• 是因为游戏鼠标土耳其论坛只有尝试交通

    Is this game as cat with mouse to Turkish forum only try to pick up the traffic.


  • 他们其他产品包括游戏鼠标脚垫后来的,检讨

    Their other products include gaming mice and MATS, the later of which I would be reviewing next.


  • 铜板响尾蛇游戏鼠标制造商,将要蛛”键盘领域扩展。

    Razer, makers of the Copperhead and Diamondback gaming mice, is branching out into keyboards with the Tarantula.


  • 跟踪光学鼠标分辨率目前不清楚,值得怀疑鼠标可以匹配一个真正游戏鼠标,为PC的能力。

    Tracking resolution on the optical mouse is unclear, but it's doubtful that the mouse can match the capabilities of a true gaming mouse for the PC.


  • 加载图像渲染显示响应用户动作(鼠标键盘事件)控制游戏整个进程

    It loads images, renders the display, responds to user actions (mouse and keyboard events), and controls the whole process of the game.


  • 款免费游戏可以让玩家电脑里获得一个巨大使用箭头鼠标远程抓取礼物

    The free game allows players to access a giant claw remotely using either their arrow keys or mouse to try and grab gifts from their computer.


  • 技术允许计算机浏览展示鼠标移动响应复杂图片允许用户移动方式四处看看原本只能在电子游戏实现的。

    But the technique allows a computer browser to display complex graphics that react to mouse movements, allowing a user to move or look around in three dimensions the way one can in some videogames.


  • DS平台上的第一人称射击游戏,“瞄准操作需要玩家触摸触摸屏来回滑动,就操作笔记本鼠标一样。

    Typically with DS games, for example first-person shooters, the aiming would be handled by using the stylus on the touch pad, sort of like a mouse.


  • 免费游戏可以让玩家电脑获得一个巨大的使用箭头鼠标远程抓取礼物

    The free game allows players to access a giantclaw remotely using either their arrow keys ormouse to try and grab gifts from their computer.


  • 研究人员通过脑电图测量人体头皮上的电荷活动,通过这些电信号可以移动鼠标光标,视频游戏以及完成其他二维操作

    Researchers use EEG to measure electrical activity along a person's scalp. These electrical signals can move a computer cursor, play video games and perform other two-dimensional tasks.


  • 有了肌肉控制电脑界面,玩“空气吉他英雄”再也不需要鼠标游戏手柄这样外设了,只要你摆出姿势游戏

    Air Guitar Hero Muscle-based interfaces could eliminate a lot of the peripherals we use to control computers, like mice and video game controllers, instead taking commands from our gestures.


  • 参加这一游戏可用鼠标屏幕右边一块块抓取积木

    To do so, the players used a mouse to grab blocks, one by one, from a collection on the right-hand side of the screen.


  • 使各种低速设备(键盘鼠标游戏外设虚拟现实外设)连接PC

    It also connects a variety of low-speed devices (keyboards, mice, game peripherals, virtual reality peripherals) to the PC.


  • RCP项目创建具有 GUI视图FrogAcrossRiver游戏使其能够使用鼠标键盘菜单和画布上输入

    This RCP project will create the Frog Across River game in a GUI view that enables mouse and keyboard input on the menu bar and canvas.


  • 游戏加速仪api鼠标api。

    Games: Accelerometer API, Mouse Lock API.


  • 记住一些单位某些单位有额外伤害可以很容易地游戏鼠标单位信息面板中的武器查看相关信息。

    Remember that some units deal bonus damage to other units. You can see this information easily in-game by mousing over a unit's weapon on its information pane.


  • 不要误解我们,用大脑控制计算机而非手,这听起来确实奇妙但是我们真的喜欢使用鼠标键盘游戏手柄

    Don't get us wrong, controlling the computer hands-free with our mind sure sounds neat, but we really like our mice, keyboards and gamepads.


  • 他们好像一手游戏控制板,一手拿着鼠标来到这个世界

    It's as if they come into this world with a game controller in one hand and a mouse in the other.


  • 但是这类情况要是发生传统键盘鼠标上,PC游戏玩家们就没有这么幸运了

    But when it comes to the traditional keyboard and mouse, PC gamers aren't so lucky.


  • 用户现在可以抑制所有弹出式窗口,然后按一下报警器鼠标如果他们留在一个不受干扰游戏应用程序屏幕上的任何其他类型的完整。

    Users can now suppress all popups and alarms per mouse click if they wish to remain undisturbed during a game or while working with any other type of full-screen application.


  • 鼠标操作如果错了颜色可以游戏中的橡皮涂掉,完成作品音符按钮画面能动了

    Mouse operation, if on the wrong color can point to the rubber game to obliterate. Op point notes screen buttons can be moved.


  • 中文介绍:欢迎您玩“疯狂赌赌”这个游戏,疯狂赌赌赌鼠标控制左边一个,下赌注

    English Introduction: The mouse bid gambling frenziedly gambling is controlled , is chooses one people on the left , is makes a bet.


  • 游戏采用3d设计以第一人称视角显示可以利用鼠标改变视角,从而实现多方面观察

    The use of 3d game design, first-person perspective to show that we can also use the mouse to change the perspective, in order to achieve multi-observation.


  • 用户可以设置操纵杆游戏手柄键盘鼠标然后可以通过简单脚本接口访问它们

    You can setup joysticks, gamepads, keyboard, and mouse, then access them all through one simple scripting interface.


  • 棒打老鼠WINDOWS鼠标游戏里边源码必要说明

    This is a bludgeon mice WINDOWS mouse games, a source inside and the need for information.


  • 再按下A进入游戏模式此时只有第二指示灯常亮模式适合玩鼠标游戏

    Press Button A again to enter game mode. At this time, only the second indicator keeps on. Under this mode, the mouse games are available.


  • 当然游戏不仅打发时间的利器,在那个信息处理基于文本时代,《扫雷》教会人们如何进行基本鼠标操控

    Of course, the game wasn't just a time-killer. It was initially intended as a way to teach people basic mouse controls in an era where most computing was text-based.


  • 这样可能有用例如运行一些游戏何时移动鼠标屏幕边缘鼠标移动一屏幕比较滚动视图

    This can be useful for example when running some games where when you move the mouse to the edge of the screen, the mouse moves to the other screen rather than scrolling the view.


  • 我们相信人力资源因素开发游戏硬件产品相当重要,同时我们也相信我们应该不同手掌开发适合它们的鼠标

    We believe that human factors are equally important in the development of gaming hardware and we believe that we should develop the "right mouse for the right hand".


  • 我们相信人力资源因素开发游戏硬件产品相当重要,同时我们也相信我们应该不同手掌开发适合它们的鼠标

    We believe that human factors are equally important in the development of gaming hardware and we believe that we should develop the "right mouse for the right hand".


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