• 传统上来说,耐克之类渠道业务公司要扩张无非有两种方式

    Pipeline businesses like Nikehave traditionally scaled in one of two ways.


  • CIF整合了其他系统客户信息,更全面地对客户进行评估,有利于各种营销活动渠道业务开展

    CIF integrates customer information from many systems of bank, which help to develop lots of channel operations and activities.


  • 此类元数据可能包括哪些角色能够通过哪些渠道访问特定业务服务

    Such metadata may include which roles can access a specific business service and through what channels.


  • 这个渠道预订提前日期停留时间同时也有所增长显示团队会议业务增长

    Booking lead times increased for the channel, along with length of stay, indicating an increase in the much-desired group and meetings business.


  • 不同通信渠道(包括直接人类接口——GUI),一个业务服务可能多个不同的接口。

    A business service may have many different interfaces for different communication channels including direct human interaction interfaces - GUI.


  • 业务相关项目团队之间增强沟通渠道

    Enhanced lines of communication across project teams that know the business.


  • 这项交易可能会使Google业务定位更加倾向满足网络非传统渠道不断增长电视电影音乐传送需求

    The deal may put Google in a position to satisfy a growing demand for the delivery of television, film and music over the internet rather than through traditional channels.


  • 说:“我们着已有K渠道势力,开展我们的K业务。”

    "We're going to draft off the momentum that already exists on K-Cups in the channels that they are already in," he said.


  • 以下最近看到一个例子:某公司希望整个企业渠道进行一致业务决策

    Here's an example I saw recently: a company wanted to make consistent business decisions across the enterprise and channels.


  • 没法马上摒弃他们可以重新把这块业务引导利润丰厚的渠道

    You can't turn them off instantly, but you can redirect that business gradually to more profitable channels.


  • 我们代销商经营各种各样业务并且利用很多不同销售渠道目标客户销售产品

    Our affiliates run a variety of businesses and use a number of different channels to sell products to their targeted customers.


  • 公司意欲将来发掘其他资本密集度较低业务机会,以期中国利用各种其他渠道业务模式最佳发挥百思买品牌价值

    The company intends to explore other less capital intensive growth options in the future, where it can leverage Best Buy's valuable brand across alternative channels and formats in China.


  • 研究轨道业务机会提出包括渠道价格体系等在内业务方案。

    Study Rail business opportunity, propose and implement business model, includes channel and price structure according to market feedback.


  • 营业网点商业银行业务经营管理重要阵地,其柜面服务更是商业对外服务重要渠道之一。

    Business outlets are important venues where commercial Banks carry out business operation and management. Counter service is still more an important channel of service to the public.


  • 战略规划也是业务拓展经理关键部分业务经理责任开发新的渠道公司带来业务

    Strategic planning is a key part of this job description, since it is the business manager's responsibility to develop the pipeline of new business coming in to the company.


  • 绩效: – 经由最效率渠道到达目标客户群体–具备适用于客户购买流程以及业务问题讯息方案? ?信息分析工具识别开发管理其中的最佳机遇

    With messages and approaches appropriate to the customer's buying process and business problems ? Information and analytical tools ? Identify, develop and manage their best opportunities.


  • 对于电信企业而言营销渠道就是电信业务快捷高效地达到每一个最终用户的路径

    For telecommunications companies, the marketing channels to the telecommunications business is fast, efficient delivery to reach every end-user's path.


  • 渠道激励模式单一业务代理成本节节攀升。

    Ninth, the channel drive pattern is unitary, the service proxy cost climbs successively.


  • 本部全体销售人员真诚希望与有一定销售渠道朋友合作,共创辉煌。欢迎来电来函或光临本部观看样板洽谈业务

    We hope to work together with sale friends to achieve. if you are interested in our products, welcome to our shop to visit the samples and discuss the business.


  • 统筹业务营销工作根据客户需求产品特征制定营销计划安排营销渠道

    Manpower business marketing efforts: in accordance with customer demand, product characteristics developed marketing plans, arranging marketing channels.


  • 公司通过在德斯特龙百货商店开展新的咖啡业务诺连锁书店开设星巴克咖啡吧,拓展了新的专业销售渠道

    The company's specialty sales division developed new business through Nordstrom's department stores and established Starbucks coffee bars within Barnes and Noble bookstores.


  • 由于市场环境变化旅行社业务国际化趋势近几年有关我国旅行社未来分销渠道走向的讨论逐渐成为了关注的热点

    Because of the change of market environment and the trend of globalization, the issues on the future distribution channels of Chinese travel service industry become very hot in these years.


  • 公司具有良好销售渠道国际贸易,营销专业团队,积极开拓国内两个市场,实施品牌营销和进出口代理业务运作战略。

    We have good domestic and overseas distribution channels and professional marketing team, So we could smoonthly operate brand marketing , import&export business and agency services.


  • 这种做法提高了利润率阿里巴巴在面对更好地掌控送货渠道竞争对手时处境不利。 目前,中国的送货业务尚不发达

    That approach has increased profit margins but made it more vulnerable to competitors with better control over delivery channels, which are underdeveloped in China.


  • 优化分为两个部分多种渠道融合双向沟通呼叫中心业务深层次应用

    Optimization divided into two section: multi channels and mutual communication, and deep-going application of business of calling center.


  • 离岸业务上述特点使成为资本外逃便利渠道因此作为影响资本外逃的因素加以研究

    These characteristics of offshore business make it become a convenient channel for capital flight, so the paper takes it as a cause of capital flight to make research on it.


  • 盛科技专精化业务目标,日益成为中国市场高端无损检测设备服务主要供应商之一,也是链接国际无损检测品牌中国市场有效渠道

    Jadeshine has been taken as one of the main suppliers in China of high-end NDT products and NDE services, and the right channel and partner between international NDT brands and China market.


  • 盛科技专精化业务目标,日益成为中国市场高端无损检测设备服务主要供应商之一,也是链接国际无损检测品牌中国市场有效渠道

    Jadeshine has been taken as one of the main suppliers in China of high-end NDT products and NDE services, and the right channel and partner between international NDT brands and China market.


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