "unconditional love" - what she needs is concrete help.


  • 女人,我需要男人真心地去同时也会真心地

    And I'm a woman. I want to be loved by a man from his heart as I would love him from mine.


  • 需要我们努力工作赚钱,但其实他(她)们更需要我们

    While our loved ones must have the money we make to live, it is the love we have that they really want.


  • 照顾林顿世上我唯一需要的人。

    'And I'll look after Linton. He's all I've got to love in the world.


  • 一个动词需要付出行动

    Love is a verb. It's an action requiring your involvement your active participation.


  • 要么他们持有错误谦逊观(“需要奔驰,我并不一个炫耀的人”),自负的表现,与生俱来恐惧

    They're operating under "false humility" (saying, "I don't need to drive a Mercedes, I'm not a" show-off ") which is a form of pride, which is birth from fear."


  • 你们家中孩子营造友好气氛,/感受到自己需要的,/才能懂得怎么发现

    If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels that others need him/her, he/she will learn how to find love.


  • 关于自我每个小孩都有两个基本心理需要:1知道有人他们2他们值得的。

    Every child has two basic psychological needs in regards to their sense of self: to know they are loved and to know they are worthwhile.


  • CNN---iphone4个惹人小玩意保持好看的外表可一件需要精心维护的事儿

    The iPhone 4 may be an attractive gadget, but keeping it looking good can be a high-maintenance task.


  • 在当SharePoint比较深刻认识时候,(你会觉得)纵然SharePoint产品一样出售,但事实上一个平台,它需要一些亲切关心这样他就会如你所愿的运行

    This is when you get the deeper understanding of SharePoint, that even though it is sold as a product it is actually a platform that needs some tender love and care to work the way you want it to.


  • 在当SharePoint比较深刻认识时候,(你会觉得)纵然SharePoint产品一样出售,但事实上一个平台,它需要一些亲切关心这样他就会如你所愿的运行

    This is when you get the deeper understanding of SharePoint, that even though it is sold as a product it is actually a platform that needs some tender love and care to work the way you want it to.


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