• 电影里他们一种成功灌输思想方法致敬

    In the movie, they paid homage to one method for successfully implanting ideas and dreams.


  • 强制灌输思想集中劝说行为,广告战重复地建议,目的在于使人建立信任或形成一种动机

    The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation.


  • 妇女反复灌输思想是:她们必须出去工作才能实现自己的价值。

    Women have been brainwashed into thinking that they must go out to work in order to fulfil themselves.


  • 逐步向孩子灌输热爱阅读思想可以带给孩子的一生最好礼物之一

    Instilling a love of reading in your child is one of the best gifts you can give them in their life.


  • 因为父母出生开始就给我灌输耐心思想

    Because my parents instilled love and patience in my mind from the time I was born.


  • 现代世界灌输一种思想以便摧毁我们人类可能的事,对此并不怀疑

    I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us.


  • 只有外部的旁观者才能灌输危险思想

    It is only someone looking on from outside that can inject the dangerous thoughts.


  • Raglin,“必须听到到的任何事都有耐心人们灌输了做少许工作时间之内完成什么的思想。”

    "You have to be more patient than anything you have heard or read about," Dr. Raglin said. "People are indoctrinated with what they can achieve in a short time with a little bit of work."


  • 话说,灌输我们的,不是我们的思想自己产生的。

    In other words, it was instilled in our minds, but did not originate in our minds.


  • 男人从小就灌输其他男性表现侵略性的思想为了等级划分严重的社会中有一席之地不得不这样。

    A man is taught that he must not show physical aggression towards other men, something he needs to do, to find his position within the mating hierarchy.


  • 治疗应该个月的,但是我爸开始意识完全骗局,”,“他意识到班上可以表达治疗灌输思想相左想法。”

    "The treatment should last four months, but my father started to think it was all a con," he said. "he realised that in the classes no one could express opinions contrary to what they were told."


  • 当有人要求那些从未闻其名观众解说一下艺术时,笑着回答:对观众进行“填鸭式思想灌输可不是艺术家的事,我们做的让观众自己思索,找到答案时才是感觉最棒的”。

    Asked to distil his art for the many who have not heard of him, he responded cheerfully that it was not the job of an artist to “spoon-feedviewers but to make them feel intelligent.


  • 这种思想已经灌输到了国人民的头脑之中—这种后果所有那些参与独立运动的人所无法理解的。

    Such thinking has become instilled on both sides-an outcome unthinkable to all those involved in the independence movement.


  • 如果生命18灌输这种思想归结他们相信——他们彼此信任

    If you've been raised on that for the first 18 years of your life, when it comes down to who they trust - they trust each other.


  • 尽管灌输不是一切思想皮克梅西法布雷加斯经常打进8个9个10个比赛

    Despite being taught that winning was not everything, Gerard Pique, Lionel Messi and Cesc Fabregas would routinely win games by eight, nine or 10 goals.


  • 今天审判中被告之一梅赫达德·阿斯兰尼(MehrdadAslani)指责穆萨维对其支持者灌输选举中存在欺诈思想

    During today's trial, one of the defendants, Mehrdad Aslani, accused Mousavi of planting the idea of election fraud in the mind of their supporters.


  • 为了实现所谓的替股东创造价值这一目标并且灌输问责制思想过程中无情地削减员工数量,炒掉数千雇员

    He would ruthlessly downsize, firing thousands of employees in the process, with the purported aim of "creating shareholder value" and instilling a "culture of accountability."


  • 克拉图因年轻人权利很小,他们早年都要做苦工,接受无休止思想灌输自由被限制到最低程度

    Klatooinian youngsters are afforded few rights, and the early years of a Klatooinian's life is marked by hard work, ceaseless indoctrination and minimal freedom.


  • 经济学教学坚决克服片面理解灌输经济人思想倾向

    Teaching Economics: To Eradicate Biased Understanding and Tendency of Preaching the Concept of "Economic Man".


  • 经常看到运球后干通常是个很好的主意(从小我们就被灌输这种思想)。

    You can see that more often than not, it's probably not a good idea to shoot pull ups off the dribble (and we were taught this at a very young age).


  • 进行思想道德修养法律基础教育教学中,必须坚持理论灌输原则。

    When we are teaching the course "Ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis", we must stick to the principle of theory inculcation.


  • 传统思想道德修养教学偏重道德理性知识灌输忽视学生主体的道德实践能力培养影响了教学的效果

    Traditional teaching of "moral and Tutelage" focuses on teaching the moral rational knowledge, neglecting the students' moral practice ability, which has affected its effect.


  • 填鸭式灌输消费主义思想孩子们发现节制时代已经结束了

    The children who were spoon-fed consumerism have discovered that the years of excess are over.


  • 公司缔造了一种淡化等级观念思想,在规章制度不是灌输而是潜移默化,员工更易接受

    The company created a penaeeus ideas thought rules and regulations will not reach the feeds rather, employees are more likely to accept it.


  • 随着父母孩子灌输这样思想因此医学热是不会减弱的。

    As parents put the idea into the kids' minds, so the fever about medical school never fades.


  • 我们依据行人的经验进行设计灌输长期价值致力于变革思想引入建筑环境得以实现。

    We design for the pedestrian experience, we instill long term value, and we strive to bring transformative ideas to fruition in the built environment.


  • 我们依据行人的经验进行设计灌输长期价值致力于变革思想引入建筑环境得以实现。

    We design for the pedestrian experience, we instill long term value, and we strive to bring transformative ideas to fruition in the built environment.


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