• 米开朗琪罗例子中,很理解女性尤其创作了诗歌,在生命尽头爱情的诗歌,是各式各样描写男女的诗歌。

    In the case of Michelangelo, he also understood women and wrote poetry particularly towards the end of his life and it is love poetry of sorts that people were writing men about women.


  • 随着探索的增加大脑扫描高速科技进步费雪期待能很快找出了解男女情感爱情在大脑中位置的方法。

    With more research and the rapid technological advancement in brain scanners, Fisher expects soon to have a formula for understanding the brain locations for love and emotions in both men and women.


  • 中传递出一派淳朴之感男女爱情模式。

    It provides one with a sense of the natural idea and course of love between men and women.


  • 男女都会爱情承诺变得绝望但是这种绝望作用爱情不同方面

    Men and women alike become desperate for a guarantee of love, but that desperation kicks in, roughly speaking, at different points in the relationship.


  • 如果爱情账户低于爱情底线时男女双方不仅会对对方失去热情而且会失去对方让他快乐的事的本能

    And if love Bank balances drop below the romantic love threshold, a couple not only lose their feeling of passion for each other, but they lose their instinct to make each other happy.


  • 许多例子中男女双方因为而结婚他们相爱是因为内心爱的银行爱情账户达到标准

    In almost every case, a man and woman marry because they are in love, and they are in love because their love bank balances are above the romantic love threshold.


  • 赫尔姆斯博士说:“这些爱情剧中都有‘命定因素,影片中的男女主角也‘心有灵犀’。如果相信这些东西,等于是自寻烦恼。”

    ‘There’s a notion of destiny and couples in romantic comedies immediately understand each other,’ said Dr Holmes. ‘If you think that’s how things are, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed.


  • 片中被20世纪福克斯公司拿来开宗明义年度故事主题,便是讲述对门不当户不对青年男女之间浪漫爱情搞笑故事。

    The 20 th century fox brought by the very year, tells a story theme is opposite undeserved door wrong young men and women of romantic love between and funny story.


  • 爱情及其男女化学反应原来所有文化一样的。

    Love and chemistry between men and women work the same way in any culture, after all.


  • 采访男女问他们炙热地爱着别人年龄问他们得到最强烈爱情时的年龄?

    You will go and interview certain men and women, first upon the age at which one loves the most, next upon the age when one is most loved?


  • 爱情主线然而婚姻爱情还是有差别的,其中一点诚实男女主人公缺少了。

    Love is a main line, but there are still differences between marriage and love, the honesty which heroes and heroines lack of.


  • 影片《同桌的你》由22岁周冬雨26更新主演,记录男女主人公中学同桌高中大学以及毕业生活爱情经历

    Starring Zhou Dongyu, 22, and Lin Gengxin, 26, My Old Classmate follows the pair's life and love from middle school, when they are tablemates, through high school, college and beyond their graduation.


  • 多少情人彼此今生只能苦苦的相约于来世多少男女走过爱情走进婚姻不会珍惜彼此的付出

    How many lovers do not go into each other in this life, only hard to go off to the afterlife, while the number of men and women came love, into marriage, they would no longer cherish each other's pay.


  • 爱情男女关系上,许多关于左撇子稀奇古怪说法这些说法带有明显偏见而且十分荒诞

    In the love relationship between men and women, there are many on the left-handed statement of strange that these allegations with an obvious bias, but also very absurd.


  • 艺术团热烈欢快舞蹈打击乐表现人民生活热爱丰收喜悦以及青年男女之间独特方式爱情

    The ensemble's enthusiastic dance and percussion music describe people's love to life and their happiness about harvest as well as the young people's special way of expressing love towards each other.


  • 女性主义意识主要表现女性存在意识关注自由爱情的追求,男女平等倡导,婚姻自由的呼唤四个方面。

    His consciousness of feminism is mainly shown as women's concern with their existence, freedom of love's pursuit, to advocate equality of men and women, to propose freedom of marriage.


  • 苗族男女喜爱唱歌跳舞,歌舞传情,唱出甜蜜的爱情,跳出了欢快生活

    Miao women and men are fond of singing and dancing to express their desire for romantic love and happy life.


  • 当然需要彼此都是真挚并且理智的,因为男女之间友情爱情其实就是一步差。

    Of course, this required both sincere and rational, because the Friendship between men and women and love is actually a bad step.


  • 歌曲旋律优美明快男女对唱说唱形式表现少男少女纯真爱情浪漫曲

    Song melody exquisite sprightly, to sings by the men and women adds traditional entertainment involving talking and singing's form, displays the teenage boys and girls pure love sentiment the romanza.


  • 梁山伯与祝英台爱情中国古典悲剧颠峰,最完美表达东方男女纯洁忠贞的情感。

    The love story of Liang Sanbo and Zhu Yingtai is the top of the Chinese classical tragic, which express the eastern pure love perfectly.


  • 红楼梦、黛爱情描写所创造巩固男女知音理想模式,中国古代婚爱文学描写的终结

    The established firm ideal mutual love between Baoyu and Daiyu, delineated in the Dream of Red Mansions is the end of Chinese ancient literature on love and marriage.


  • 事实上爱情来说,成立的,优秀不管男女都会一个萝卜好几个

    In fact love is not established, good people, whether men and women, it will be several radish pit.


  • 曾经都是都市忙碌男女女,花开季节仰望爱情

    Once, you and I are busy men and women in the city, look in the blooming season of love.


  • 十九世纪英国女作家·奥斯的《爱玛》,一方面呼吁男女平等爱情为基础的婚姻

    The novel Emma, written by the nineteenth century writer Jane Austin, appeals to the equal rights between men and women, and advocates love marriage;


  • 十九世纪英国女作家·奥斯的《爱玛》,一方面呼吁男女平等爱情为基础的婚姻

    The novel Emma, written by the nineteenth century writer Jane Austin, appeals to the equal rights between men and women, and advocates love marriage;


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