• 继续努力,道路逐步障碍清理后变得更加的清晰自由

    Keep going and the pathway will gradually become much clearer and free from obstacles.


  • 除非买方厂商订货时另作协商,否则铸件清理后供货

    The castings shall be supplied fettled unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the supplier at the time of ordering.


  • 正在礼貌显而易见的,清理任何人都不能干扰在附近

    Being courteous is obvious, cleaning up after yourself and not disturbing anyone who lives nearby.


  • 一些工业区只有5%投入了使用,许多工业区场地清理仍旧空置着

    Some IZs were filled to only five percent of their area. Many IZs still stand empty after site clearance.


  • 位学者研究环境得到清理后此类鱼种再次进化的过程。

    After that, the two researchers will be able to look at how these populations evolve yet again as the environment is cleaned up.


  • 壳体采用强度合金一次性压铸成型表面高速抛丸清理后高压静电喷塑

    Shell made of high strength aluminum alloy casting off the surface after blast cleaning by high voltage electrostatic spray.


  • 方法用膝上动脉关节蒂的筋膜瓣包绕清理后的股髌股关节。

    Methods Planed femorotibial and patellar joint surface of the hemophilic knee were covered with double fascia flaps pedicled by joint branch and latent branch of top knee arteria.


  • Sanitizing过滤器只是允许禁止字符串中的字符清理的字符串作为结果返回

    Sanitizing filters simply allow or disallow characters in a string and return a cleansed string back as a result.


  • ”中重头“任务清理后满足感能一整天带来精力不那么怨恨满足其它需求

    The sense of accomplishment you feel from knocking off that big to-do fuels you with energy all day long and lets you meet the demands of others less resentfully.


  • 甲方经营期末(201*年**月**日)清点甲方全部资产提供清理后的全部资产明细清单

    Party A should check all of its assets at the end of operation (** ** 201*) and provide a list of all assets.


  • 理由物质方面乱起八糟东西全都清理后就会好事连连一个新的冲动油然而生希望脑子里的“乱七八糟事物“也出来

    Here's why: When you start throwing out a lot of physical clutter and you get on a roll, a new urge kicks in — the desire to clear out all the clutter in your mind.


  • 本文揭示了红松原始林卫生清理绿色草本植物数量增加了59.1%,矮小灌木数量下降了50.95%,枯枝落叶层含量下降了24.58%。

    The paper concerns in virgin Korean pine forest, after sanitation cutting, the herb increases 59.1%, the shrub decreases 50.95%, the litter decreases 24.58%.


  • v选项存储ssversion变量中,清理后-p 变量存储在pathsuffix 中,而日期(连同前导连字符)则存储在 datesuffix 中。

    The value of the -v option is stored in the ssversion variable while the cleansed version of the -p variable is stored in pathsuffix and the date, complete with leading hyphen is stored in datesuffix.


  • 清理覆盖在木材上方的渍地考古学家意识到了真正性质

    Cleaning away the waterlogged site overlying the timbers, archaeologists realized its true nature.


  • 父亲去世清理遗物发现这些信件。

    I found the letters when I was clearing out after my father died.


  • 编写一个测试清理方面自动每次测试例子中那样重新设置方面从概念上来说是简单但是细节超出本文范围

    Writing a test-cleanup aspect to automatically reset aspects like the one in the example after each test is conceptually simple, but the details are beyond the scope of this article.


  • 如今他们又期盼国家通过削减公共开支提高赋税的方式,清理这场金融风暴混乱局面。

    They now expect the state to clear up the financial mess caused by this greed and stupidity through public spending cuts and higher taxes.


  • 吸烟者戒烟身体迅速开始清理自己咳出呼吸系统中影响呼吸残留物。

    When a smoker quits, the body quickly starts to clean itself by coughing up the debris in the respiratory system that restricts breathing.


  • 就是那些巴鲁特照片!记得这些照片清理电脑屏幕

    Ok, so here you go – Balut Photos! Make sure you clean up the computer screen after you view these!


  • 少量清理残留离子液体处理的砂样可以直接填海滩而不是被扔填埋场。

    After a small amount of water was used to clean remaining ionic liquids, the sand was so clean could be returned to the beach, instead of landfills.


  • 随着清理行动开始许多问题伴随着新奥尔良重建而暴露出来。

    As cleanup operations got underway, many questions arose about how New Orleans would be rebuilt.


  • 得奖的作品是一个音频报道,讲述路易斯安娜州拉美裔人英国石油公司的漏油事件帮助清理的故事。

    She won an Ippie for her audio piece about Latinos in Louisiana helping to clean up after BP's offshore oil spill.


  • 完成任务,将运行时流程中应用清理匹配生存规则

    Once this task is complete, the application of the cleansing, matching, and survivorship rules are used in the run-time processes.


  • 简单描述方法我们了解应用数据清理模式上下文

    After briefly describing the value of this approach, you'll learn the context in which the data cleansing pattern should be applied.


  • HTML主题迁移DITA至少需要少量清理

    You also need to do at least minimal cleanup after your HTML topics are migrated to DITA.


  • clean方法一个字符串数组作为输入归地“清理返回同一个字符串或数组。

    The clean method takes a string or an array as input and returns the same string or array after it has been recursively "cleaned."


  • 结束实验实验室清理干净所有东西都放橱柜里。

    When you have finished your experiment , please tidy the lab and put everything back in the cupboards .


  • 成功完成处理服务清理信息作为应答返回

    Upon successful completion of the processing, the cleansed information is then returned as a reply by the service.


  • 成功完成处理服务清理信息作为应答返回

    Upon successful completion of the processing, the cleansed information is then returned as a reply by the service.


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