• 伤口某些种类细菌孽理想场所因为那里供血供氧切断。(译原因状语从句)。

    A deep wound, where the supply of blood and oxygen has been cut off, is the perfect place for certain kinds of bacteria to grow.


  • 惊奇:这个纽带如此之,在她们整个保持如此强大以及如此有弹性复原力,即使父亲已经严重伤害到这种纽带。

    What surprised me was how deep (and surprisingly traditional) the bond is, how powerful it remains throughout their lives, and how resilient it can be-even when a father has caused it grievous harm.


  • 有效储集必须大量、排之前致密化,“甜点应在烃源岩大量、排烃之前形成。

    The effective reservoir of deep basin gas must have densified before the mass generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons from source rock, so do the "sweet points".


  • 波兰科学家哈罗恩·塔耶夫花费了精力来探究全世界各地活火山

    Haroun Tazieff the Polish scientist, has spent his life-time studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.


  • 有人诗人称为一诗魂,因为诗歌曾经那么尊严、力量、鼓励陶冶整整一代人

    Even there is someone regards poet Guo Lusheng as poetry soul of the generation, because his poems ever encourage, mould a whole generation people deeply with its dignity and power.


  • 欧洲的一种山楂属植物,,果亮红色园艺上已培育出各种不同的类型,常用绿篱;在北美东部成为种。

    European hawthorn having deeply cleft leaves and bright red fruits; widely cultivated in many varieties and often grown as impenetrable hedges; established as an escape in eastern North America.


  • 组合分为泥岩腐殖煤烛煤湖相泥岩两种类型

    The hydrocarbon generating assemblage can be divided into two types of cannel boghead deep lake mudstone and humic coal cannel coal shallow lake mudstone in this basin.


  • UHPM记录了显俯冲-碰撞造山带早期碰撞过程中的热流梯度俯冲作用。

    HPM-UHPM registers the low thermal gradients and deep subduction of continental crust during the early stage of the collision process in Phanerozoic subduction-to-collision orogens.


  • 鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古界气藏为气藏

    The upper Palaeozoic reservoirs in the northern Ordos basin are deep basin gas reservoirs.


  • 学院授予学位毕业泉就读两年获得学分接下来回到外面世界继续学习,学分可以转入别的大学相当于年的课业。

    Deep Springs does not bestow degrees. Graduates earn academic credits that tend to knock a year off subsequent university courses back in the outside world.


  • 已发现油气分布特点看,主要中心断裂以及构造因素控制

    Based on the characteristics of discovered oil and gas distribution, those sags are controlled by such factors as hydrocarbon source center, deep and large faults and structural belts.


  • 章表具有立意高远、陈情恳切、理赡等特点,记录追求失望,洋溢着一才华情感

    His memorials are full of profound concepti on, sincerity and more understanding. His pursuit, disappointment, artistic talent a nd sensibility of all his life are noted in his memorials.


  • 公司储备人才广东工业大学达成协议成为广东工业大学毕业实习基地

    In order to reserve talents, the company has become a graduate practice base of Guangdong University of Technology by reaching an agreement with the university.


  • 通调失职浊由痰凝血脉,痰可加重病情致使该病痼。

    Dereliction of duty, Tanzhuo Health, Tanning blood, phlegm and blood stasis among guitar, closed resistance pulmonary vein, it will increase the condition, causing the disease in Shenzhen to Gu.


  • 上古有机质早期主要变质作用为主;

    The organic matter in the Upper Paleozoic strata mainly experienced hypozonal metamorphism in early stage.


  • 最大低音比赛中抓住,我什至知道那里,”

    "That's the biggest bass I've ever caught in a tournament and I didn't even know it was there," Fukae said.


  • 固体培养基上,该菌株菌落平坦,气菌丝,培养基表面墨绿色背面黑色孢子丰富而且颜色

    The colony of the strain C114 is flat and with black-green color in the surface and black in the rear on the solid medium, it has short aerial hypha and abundant spores.


  • 固体培养基上,该菌株菌落平坦,气菌丝,培养基表面墨绿色背面黑色孢子丰富而且颜色

    The colony of the strain C114 is flat and with black-green color in the surface and black in the rear on the solid medium, it has short aerial hypha and abundant spores.


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