• 情况影响齿轮深度技术条件确定。

    This has been implications for the specification of case depth for gears.


  • 不过对于例如技术引用这一类事物内容可以嵌套不同地方,具有不同的深度

    However, for something like a technical reference, your section material might be nested in different places and at different depths.


  • 我们相信用于认证用户唯一可行策略是以深度原则应用防御混合多种认证技术

    We believe that the only viable strategy for authenticating users is to apply the defense in depth principle, mixing a number of authentication techniques.


  • 英格兰不是世界杯夺标热门我们也记得2月打西班牙时,他们以0 - 2告负一支技术深度更高一筹球队。

    England are not yet potential World Cup winners, as we were reminded when they met Spain in February and lost 2-0 to a side of greater skill and sophistication.


  • 起先以为这会篇有深度文章,能够从正反两面探讨技术人类生活的影响,原本打算进行评论的。

    I was going to comment earlier on the article, thinking it was going to be this thoughtful, in-depth look at how technology is impacting people's lives for both the positive and negative.


  • 是个很有吸引力事件,是发生有着技术头脑保持高姿态的某个团体中的,一个深度在线争论

    This is a fascinating case study of an in depth online dispute involving a very tech savvy and high profile team.


  • 数据压缩组织存储需求产生同样积极影响DB 2 9.7改进DB 2 9.1中首次引入的深度压缩技术

    Data compression can have the same beneficial effects on an organization's need for storage, and DB2 9.7 offers improvements to the Deep compression technology that first appeared in DB2 9.1.


  • 作为项目技术主管,构架技术需要非常广泛,这技术深度更加重要(当然构架特定领域需要一定技术深度)。

    As the technical lead on the project, the characteristics and skills of the architect are typically broad, rather than deep (although architects should have deep skills in particular areas).


  • 抱怨社会中的技术深度就如80年代硬件工程师抱怨软件崛起一般。

    Whining about the technical "depth" of social sounds like hardware eng complaining about rise of software in 80s.


  • 这个技术2005年7月4号已经运用过了,就是深度撞击坦普尔一号彗星

    This technology was used on July 4, 2005, when Deep Impact smashed into the comet Tempel 1.


  • Grosse确实,那些谈论网络中的入侵检测恶意软件检测深度检测法规正逐渐当前技术潮流所忽略。

    Grosse: I agree that regulations that would talk about intrusion detection or malware detection or deep pack-et inspection on the network really are being passed by with current technology trends.


  • 保密协议很多博客都有机会深度报道一项技术,而不是赛跑,看谁更快。

    They give multiple blogs a chance to review a technology in depth, instead of making it a race.


  • 基本上创业公司专注技术广度企业专注技术深度

    Essentially, startups focus on breadth of knowledge, while enterprise focuses on depth of knowledge.


  • 一项应用迷你卫星上面的电子推进技术旨在它们更大移动能力——并且可能最终允许它们进行深度太空任务

    An electric propulsion technology for miniature satellites aims to give them more mobility - and may eventually allow them to take on deep-space missions.


  • 还利用了码头设计:雾天早晨渲染图》教程中提到雾气和大气添加技术,增加了一些深度

    I go into more depth with techniques of adding fog and atmosphere in my Foggy Wharf Post and my Atmospheric fog Tutorial.


  • 使用这些技术进步发现克力打底,增加了支持你的深度光度油画

    As you progress and use these techniques you should find that the acrylic underpainting supports and adds depth and luminosity to your oil painting.


  • 最近我们工作重点在于利用人工智能技术数据进行深度挖掘开展多个领域应用

    Recently, our work focuses on the use of artificial intelligence technology for large data mining depth, to carry out a number of areas of application.


  • 这本目标帮助掌握神经网络核心概念包括深度学习前沿技术

    The purpose of this book is to help you master the core concepts of neural networks, including modern techniques for deep learning.


  • 每种技术展示火山柱不同深度尽管相差是因为方法不同能力

    Each technique also shows a different depth for the plume, although that discrepancy is due to the methods' differing capabilities.


  • 发挥一直称赞特征强度“毫不费力地的措辞”(大卫·赫尔维茨),以及技术力量精神深度

    Her playing has been praised for its "characteristic intensity" and "effortless manner of phrasing" (David Hurwitz), as well as its technical power and spiritual depth.


  • 正是技术能力情感共鸣之间创造性张力创造出了深度完成好的设计

    It is this creation of tension between technical capacity and emotional resonance that creates depth and is the fulfillment of good design.


  • 查找修复注册表错误其他小姐深度扫描技术

    Finds and fixes the registry errors others miss with "Deep Scan" technology.


  • 深度防御模型使用以下示例作为技术基础

    This defense-in-depth model begins with technologies as the foundation using the following examples


  • 该项技术适用砂岩碳酸盐地层较大深度温度压力范围应用

    The technology is suitable to sand rock or carbonate formations, and can be applied in greater range of depth, temperature and pressure.


  • 会议主要魅力在于它展现技术深度产品广度电力电子行业的总体看法。

    The technical depth, breadth of new products and comprehensive overview of the power electronics sector provided by the event are its key strengths.


  • 回答问题不要仅仅是不是”。可以尝试针对这个主题回答做一下延伸,以此显示你的技术深度

    Don't just answer the question with a "Yes" or "no" response. Try to expend your answer around the subject matter to show your depth in the knowledge.


  • 根据1980年1994年美国技术创新行业上市公司的数据分析显示路径深度覆盖度公司的市值正相关。

    We show that for public corporations in four innovation-intensive industries from 1980 to 1994, path depth and path coverage contribute positively to the market value.


  • 根据1980年1994年美国技术创新行业上市公司的数据分析显示路径深度覆盖度公司的市值正相关。

    We show that for public corporations in four innovation-intensive industries from 1980 to 1994, path depth and path coverage contribute positively to the market value.


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