• ,她只是他们的临时监护人电影摄像机迅速捕捉、石头后面聚光灯下摆姿势人罢了。

    She was only their temporary custodian, she said, a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing, in soft focus, behind the hard stones.


  • 如果摩尔400千分子,个没摩尔200千的分子,它们并子起,我怎么得到每摩尔500千的键?

    If I have one that's 400 kilojoules per mole and another that's 200 kilojoules per mole and I blend them, how do I get 500 kilojoules per mole?


  • 这个想法进入我们鼻子气味分子特定形状,相互吻合的特定受体——就像锁和钥匙样——使我们能够感知,例如感知咖啡刺鼻气味。

    The idea is that every odor molecule that enters our nose has a specific shape that fits a specific receptor-like a key fits a lock-allowing us to detect, say, the acrid aroma of burnt coffee.


  • 镜片范围介于+6至—6屈光度之间,确定强,就可以将硅油眼镜摇臂上卸下,它们存放在安全的地方。

    The power range of the lenses is + 6 to -6 Diopters, and once the lenses are set, you take the vials off the arms of the glasses and store them for safe keeping.


  • 时而收到电子邮件——英语不大流利正在进步——最近特步尔印度翻译了部摄像机代表我,市里间咖啡馆下来

    I receive emails from her occasionally-her English is halting but improving-and recently my Jodhpur Hindi interpreter borrowed a video camera and sat down with her, on my behalf, in a city cafe.


  • 知道这样件事很重要——都使得夜空的拍摄富有魅力它们解决的是不同美学问题

    It is important to understand one thing - shooting of the night sky is equally fascinating with long and short focuses, they just solve different aesthetic tasks.


  • 限制因素之就是观察角度使用照相机的情况类似镜头视野广角镜头的观察角度要窄得多。

    One limiting factor is the viewing Angle, which is comparable to using a camera lens: a telephoto lens has a narrower view than a wide-angle lens.


  • 相当于吨重的物体160公里/小时的速度撞面墙产生能量

    A megajoule is equivalent to the energy released when a one-tonne vehicle slams into a wall at 160kmh.


  • 典型的摄像机记录光照射平面上的方式工作——通过镜头捕获的光线区域

    A typical camera works by recording where light strikes the focal plane-the area onto which rays passing through a lens are captured.


  • 份文档弗朗西斯科·德尔·多的遗嘱,这位商人请求小女儿玛丽埃塔照顾他“至爱的妻子丽莎

    One document is Francesco del Giocondo's will in which the merchant asks his younger daughter, Marietta, to take care of his "beloved wife," Lisa.


  • 迷人的带着松软帽子少女深情注目着风吹麦田地平线,伴着粉红色的梦幻

    A winsome young lass in a floppy hat, gazing soulfully to the horizon in a windblown field—soft focus, in pastels.


  • 个不,快要熟熏猪肉培根肉时不时搅拌以防底。

    In a nonstick skillet, briefly cook the pork or bacon, stirring to prevent burning.


  • 如果博士没错的话,又存放大气中所含二氧化碳发现了

    If Dr Jiao is right, a whole new "sink" for carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has been discovered.


  • 比如恺撒·博尔吉亚在1502年的第二会面里他的朋友比亚·博纳考斯寄本《希腊罗马名人传》。

    During his second encounter with Cesare Borgiain 1502, for example, he asked his friend Biagio Buonaccorsi to send him acopy of Plutarch’s Lives.


  • 相反分子我们周围到处都氢分子离解能,是432千摩尔

    In contrast, the dissociation energy of a bond for hydrogen, and molecular hydrogen is everywhere around us, we see 432 kilojoules per mole.


  • 塔里·耶森赭黄土墙红木饰条雪中映衬道醒目的边。

    In the winter Taliesin's ochre walls and burned-red trim make striking bands against the snow.


  • 虎豹小霸王》中,载着坐在车扶手凯瑟琳·罗斯晃地骑车前行时,他的双蓝眼睛透过树叶幽幽地燃着。

    They smouldered through the soft-focus foliage in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" as he swayed on a bicycle with Katharine Ross on the handlebars.


  • 由于骨头需要更长时间才能完,尸体烧最后通常只剩下骨头,骨头四周则包裹着粘乎乎残渣,这就是典型尸体的解剖模式

    Bone takes longer to burn, so by the end the skeleton is usually laid bare like a charred anatomical model, coated in the greasy residue of burned flesh.


  • 特布年轻富有马球玩家尼基·兰德拉·辛格帮我解决了这个问题

    One of Jodhpur's gilded youths, the polo-playing Nikhilendra Singh, has solved the problem.


  • 此3兆装置个拥有存储定向武器所需高热能力大型模型

    The 3 megajoule device is the first large scale module capable of storing heat at a high rate as required for DEW.


  • 皮肤很好,面颊红润眼睛深蓝鼻梁上架着无框眼镜

    He had beautiful skin, with rosy cheeks, blue eyes, rimless round bifocal spectacles, resting on the tip of his nose.


  • 佳能照相机拍出来照片色彩松下要亮松下16比佳能的14倍变让我能定更远

    Color captured in images using the Canon looked a little brighter than those captured with the Panasonic, but the Panasonic's 16x zoom offered further reach than its rival's 14x lens.


  • 美国航天局宇航员立中与世隔绝环境中保持清醒关键的就是要做有意义

    The other key to staying sane in an isolated environment is meaningful work, Leroy Chiao said, a former NASA astronaut.


  • 先前第二他用了长

    For the first shot he used a shorter focal length and the second shot he used a longer one.


  • 卡夫卡书中,两个世界就是平日的生活,而就是超自然

    In Kafka these two worlds are that of everyday life on the one hand and, on the other, that of supernatural anxiety. [26].


  • 卡夫卡书中,两个世界就是平日的生活,而就是超自然

    In Kafka these two worlds are that of everyday life on the one hand and, on the other, that of supernatural anxiety. [26].


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