• 从不咖啡并且只是偶尔点茶

    I never drink coffee and I only occasionally drink caffeinated teas. While caffeine can be a temporary chemical solution to your drowsiness, I don't believe it is the best strategy overall.


  • 点茶啦,然后告诉,”回答

    Give me some tea, I'm thirsty, and then I'll tell you, 'he answered.


  • 爸爸我们结婚,”点茶接着说。

    Papa wants us to be married, 'he continued, after sipping some of the liquid.


  • 年轻人一口不由摇摇头:“点茶香都没有。”

    Young people drink a fine product, could not help shaking his head: "a little tea did not do."


  • 点茶啦,然后告诉,”回答

    Give me some tea, I'm thirsty, and then I'll tell you, 'he answered.' Mrs Dean, go away.


  • 如果其他人点茶或者甜点也会省去这些东西。

    If the other diners aren't ordering tea or dessert, she'll skip the last course.


  • 、斗茶以及点茶点汤,均为茶事中曾经讨论过问题

    The problems concerning tea - division, tea - competition and tea - ordering as well as soup - ordering have all been discussed in the tea affairs.


  • 一日珠光自己心爱的茶碗点茶,一休突然旁边用铁如意的茶碗。

    On first, the pearly luster makes tea with the beloved bowl, as soon as rested crushed his bowl suddenly from side with the hard pleasant stick.


  • 第二天早晨六点钟服务员端来一杯普通甜饼干把叫醒

    The steward woke her at six the next morning with a cup of tea and a plate of plain sweet biscuits.


  • 如果享受特别伦敦风情,可下午的四点半左右皮卡·迪利大街的里兹饭店享用下午

    If you want that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four.


  • 所有真正不仅喜欢浓茶而且年纪越大就越喜欢一点的茶-这一点从发给高龄养老金领取者额外配给这个事实可以得到确认。

    All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little stronger with each year that passes - a fact which is recognized in the extra ration issued to old-age pensioners.


  • 根据英国医学杂志上发表一个学术研究表明:喜欢滚烫的的人比那些更喜欢喝一杯冷一点的茶的咽喉癌方面有更风险

    People who drink their tea piping hot run a higher risk of throat cancer than counterparts who prefer a cooler cuppa, according to an investigation published by the British Medical Journal.


  • 半夜里从床上爬起来一件很美妙事情,房间里没有一点声音,静的出奇,可以慢慢品尝约翰泡的

    It was nice to be up in the middle of the night, when there was no sound in the house, and sip the tea John would make.


  • 倾向于第一方案-早一点起床,这样吃早餐同时享用一杯咖啡,在开始一天紧张工作之前获得片刻放松

    I recommend the first option -waking a little earlier -as it's nice to be able to have a nice cup of tea or coffee with your breakfast, relaxing before the rush of the day starts.


  • 然而赫罗德告诉纽约讯记者,赞安诺并没有溶解里,所以相信特拉维斯其实一点药都没喝进去。

    However, Herold told New York station WABC that the Xanax didn't dissolve in the tea, and she doesn't believe Travis had any of the drug in his system.


  • 早上七点钟我们奉命起床,然后冲进浴室争先洗脸,然后胡乱吞下自己那份面包

    At seven we were awakened, and rushed forth to squabble over the water in the bathroom, and bolt our ration of bread and tea.


  • 一点点蜂蜜可以完全掩盖住茶的苦味

    Adding a little honey also apparently helps to take off any remaining bitter notes.


  • 觉得创造特别是创造性写作,应该超脱俗世的,神秘的,于是需要制造一点神圣空间氛围,我一遍遍阅读,这种重要性深信不疑:燃烛、焚香、喝花草茶、听格列高利圣。。。

    I also thought that creativity, especially creative writing, was something otherworldly and mystical. Over and over I read about the importance of creating a sacred space, whatever that is.


  • 众议院议长John Boehner相信一点,但是乘着去年11月浪潮步入国会人们相信这一点。

    John Boehner, the House speaker, is a believer, but the freshmen who bobbed into Congress last November on a tidal wave of tea are not.


  • 晚上六点之后尽量避免有兴奋作用的饮料,比如可乐咖啡之类的,睡前一个小时内不要电视,也不要去查看你的邮件——听听古典音乐或是舒缓CD

    Avoid stimulating drinks such as cola, coffee and tea after 6pm, and don’t watch TV or check emails during the hour before bedtry listening to classical music or a relaxation CD.’


  • 年轻加拿大人便放下心了:只需要一点“chai[font=宋体])”——“茶”,又指“行贿”——问题即可解决。

    The young Canadian was relieved: the difficulty could be resolved with some chai, which means bothtea” and “bribe”.


  • 五点钟,下午时间一个年轻人因为迟到女主人致歉。

    It was at a five o 'clock tea. A young man came to the hostess to apologize for his lateness.


  • 也是乔治敦大学的研究生经常星期天下午五点弥撒。她曾经愉快地居住东区,和女伴们共进下午茶或是分析师谈话。

    A Georgetown graduate who regularly attended 5 p.m. Mass on Sundays, she also lived merrily on the Upper East Side, meeting girlfriends for drinks and date dissections.


  • 一直第二天早上六点钟才被给她送来一杯清淡甜饼乘务员叫醒

    Until the steward woke her at six the next morning with a cup of tea and a plate of plain sweet biscuits.


  • 看来有所了解。9点我们这里有茶艺表演到时可以欣赏中国茶文化

    Sounds you know something about Chinese tea. There will be a show about tea arts at9o 'clock, then you can enjoy it.


  • 下午4点左右下午。她热爱巧克力最喜欢的还是果酱便士,这一种像饼干一样大小填了果酱的三明治饼干。

    At around 4, she'll eat afternoon tea. She loves chocolate, but her favorite indulgences are jam pennies, little biscuit sandwiches with jam in the middle.


  • 下午4点左右下午。她热爱巧克力最喜欢的还是果酱便士,这一种像饼干一样大小填了果酱的三明治饼干。

    At around 4, she'll eat afternoon tea. She loves chocolate, but her favorite indulgences are jam pennies, little biscuit sandwiches with jam in the middle.


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