• 火箭燃料箱一个压力显示压力降低

    He says a pressure valve on one of the rocket's fuel tanks showed a drop.


  • 唯一问题这样计划需要一个全新外部燃料箱建造

    The only problem is that such a plan would require the construction of an entirely new external fuel tank.


  • 其中一个用于发射保持燃料箱压力阀门,在11月发射破裂

    One of these valves - which maintain tank pressure during liftoff - broke during the last shuttle launch in November.


  • 一些证据证明,缅号爆炸由于军舰燃料箱一次偶然事故引起

    There was some evidence the explosion was caused by an accident in the ship's fuel tanks. Yet some people in the United States blamed Spain anyway.


  • 新型运载火箭飞船助推火箭、燃料箱发动机以及月球火箭发动机组成。

    They would be built from shuttle booster rockets, fuel tanks and main engines, as well as moon rocket engines.


  • 燃料箱问题已经导致发现号今年(2010年)早先两次发射尝试取消。

    Problems with the tank scrubbed two launch attempts for Discovery earlier this year.


  • 通过燃料箱反射技术人员可以观测泡沫绝缘材料内部的情况。

    The device bounces radiation off the tank, allowing technicians to see under the foam insulation.


  • 发射点,轨道一面15层楼高外挂燃料箱两侧两个固体火箭助推器

    But in launch position, the orbiter is perched on the side of its 15-story external fuel tank and flanked by two solid rocket boosters.


  • 海啸还是将暴露在地表之上发电机燃料箱和核设施重要的电力开关设备冲走了。

    The tsunami also apparently washed away the generators' fuel tanks, which were above ground.


  • 虽然美国宇航局航天飞船的燃料箱加压主要还是用来弧焊裂纹检测

    Helium is used for arc welding and leak detection, mostly, although NASA USES it to pressurize space shuttle fuel tanks.


  • 氢气空气但是压缩存储燃料箱添加所有必需设备后飞机了。

    Hydrogen is lighter than air, but compressing it, storing it in tanks and adding all the necessary equipment starts to tip the scales towards heavy again.


  • 飞机发动机被连接个生物燃料箱,可提供20%的动力

    The jet had one of its engines connected to a biofuel tank providing 20 percent of its power.


  • 四个引擎中的个关车(eco),燃料箱液氢燃料区的一个传感器给出错误读数

    One of the four-engine cutoff, or ECO, sensors inside the liquid hydrogen section of the tank gave a false reading.


  • 储存另一方法燃料箱中放点东西增加分子能够附着表面总面积

    Another way to store hydrogen is to put something inside the tank which increases the total internal surface area to which the molecules of the gas can cling.


  • 神秘主义者,是莱斯自己恶梦点燃了,他的恶梦火星,他家屋子则是燃料箱

    The mystics said that Lester had started the blaze himself with a bad dream, Lester's nightmare a spark, the house a tinderbox.


  • 奋进号"原定于6月13日发射外部燃料箱某处燃料泄漏而推迟了发射时间

    The space ship was originally scheduled for lift-off on June 13, but was first postponed because of a leak associated with the hydrogen venting system outside the shuttle's external fuel tank.


  • 外部燃料箱顶端至船尾固体火箭助推器裙摆发射台上航天飞机184英尺(56)。

    A shuttle on the launch pad measures 184 feet (56 meters) tall from the tip of the external tank down to the aft skirts of its twin solid rocket boosters.


  • 美国每年汽车燃料箱松动,损坏或者盖子丢失造成大约14.7亿加仑汽油挥发大气层

    An estimated 147 million gallons of gasoline evaporates into the atmosphere in the U.S. every year because of loose, damaged or missing caps on vehicle fuel tanks.


  • 采用这种技术燃料箱可以做成适合汽车内部既有空间的不规则形状取代占用空间油箱

    Fuel tanks using the technology could be made in large unusual shapes to fit existing Spaces in vehicles instead of taking up space as big tanks.


  • 美国宇航局新的燃料箱容易泡沫脱落地方进行改装,同时安装上了加热器防止泡沫胶结

    On the new tank, NASA has reconfigured the struts and fittings where foam was prone to peeling off, and installed heaters to prevent ice from forming.


  • 电池电量不足发动机/发电机就无缝运行,依靠满载燃料箱继续行驶300英里(482公里)。

    When the Volt's lithium-ion battery runs low, an engine/generator seamlessly operates to extend the driving range another 300 miles (482km) on a full tank of fuel.


  • 土星燃料箱LCROSS主体上分离主体就像本次航天任务大脑,同时也携带摄像机感应设备

    The Saturn fuel tank will detach from the body of the main LCROSS unit - which, stuffed with cameras and sensing equipment, ACTS as the mission's brain.


  • 装有两个燃料箱的赛车每个箱子都达到8000马力时,极端性在起跑线表现的明显不过了。

    Nowhere is this more obvious than on the starting line, when two top-fuel dragsters unleash 8,000 horsepower apiece.


  • 为了保持全球UAS不断变化市场需求步伐Schiebel现在提供了一个外部燃料箱扩展范围耐力

    To keep pace with the changing needs of the global UAS market, Schiebel now offers an external fuel tank for extended range and endurance.


  • 非常巧合,1996年Wakata进行第一航空飞行时,发射之前,也发现有蝙蝠附着在航天飞机燃料箱

    Coincidentally, the last time a bat perched itself on a space shuttle tank, right before liftoff, was Wakata's first flight in 1996.


  • 2005年哥伦比亚号遇难第一发射中,太空梭受到另一飞行威胁:在起飞过程中一秃鹫燃料箱

    In 2005, during the first launch after the Space shuttle Columbia disaster, a shuttle was threatened by another flying menace: a vulture that smacked into the external tank during takeoff.


  • 报道说,工程师花了18个月时间重新设计外部燃料箱,同时参考哥伦比亚”号事故调查组提出的修改建议

    Engineers have spent 18 months redesigning the external tank and incorporating the changes recommended by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.


  • 报道说,工程师花了18个月时间重新设计外部燃料箱,同时参考哥伦比亚”号事故调查组提出的修改建议

    Engineers have spent 18 months redesigning the external tank and incorporating the changes recommended by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.


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