• 姣好的身姿温婉性格使深受爱护。

    Good figure and mild temper make her loved by all.


  • 纯洁温婉处女座当然自己头发看上去自然真实

    Virgo is the sign of the pure maiden, so Virgos want to keep their hair as real and natural as possible.


  • 豪放婉约,形成豪放基调不失温婉独特风格

    It melts bold and composed in a stove, has formed boldly take as the main key, but also does not lose the gentle unique style.


  • 其实一个外表不是重要那种温婉感情坦诚对真是难得

    In fact, a person's appearance is not very important. Kind of gentle feelings and candid human heart is really good rare.


  • 这本温暖人心的时空胶囊温婉的视角我们内心演变以及又如何初心不变

    This book is a heartwarming time capsule, and fluid look at the way our interior lives have evolved, and how they've remained the same.


  • 身子不但是她精神外衣而且她精神的光彩,是她神圣精华纯净温婉结晶

    Her body was more than the garb of her spirit. It was an emanation of her spirit, a pure and gracious crystallization of her divine essence.


  • 筷子承载着古老东方文明代表着温婉东方魅力折射出中华风土人情生活百态

    Chopsticks bear the ancient eastern civilization, represent the gentle eastern charm and reflect Chinese nature & customs, and different lives.


  • 相对温婉女子,昂首的男子观四方,佩戴火镰英勇地为随后的妻子护航,城镇迈进。

    In contrast to the gentle woman, the man keeps his head upright, eyes on the environment, wears a steel flint and bravely guards his wife at his back to march into the town.


  • 可是仍旧保存青年时的天真纯朴一种温婉沉思态度,她举止行动上唯一外现变化

    But her mind still retained all of the heart-innocence, and unsophistication of her youth; a certain gentle wistfulness was the only outward change in her demeanour.


  • 好赞游侠晴朗隆重介绍我们认识了,一个温婉的女子想象中的稍有不同显得干练的。

    Ranger will be a good sunny days a grand Zambia introduced to us to know that this is a gentle woman, and imagined a little different, but it looked very capable.


  • 世态展示,性格的刻画,温婉的风格高超的艺术技巧不仅显示出欧洲喜剧一脉相承体现作者独特创作才华

    Revelation of manners, gentle style, excellent art technique not only shows correspondence with European comedy, but also embodys the author's distinctive creating genius.


  • 由于靠近荷花市场晚上很多喜欢平安大街上好晚饭顺道折进后海,那些温婉酒吧里享受一种惬意

    Near the Lotus Market, every night, many people like to eat dinner on Ping 'an street, stop by Houhai afterwards to enjoy a pleasant in those casual bars.


  • 如果得好应用程序早期版本读取较新的保存文档甚至可以相对温婉降级使用——通常只需要忽略不能识别的标签属性

    If this is done well, earlier versions of applications can even degrade relatively gracefully when they read newer saved documentsusually by just ignoring unfamiliar tags and attributes.


  • 如果学习温婉文明标志那么也许可以说我们那不算太大的大的大脑正在超越落后的残余努力扩展自己

    If learning and gentility are signs of civilization, perhaps our almost-big brains are straining against their residual atavism, struggling to expand.


  • 这件甜美可人的詹巴迪斯塔·瓦利裙子杰西卡看起来更加温婉,她布莱德利·库珀一起揭晓最佳亲吻

    Jessica Biel wore a Giambattista Valli dress, will be joined by A-Team costar Bradley Cooper to present the Best Kiss award.


  • 吹散一瓣瓣温婉桃花满目凄凉,归去落腮无名触动了不能自己

    Disperse a gentle peach tax increases, everywhere desolate, go back roads, tear down sector, gills, heart, touched by an unknown string, and gradually the pain to are neither.


  • 主演蒋梦婕经历了场从温婉贤良古灵精怪形象大逆转上演了一场缜密的美人心计。

    Jiang Mengjie had a gentle virtuous to the ancient spirit demon from the image reversal, staged a careful scheming beauty.


  • 温婉迷人画面能勾起咱们审美境地意趣

    The wen wan fascinating picture reminds us of the aesthetic to position and interest.


  • 冰心温婉恬静笔触,在不同文学样式形成了充溢着真善美哲学”。

    Constract:Bing Xin , with her gentle and quiet style, enriched her works of different forms with truth, virtue and beauty, and left us an ever-lasting "Philosophy of Love."


  • 在一些域外小说家影响创造出了一属于自己温婉细腻含蓄蕴藉叙事风格

    Under the influence of writers of other domain, he creates a kind of narration style that is euphemistic, exquisite, reserved, refined and belong to himself.


  • 情人节也不是必须过得很温婉,你们可以选择过个更具活力情人节。比如滑冰就是一个让约会充满朝气的绝好去处,今晚你们主题就是我年轻、我玩乐!

    For the more active Valentine's Day date, ice skating or roller skating is a great way to have a youthful time on a date and keep the theme of the whole night young and fun-loving.


  • 真挚绮丽,温婉隽永中国现代女性白话诗歌重要组成部分。

    Her poetry, sincere, beautiful, profound, and meaningful, is the important component of modern vernacular Chinese poetry.


  • 故事中的女子温婉瓜子脸主人公都玉树风,英俊潇洒

    The story of the women are warm graceful people, oval face, the hero is Yushu Spirit, handsome.


  • 故事中的女子温婉瓜子脸主人公都玉树风,英俊潇洒

    The story of the women are warm graceful people, oval face, the hero is Yushu Spirit, handsome.


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