• 安藤忠雄的建筑作品善用清水混凝土

    Tadao Ando is good at using the plain concrete in his architecture works.


  • 建筑师工程使用了大面积清水混凝土

    Architects use large areas of as-cast finish concrete in this project.


  • 介绍了新牌坊立交改造工程清水混凝土施工技术

    This article introduced the construction technology used in the modification of XinPaiFang overpass.


  • 这座建筑门口强调清水混凝土立面使得很快地受人关注。

    This residence is immediately noticeable because of its blank concrete fasade punctuated only by doorway.


  • 混凝土外观质量达到外光清水混凝土免装修标准

    The compactness and smoothness of concrete reach finishing-free standards for as-cast finish concrete.


  • 底座入口顶层国家档案馆清水混凝土和玻璃特征。

    The plinth, entrance area and the State Archives on the top floor are characterized by exposed concrete and glass.


  • 房子其余部分简单地完成包括清水混凝土地板灰白色

    The rest of the house is finished simply, including floors covered with fair-faced concrete and white-grey doors.


  • 针对清水混凝土技术特点,提出了无装修高架车站设计关键技术。

    A new technique with fair-faced concrete is adopted in the construction of the non-finished elevated station, the applicability of which is described hereby.


  • 发明的目的改善清水混凝土表观质量制备表观效果良好的清水混凝土

    The invention aims to improve the apparent mass of clear concrete and prepare clear concrete with good apparent effect.


  • 第二区域立面由清水混凝土构建白天楼层中心空间处于粉刷墙玻璃之中。

    The secondary areas are built with a façade in exposed concrete, while the day spaces in the center of the floor plan are in stucco and glass.


  • 大宇水泥厂一期工程中的生料仓料仓目前国内最大清水混凝土圆筒料仓。

    The raw-material silo and clinker silo of the Dayu Cement Mill have been currently the largest plain concrete material silos in our country.


  • 清水混凝土采用模板施工,因而建筑构件表面平整,减少装修工程费用工时

    As the construction of rinsing concrete USES the steel template, the component surface than other construction method. Which could decrease the cost and time of decoration engineering.


  • 本文根据上海学校项目,对清水混凝土施工工艺要求计价控制一个分析介绍

    According to Shanghai Yuxiu school project, this paper did an analysis and introduction on the requirement of exposed concrete construction technology and pricing control.


  • 利用分形方法研究粉煤灰膨胀复合掺入混凝土中对清水混凝土表面性能影响

    In this paper, fractal analysis is used to study the influence of fly ash and expansion agent on the surface property of as-cast-finish concrete.


  • 体量交汇处两个清水混凝土横梁充当纽带巧妙凸显出三个建筑体量连接

    At the intersection of the three volumes two fair faced concrete beams act as "connectors" subtly underlining the junction of the 3 blocks.


  • 根据体育场看台板实际工程性质,介绍了现场预制清水混凝土看台板的质量控制要点

    This paper discusses the constructive quality control measure of the concrete forecast for big block, thin plank, abrupt slope and curve bend.


  • 工程结构特点出发,介绍曲面清水混凝土空间异型结构施工进行选点定位、复测。

    From the engineering construction the characteristics set out, to curved face clear water concrete and space type steel the construction construction proceeds to chooses to order, fixed position.


  • 二楼相同板条屏的清水混凝土盒子浴室衣柜扩建,里面容纳浴缸

    On the second floor, an exposed concrete "box" with the same slatted screening technique is an extension to the master bathroom and closet that rooms also a bathtub.


  • 文中详细介绍混凝土施工过程如何成为清水混凝土镜面混凝土解决混凝土质量通病。

    It explains in detail how concrete changes into clean water concrete and mirror surface concrete in the construction process, and solves the general quality problem of concrete.


  • 发明属于建筑工程技术应用领域特别涉及一种采用纤维贴纸改善清水混凝土表观质量方法

    The invention belongs to the technical application filed of constructional engineering, in particular to a method for improving the apparent mass of clear concrete by utilizing wood fiber paster.


  • 介绍大斜率变截面清水混凝土巨型柱劲性构架模板、钢筋定位控制混凝土浇筑施工技术措施

    This article deals with construction technology and measures for rigid frame, formwork, location control and concrete placement of big-slope as-cast concrete mega-column.


  • 论文发表网-摘要:文章介绍了清水混凝土定义总结提出了不同类型清水混凝土模板设计施工要求

    The article introduced the clear water concretes' definition, summarized proposed the different type clear water concretes template's design and the construction request.


  • 房间配备明亮的白色橱柜白色大理石板,暴露清水混凝土以及金属管道呈现出的完成感形成对比

    The room is finished with bright white cabinetry and a pale marble splashback that contrast with areas of exposed concrete and metal pipework that give it an unfinished appearance.


  • 立面上的这种美学以相似手法室内天花上得到延续,白色波浪形的栅清水混凝土餐饮区的木制家具形成对比使空间更人性化。

    The facade aesthetic is modified on the interior’s ceiling as white curved panels contrast the concrete and wood dinning areas to soften the space.


  • 尽管大部分房间都是规则矩形平面但是充满戏剧性清水混凝土天花板多变窗户形式共同创造出惊艳的多样化独特空间

    Still, most of the rooms are rectangular in plan – the dramatic ceilings of exposed concrete and variable window geometries create the amazing diversity and uniqueness of space.


  • 除了作为理想磁铁债券玻璃橡胶陶瓷木材金属皮革硬质塑料织物纸板纤维板清水混凝土砖石

    As well as being ideal for Magnets, it will also bond Glass, Rubber, Ceramics, Wood, Metal, Leather, most Hard Plastics, Fabric, Cardboard, Chipboard, Dry Concrete and Masonry.


  • 这间巴塞罗那公寓采用了灰色纹理的大理石搭配清水混凝土以及暴露管道的室内装修风格,布局建筑师Raúl Sánchez使用了斜墙壁进行视觉上突破

    Grey-veined marble is paired with raw concrete and exposed pipework in this Barcelona apartment, in which architect Raúl Sánchez has used angled walls to create visual breaks in the layout.


  • 本文日本禅宗哲学传统美学出发,结合安藤建筑实例分析,试图揭示安藤的清水混凝土建筑与日本禅宗哲学及传统美学之间的普遍联系,借此探讨安藤创作的精神之泉。

    This article starts from Japanese philosophy of "ChanXue" and traditional aesthetics, analyzes the classic buildings designed by Ando Tadao, and uncover the relations between Ando s designs and Ja.


  • 本文日本禅宗哲学传统美学出发,结合安藤建筑实例分析,试图揭示安藤的清水混凝土建筑与日本禅宗哲学及传统美学之间的普遍联系,借此探讨安藤创作的精神之泉。

    This article starts from Japanese philosophy of "ChanXue" and traditional aesthetics, analyzes the classic buildings designed by Ando Tadao, and uncover the relations between Ando s designs and Ja.


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