• 移动运营商的自有销售渠道建设手机实名东风吗?

    Mobile Carriers' Channels Can Be Perfected by the Registration of Prepaid Mobile Phone Users?


  • 精于渠道建设经销商管理以及针对客户直销工作。

    I am proficient in building channels and dealer management, as well as the direct sale to major clients.


  • 各类行业用户就行业内的信息发布渠道建设开展商业技术合作

    To develop business and technology cooperation in industrial information issuing channel with prviate users.


  • 因此新的竞争背景下电信企业营销渠道建设成为一个值得高度重视课题

    So, in the new competition background, the sales channels construction of the telecom enterprises lias become a highly - valued task.


  • 渠道管理功能域主要承载包括渠道建设渠道管理、渠道运营方面管理功能

    Channel management domain of the main bearer channels, including the building, channel management, channel management operations of the three major functions.


  • APIs关注创收渠道建设SOA传达的信息(可能不太明显)则围绕着节约成本重复使用

    APIs focus on revenue generation and channel creation, while SOA has a (perhaps less tangible) message around cost savings and reuse.


  • 本文研究x公司渠道建设提供了有力的支持指导同时其它同行业企业具有一定的参考价值

    The study will provide powerful support and help for the channel construction of X company, at the same time, it will have the reference value for other enterprises in the same fields.


  • 随后,笔者通过问卷调查形式收集数据,用定量方法高科技产品分销渠道建设因素指标体系进行了实证分析。

    So the new designing affective factor index system on constructing of distributing channels for High-tech products will be more applicable for High-tech corporations.


  • 最后,从品牌传播,体验导向服务营销渠道建设,创建以服务为导向的企业文化品牌策略进行了讨论

    Finally the article discuss the brand tactics covering brand communication, service rooted in experiencing marketing, channel marketing, building corporation culture oriented in service concept.


  • 自助银行操作简单、不受时间限制方便存取现金特点,逐渐成为银行业务渠道建设市场拓展重要工具

    For its simpleness, timelessness, easy access to cash and so on, Self-service banking is gradually accepted as an important tool for the banking channels' construction and market development.


  • 近年来电信运营商已经普遍认识到营销渠道建设管理企业重要作用和意义,渠道建设与管理成为一个热门话题

    Recently, telecom operators have been widely recognized the importance of marketing channel construction and management to enterprises which has also become a hot topic.


  • 分析研究电子商务图书宣传销售售后服务领域中的特征应用近年来国内出版发行业渠道建设研究中出现课题之一

    It is one of new research tasks in publishing industry's channel building that analysis of e-commercial features and applications in the library publicity, sales and after-sale area.


  • 随着大量跨国快速消费品制造企业加大华投入力度,不仅品牌如何宣传这些公司不遗余力的研究对象,营销渠道建设更成为了他们研究的重点。

    Recently, more multi-national FMCG companies are making more investments in China. They do not only try to build strong brands, but also focus on building successful marketing channels.


  • 中国移动通过多年来不懈努力客户服务提供能力渠道建设取得了极大的提高和完善,目前建立起多种服务渠道途径并能够提供完整的服务功能。

    After years of efforts, China Mobile has made great progress at building their service channel, and now established relatively integrated channel system providing good-class of customer services.


  • 一个组织无论建设电子商务的引擎有多强劲如果内部的组织结构进行调整适应这种渠道的话成功的机会微乎其微

    No matter how great the e-commerce engine an organization builds, if it’s internal organization and structure is not modified to adapt to this new channel, it has very little chance of success.


  • TCP一种援助渠道使得FAO能够迅速响应成员国技术紧急援助的迫切需求促进能力建设

    The TCP is an instrument which enables FAO to respond rapidly to urgent needs for technical and emergency assistance in Member countries and to contribute to their capacity building.


  • 坚持10 +3为主渠道,加快推进东亚自贸区建设

    To accelerate efforts to build East Asia free trade area with the 10 + 3 as the main channel.


  • 3m公司计划华中建设生产太阳能产品此举扩大该公司可再生能源市场销售渠道

    3m Co. plans to build a plant in central China that will manufacture solar energy products, a move that expands the company's presence in the renewable energy market as well as its footprint.


  • 阐述了在国家教育经费紧张的情况下,一方面多渠道筹措资金增加实验室建设投入

    On the situation that the State education fund is insufficient, to increase the investment on laboratory construction, one solution is to collect fund from various sources.


  • 激烈市场竞争强大的技术变革使企业营销服务渠道建设变得更加重要

    Fierce market competition and strong technological change make the construction of enterprise's marketing service channel more important.


  • 珠江防护林管理信息系统为了通畅珠江防护林二期建设工程信息渠道提高工程管理水平而研制和开发

    The MIS of Pearl River Protection Forest is developed to smooth the information channel and improve the management level of Pearl River Protection Forest second-scheduled Construction Engineering.


  • 音乐文化娱乐等方式进入人们生活,并通过多种渠道影响道德建设

    In the form of cultural entertainment in people's life music influences ethical construction through many channels.


  • 本文控制网络运作建设方面论述了我国汽车销售渠道变化趋势

    This Paper puts emphasis on the change trend of automobile sales channels from four aspects; control, network, operation and construction.


  • 中外经销商围绕运营战略渠道管理与拓展、团队管理与建设等话题进行深入的探讨精彩的互动

    Centering around operation and strategy, channel management and expansion, team building and management, the domestic and foreign distributor made a deep discussion and interaction.


  • 第三提出了商业银行服务营销的银行服务、服务渠道、服务表现客户关系建设概念

    The third chapter puts forward some essential concepts concerning services marketing such as bank services, services channel, services expression, customers relationship construction, and so on.


  • 课堂教学素质教育渠道校园文化建设、校园环境图书馆素质教育中具有特别重要作用

    Classroom teaching is the major channel of overall education. Meanwhile, establishment of campus culture, campus environment and libraries also play a very important role in the quality education.


  • 民办高校应从渠道提高教师质量,加强教师队伍建设,明确市场定位,办特色学校。

    Therefore, the private colleges should improve their teachers' quality and structure greatly and stabilize their market orientation and characteristics.


  • 营销渠道建设直接影响公司整体业绩

    The construction of marketing channels direct influences the overall performance of the company.


  • 营销渠道建设直接影响公司整体业绩

    The construction of marketing channels direct influences the overall performance of the company.


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