• 认为依据热力学第二定律重力只是宇宙一种表现

    He suggested that gravity is merely a manifestation of entropy in the Universe, which always increases according to the second law of thermodynamics.


  • 根据热力学第二定律一个热机发电可以这个温差

    According to the second law of thermodynamics, a heat engine can generate power from this temperature difference.


  • 热力学第二定律第三种陈述方式引用了一个叫做概念。

    A third statement of the second law of thermodynamics makes use of a new concept called entropy.


  • 不同型式波纹片板表面进行热力学第二定律分析

    Thermodynamics second law analysis of different kinds of ripple plate surfaces being a type of plate wing surface is carried out in this paper.


  • 偶尔惹怒时候,大家多少描述热力学第二定律

    Once or twice I have been provoked and asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics.


  • 人们一度广泛相信活着有机体不受热力学第二定律的制约。

    It was once widely believed that living organisms might be exempt from the second law of thermodynamics.


  • 讨论热力学第二定律及其数学表达式、熵增加原理宏观性质。

    The present paper discusses the second law of thermodynamics, the mathematic formula of entropy and the macro-properties of the increasing entropy law as well.


  • 简单来说,热力学第二定律表明封闭系统不会降低

    This, in a nutshell, is the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy (a measure of the disorder) in a closed physical system never decreases.


  • 求解速度温度分布利用热力学第二定律求解局部平均

    Having found the velocity and the temperature distribution, the second law of thermodynamics was invoked to find the local and average entropy generation rate.


  • 例如缺乏渐进性过渡生物化石热力学第二定律证明了进化论是不可能,等等。

    For example, that there's a lack of transitional fossils and that the second law of thermodynamics makes evolution impossible.


  • 污染动力生产所无法摆脱的——它与热力学第二定律有着难解

    Thermal pollution is an inevitable concomitant of power generation-an unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics.


  • 统计力学观点探讨统计意义热力学第二定律的统计实质

    This paper discusses the essence of entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics and points out that entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics can be explained well by statistical mechanics.


  • 本文考察热力学第二定律适用范围、产生的原因范围的历史演化

    The paper deals with the application range of the second law of thermodynamics, trying to analyze the reason of its coming into being and trace its historical process.


  • 几乎热力学第二定律一样重要你们接下来的周时间里看到这点。

    It's almost as important as the second law of thermodynamics, which you'll see in a week or so.


  • 根据热力学第二定律宇宙能量物质随着时间推移变得越来越无用

    Because of the second law of thermodynamics both energy and matter in the Universe are becoming less useful as time goes on.


  • 用反证法证明绝对温度热力学第二定律开尔文表述克劳修斯表述等效

    This paper tries to prove equivalence of Kelvin Statement and Clausius Statement of the second law of thermodynamics under negative absolute temperature by reduction to absurdity.


  • 波尔兹曼统计力学方法建立热力学第二定律数学描述,提出了涨落理论

    Based on the statistical mechanice, professor Boltzmann established the mathematical theory of second Iaw of thermodynamics and fluctuation theory.


  • 无论时间向前向后运行大多数物理定律都能正常应用热力学第二定律除外

    Whatever time forward or backward operation, most of the laws of physics can normal applications, but the second law of thermodynamics except.


  • 热力学第二定律基础火电厂热力系统分析方法核心汽轮机系数的确定。

    Its a kernel of thermal system analysis in power plant based on the second law of thermodynamics that the exhaust coefficient of a steam turbine is calculated.


  • 一位叫做鲁道夫·克修斯(Rudolf Clausius)人表述了热力学第二定律

    A guy named Rudolf Clausius is generally credited with coming up with the second law of thermodynamics.


  • 本文针对那种试图以光化学反应依据否定热力学第二定律观点提出了异议。

    The point of argument of this article is opposed to the attempt to deny the Second Law of Thermodynamics on "grounds" of certain phenomena in photo-chemical reactions.


  • 通过热力学第二定律,从理论上分析热温之间关系,再进一步由实践验证。

    The paper discusses the relation of entropy change and quotient of heat-temperature based on the second law of thermodynamics.


  • 摘要热力学第二定律热力学基本定律之一,是指永远只能处。

    Abstract: Second law of thermodynamics is one of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics is that heat will always be only by heat to a cool place.


  • 玻尔兹曼通过热力学第二定律微观解释最终使统计思想成为物理学思想的内容之一。

    Ludwig Boltzmann let the statistical ideology enter the physics realm cpmpletely by explaining second law of thermodynamics with microcosmic point of view.


  • 通过热力学第二定律,从理论上分析热温之间关系,再进一步由实践验证之。

    The paper discusses the relation of entropy change and quotient of heat-temperature based on the second law of thermodynamics. The result has been verified in practice.


  • 本文基于热力学第二定律泥沙运动力学相关理论探讨了形成一特殊现象内在机理

    Based on the second thermodynamic law and theory of sediment transport, this paper explores the intrinsic mechanism for this phenomenon.


  • 一种热力学第二定律为基础分析方法应用于飞机环境控制系统部件优化设计

    An entropy generation analysis method based on the second law of thermodynamics was used to component level optimization design of aircraft environmental control system in this paper.


  • 定律已远远超出了作为热力学第二定律的概念,成为一种全新的发人深思世界观

    Entropys law is not only a thermodynamic principle, but also is a new and widespread world view.


  • 本文指出热力学第二定律克劳修斯说法耳芬说法完备提出两种改进的说法。

    In this paper, it is shown that both of the Clausiua and the Kelvin statements of the second law of thermodynamics are not quite perfect, and two improved statements arc suggested.


  • 最后根据热力学第二定律,从我国实际出发,提出有效地利用能源首先应该采取关键措施

    Finally, according to the second law of thermodynamics and China's practice, Key measures we first should adopt for effectiveness use source of energy are proposed.


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