• 解决方法打开电源更换开关滤波电容直接电源。

    Solution: turn on the power to replace the switch tube, filter capacitor, or directly for power.


  • 实际上直流滤波电容整流电路也是污染严重谐波

    In fact, the rectified circuit with filter condenser in the direct current side is also the serious pollution source of the harmonics.


  • 引起开机保险几个元件分别滤波电容消磁电阻、行管等

    Insurance boot that is caused by burning a few components are filtering capacitors, resistors degaussed, such as line pipe.


  • 主要阐述了高压直流输换流站直流滤波电容特点设计参数选择

    This paper introduced the characteristics and parameter selection of DC filter capacitor used in HVDC transmission system.


  • 由于变压器滤波电容(假定)足够,因此负载阻抗改变供电电压几乎没有变化

    Depending upon the transformer and storage capacitor sizes in the power supply the output voltage will not vary significantly when the load impedance is changed.


  • 本文介绍电容负载合闸冲击电流分闸滤波电容电压计算,并通过实例加以说明

    The calculation of loaded closing striking current of capacity and opening filter capacity bank voltage is illustrated by a few examples.


  • 分析表明采用合适电容等效寄生电阻滤波电容提高开关频率减小输出电压跌落

    The analyses show that using a low equivalent series resistance (ESR) capacitor with a carefully determined value and raising switching frequency can decrease output voltage fall.


  • 这种设计去除了通常开关电源附近滤波电容因为没有必要LED电流高频谐波进行平滑处理。

    The design eliminates the use of the large-valued filter capacitors you usually find in a switching regulator, because there is no need to smooth out high-frequency ripple in the LED current.


  • 测量滤波电容电压测量数目等于至少次,产生至少一个结果确定接近性检测测量电容

    A voltage is measured on the filter capacitance for a number of measurements equal to at least one to produce at least one result to determine the measurable capacitance for proximity detection.


  • 连接极线的输电设备主要电抗器滤波电容直流电压分压器光学电流传感器直流避雷器等

    The equipment which connected in the DC bus includes smoothing reactors, capacitors, voltage dividers, optical current transducers and arresters.


  • 允许同样电压波动时,如果采用该新型协调控制策略,则可以大大减小滤波电容的容量,具有十分重要应用价值。

    Thus smaller capacitor can be adopted with the same fluctuation voltage allowed, which counts a great deal in practical applications.


  • 芯片左边我们可以看到滤波电容输入电容(电解电容)以及输入射频滤波。外一个电解电容可能5供电之用途。

    To the left of the chip we see the decoupling caps, the input caps (electrolytic) and input RF filter. The other electrolytic may be on the 5 volt supply.


  • 为了提高系统稳定性抑制滤波的谐振闭环控制的基础上提出了种基于虚拟电阻思想控制策略。通过对滤波电容电流的积分处理,改变了系统传递函数的极点,确保了系统的稳定运行。

    To suppress resonance of LCL filter and improve stability of system, it is pre - sent that a voltage and current double loops control strategy based on virtual resistor concept.


  • 电路板设计采用光电耦合器件、铁氧体磁旁路电容滤波等方式减小噪声

    At last of design, use optocoupler device, ferrite beads and bypass capacitor to reduce system noise.


  • 本文给出了一利用线性变换设计开关电容滤波器的方法

    A new method for switched-capacitor filleter (SCF) realization by using the linear transformation techique is described.


  • 分析了直流侧电感电容滤波整流器谐波特性进而它们分为电流电压谐波

    The harmonic characteristics of a rectifier with a DC filter inductor or capacitor are analyzed and then relevantlythey are classified into current type and voltage type harmonic source.


  • 建立了一种具有最小电流峰值电容输出滤波高频高压并联谐振变流器分析设计方法

    A method of the high voltage and high frequency parallel resonant converter with capacitive output filter which has the minimal peak input current is introduced.


  • 讨论了电容滤波单相整流电路二极管电流形波

    In this paper, the current waveforms of diodes in the rectifier with capacitor filter are discussed.


  • 单位增益缓冲器构成的开关电容滤波器(SCF),消除寄生电容引起的“阻性”寄生,用于高频设计寄生灵敏度因此大大降低

    The unity gain buffer will be good for designing high frequency SCF if its resistive effect can be eliminated and then the overall parasitic sensitivity will be greatly lowered.


  • 传感器无刷直流电机驱动系统进行了研究,详细论述了开关电容滤波器的设计方法

    In this paper a driving system with sensorless and brushless DC motor is studied, the lowpass design method for switching capacitor is discussed in detail.


  • 两种负载模型通过计算分析了滤波电感电容电源电压波动的影响;

    The voltage ripple waveform is analyzed based on the inductance and the capacitive change under two load models.


  • 衬底损耗机制,讨论了衬底阻抗氧化电容衬底有效介电常数对滤波性能影响。

    Increasing the substrate resistance and reducing the substrates' oxide thickness and coupled capacitances make a reduction of the substrate loss.


  • 并采用寄生电阻畸变SC电阻相结合办法设计的SC滤波对寄生电容不灵敏,且电路简单

    In the process of SC design, an approach combining parasitic resistance pre-mutating and SC negative resistance is followed to achieve a simple filter circuit.


  • 描述了基于AT89C52单片机锁相开关电容滤波正交信号发生器设计实现方法。

    The design and implementation of quadrature waveform generator are described based on the AT89C52, phase-locked loop(PLL) and switched-capacitor filter(SCF).


  • 电气化铁道牵引变电站中,装设无补偿电容谐波滤波提高功率因数、改善电能质量重要手段

    In electric railway traction substation, power capacitors and harmonic filters are the important devices for improving both the power factor and the power quality.


  • 另外电流加入电感电容滤波进一步降低相位噪声

    In addition, LC noise filter is added in the tail current source to lower phase noise further more.


  • 本文讨论基本开关电容(SC)电路Z域传输导纳建立有源开关电容滤波SCF等效Z域模型方法

    The paper discusses the method of establishing active switched-capacitor filter (SCF) Z-domain equivalent circuits model using Z-domain admittance of the basic switched-capacitor (SC) circuit.


  • 本文开关电容滤波开关电流滤波器的设计方法作了综述

    This paper summarizes the switched capacitor filter and switched current filter design methods.


  • 提出一种新的任意运算跨导放大器——电容(OTA - C)多功能滤波设计方法

    This paper presents a new general design method for arbitrary order operational transconductance amplifiers and capacitors (OTA-C) multifunction filters.


  • 避免谐波问题造成电容设备损坏提出根据电容电抗器滤波能力谐波抑制功能加入电压无功控制(VQC装置

    To avoid device damage caused by harmonic wave, a VQC device integrating harmonic suppression function is presented in terms of the filter capability of capacitor and reactor.


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