• 默克干预汇市的行为非常罕见的情况下才会有效,大多是市场非常清淡成交量时候

    'Intervention in currency markets only works in very rare environments, mostly when it's very quiet with low volume,' Mr. Merk says.


  • 交易量依然清淡多数交易员表示观望市场波动剧烈,伦敦股市休市。

    Volumes remained thin with many traders still away and markets volatile with London out of action.


  • 当然8月份成交量清淡加剧了市场波动性

    Of course, low volume during August trading has exacerbated market swings.


  • 交易员们,股市收盘前最后一刻大跌是因为市场交投相对清淡这一迹象显示可能更多卖家场边观望

    But traders said the eleventh-hour plunge came amid relatively light trading volume — a sign there could yet be more sellers waiting on the sidelines.


  • 关于消费行业贸易商表示近期市场成交清淡采购商观望情绪上升。

    As for the consuming industry, the trader suggested the recent ferromolybdenum market is slack, and buyers prefer to watch the market.


  • 失业原因在于机制存在障碍,该障碍可能使得劳动力市场清淡本文没有传统教条开题。

    This paper does not begin with the orthodox dogma that the causes of unemployment lie in the obstacles to the mechanisms that supposedly ensure the clearing of the labor market.


  • 今天数据日历非常清淡只有欧元区建造工程完成量美国NAHB房屋市场指数

    Coming up the data calendar is very light, with only Eurozone Construction output and the us NAHB housing market index due.


  • 值得关注由于天气寒冷并且年关目前市场几乎没有需求成交清淡,对市场价格持续上涨不到支撑

    Notable is, because the weather is cold and this year will come, almost no demand market at present, clinch a deal for light, market prices continued to rise up less than support.


  • 国际上创设多种运费衍生市场理论上能够起到运费保值作用市场交易清淡,保值范围非常有限。

    Theoretically, many kinds of freight derivatives market established in the world can play the role of keeping freight stable, but their keeping scope is limited by thin transaction volume.


  • 市场推销策略便是基于一时间表制定。当观众人数多,推出投入的片子清淡时便推出稍次一点影片。

    Marketing considerations were based on the whole schedule. During periods of great attendance, the most expensive films would be released, and lesser products would fill out the schedule.


  • 五月印度市场十分平静交易清淡买家卖家接受飞涨价格尚需时日。

    The market in India ended May fairly quietly with limited activity as buyers and sellers continue to digest the escalating prices.


  • 今天经济数据日历再次清淡应该只能加强市场希腊进展股票市场表现关注

    Once again, the data calendar today is pretty light which should only enhance the focus on Greece developments and the performance of equity markets.


  • 正在主导清淡假期市场主题包括:对新兴市场引领健康全球成长预期避险货币表现强劲、美元全线走软

    The themes that are dominating during thin festive markets include expectations for robust global growth led by emerging markets, strong safe haven currencies and a weaker dollar across the board.


  • 虽然这样的走势交投清淡市场背景之下形成,但并没有觉得这部值得参考,因为大部分市场休息时,新的交易趋势

    Just because the rally began in thin trading doesn't allow us to dismiss the move as it is common for new trends to begin when the market is' at rest '.


  • 因为美国正值劳动节假期市场交投清淡这样市况中,美国报纸刊文指出市场遗忘欧洲银行业压力测试存在的问题。

    With thinned markets due to the US Labor day bank holiday, a US newspaper article that cited the weakness of the now forgotten stress tests in Europe helped to pull risk lower today in Asia.


  • 英国加拿大今天假期休市美国东部地区遭暴风雪袭击,预计清淡市场可能出现高度波动性

    With the UK and Canada both out on holiday today as well as a blizzard crippling the eastern United States, expect to possibility of high volatility due to thinned liquidity in the markets.


  • 土地市场调控背景下,前几个上海土地市场成交清淡成交主要集中工业地块

    Against the backdrop of policy tightening in the land sales market, land transactions in Shanghai were quiet in the past month or so, which consisted mainly of industrial land.


  • 伦敦时段没有实质性重要数据出炉,因为周末即将迎来新年前夜假期这样清淡假期环境预计市场将反复无常。

    The London session offers no real important data, as the coming New Year's Eve holiday looms at the end of the week...... Expect markets to remain jumpy in these holiday thinned conditions.


  • 预期今天交易继续清淡,在周末来临之际流动性依然很差,市场足够事件风险葡萄牙财务预算正是市场关注的焦点。

    Trading is expected to remain quiet during today's sessions and as liquidity thins out ahead of the weekend but there remains plenty of event risk, with Portugal's budget in focus.


  • 由于美国长的周末假期交易者提前退出市场,使得交易清淡

    Trading should be light with the long holiday weekend in the US as most traders will be heading out early to beat the traffic.


  • 由于美国长的周末假期交易者提前退出市场,使得交易清淡

    Trading should be light with the long holiday weekend in the US as most traders will be heading out early to beat the traffic.


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