• 流亡者渴望回家

    Ther exiles were pining to return home.


  • 非常渴望回家

    He longed desperately to be back at home.


  • 这个青年有时不免渴望回家但是照常继续工作

    The young man could not help pining for home sometimes; nevertheless, he kept at his work as usual.


  • 即使是黑暗地球渴望回家回归状态,至爱的人类。

    You see, even dark earth desires to go home and return to a state of love beloved.


  • 这是非常糟糕的一天,你感到你的运气每况越下,你开始渴望回家

    As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home.


  • 渴望回家寻找失去精神乐园成了人们心中的共同渴望永恒追求

    Therefore, longing to return home and looking for the lost spiritual paradise have become their common aspiration and eternal pursuit.


  • 当然所有那样的。尽管如此威尔还是渴望回家以至于热泪盈眶。

    Of course, every cat behaved like that, but all the same Will felt such a longing to turn for home that tears scalded his eyes.


  • 没有商店最后一刻圣诞购物者工作人员拥挤怀疑死亡殴打渴望回家

    No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home.


  • 去世前不久,他一封信件中表示十分渴望回家,而在家中的我们从没想过,他未必可以从战场回来

    Shortly before he died, he wrote in a letter how much he was looking forward to coming home. Back home we never gave it a second thought that he might not come home from the war.


  • 620世界难民日,这是一个很好的机会,让我们铭记世界各地4200万被迫离开家园流离失所而又渴望回家的人们。

    World Refugee Day is on 20 June, a good time to remember the 42 million uprooted people around the world who are still waiting to go home.


  • 孩提时候我们自然接受这样一种观念,独处时我们总会本能地渴望有人相伴,所谓孤独者那些渴望回家的人,非那些对自己独处的生活方式相当满意的人。

    From childhood we're conditioned to accept that when alone we instinctively ache for company, that loners are outsiders yearning to get in rather than people who are content with their own company.


  • 无法掩饰回家渴望

    I couldn't hide my eagerness to get back home.


  • 渴望回家亲人团聚。

    He ached to be home with his loved ones.


  • 多么渴望一个小孩来带回家他,玩耍

    He longed to have a child take him home and love him and play with him.


  • 伦敦旅游时,黄非常享受踱步古老建筑群中的感觉,即便在此时,他依然渴望尽早回家开始工作

    During a visit to London he enjoyed walking and looking at the old buildings but was still eager to get home and back to work.


  • 有时他们写出服役他们意义,怀念一个倒下朋友对于回家渴望或是吹嘘各自单位

    Other times they spelled out what their service meant to them, honored a fallen friend, pined for home, or bragged about their units.


  • 最后一个盒装巧克力喝完了渴望回家,吃块热馅饼暖和一下。

    The last of the packaged hot chocolate gone and only the longing need for home and a pot pie to warm her.


  • 正如许多在国外工作黎巴嫩人,心里渴望自己最终回家一样,在国内的黎巴嫩人也应该确保这些女性能够回到自己的祖国——好好的而不是用麻袋运回家

    Just as many Lebanese abroad work hard with the hopes of eventually returning home, the Lebanese should ensure that these women get to go back to their countries - alive and well, not in body bags.


  • 早上跑步的时候,总要回家休息一下渴望Julia专门的待在一起的时间,这个时候妻子从中解脱出来,自己体育馆去了。

    On the mornings I ran, I always returned recharged, eager to have one-on-one quality time with Julia as my wife headed to the gym for her own reprieve.


  • 16点(英国夏令时)的时候,哈多网络直播谈到个人此次考察的感受以及回家后他最渴望事情

    There will also be a live web-cast at 16.00 BST in which Hadow will talk about his feelings about the mission and what he's looking forward to when he gets home.


  • 座山峰下来,从尼泊尔巴基斯坦回家后,需要多久,我就会渴望同样事情再次发生。

    When I come down from from a peak, come home from Nepal or Pakistan, it doesn't take long before I'm craving more of the same.


  • 我们可以听到要求我们心底渴望轻轻地我们,我们可以决定回家

    We can hear it call softly to us in the longing of our heart, and we can decide to go home.


  • 渴望

    She longed to go back to her hometown.


  • 最好的情况是,他们可能只是累了并且渴望毫不耽搁地继续回家旅程

    At best they may simply be tired and eager to continue a journey home without undue delay.


  • 一首歌曲回家看看》,有一种渴望出去转转说白了就是旅游

    Have one song shout "go home and read frequently", have one aspiration ask, go out to walk around often, frankly speaking just travel.


  • 程丁(音译)渴望彻底结束北京之痒”——四川省

    Cheng Ding is keen to end his "seven-year itch" against the city of Beijing once and for all - by retreating back home to Sichuan Province.


  • 程丁(音译)渴望彻底结束北京之痒”——四川省

    Cheng Ding is keen to end his "seven-year itch" against the city of Beijing once and for all - by retreating back home to Sichuan Province.


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