• 消费需求不足经济增长桎梏如何扩大消费需求不足

    Economic growth is constrained by insufficient consumers' demand and how to expand consumers' demand?


  • 社保制度不完善我国农村长期存在消费需求不足重要原因

    The imperfect social security system is the main cause of scant consumption demand that has been existed for a long time.


  • 两个特点决定了工资市场定价必然将工资定位低点,从而导致消费需求不足

    This leads to a low price of labor with the consequence of insufficient demand on consumption.


  • 当前消费需求特征看,供给需求两个方面矛盾我国当前消费需求不足原因

    The contradictions between supply and demand are the causes of the inadequate residential demand for consumption in present China.


  • 当前我国会计信息披露成本很高,社会对会计信息的信任度低、会计信息消费需求不足

    At present, China's accounting information discloses very high cost. Since people lack confidence in accounting information, thus the consumption of accounting information is insufficient.


  • 我国而言,过高储蓄率必定加重我国消费需求不足现象,制约我国经济持续、稳定增长

    As in China, it will aggravate the insufficiency of consumption demand when the savings rate is too higher, and it will restrict the continual and steady increase of Chinese economy.


  • 模型揭示我国消费需求不足1980年代中期有所表现,低档在1990年代并非处于绝对过剩状态

    The model also promulgates the deficiency of consumption demand already showed in the middle of the 1980s in China, and that not all inferior goods were in absolute surplus in the 1990s.


  • 通过影响我国农村居民消费需求不足的原因分析,认为我国农村居民收入水平偏低增长缓慢导致需求不足关键因素。

    By analyzing the factors which led to the consumption demands of Chinese countryside inhabitant insufficient, this article pointed that the low-level and slowly increasing income was the key reason.


  • 因此研究当前居民消费行为规律性,分析消费需求不足内在原因对于保证宏观经济的安全运行,有着深刻的现实意义

    Therefore, studying the law of consumer behavior and the internal courses of insufficient consumer demand is practical meaningful for securing macroeconomic economy run.


  • 当前,我国经济面临主要问题消费需求不足形成原因在于消费周期的中断,收入分布的断层,社会保障体制不健全等。

    At present, the main problem is the lack of consumption demand, its cause exists in the discontinuity of consumption cycle, the fault of income and the scarcity of social insurance system.


  • 另一些人将其归咎需求疲软,加上通货膨胀,使得实际工资降低了;他们还担心未知前景导致家庭消费的信心不足

    Others blame weak demand, as high inflation, falling real wages and fears for the future discourage household consumption.


  • 一个明智预算刺激可以帮助弥补需求中的不足负担沉重的公司消费可以使财务状况趋好。

    A well-judged budgetary stimulus would help fill the shortfall in demand while debt-laden firms and consumers get their finances in order.


  • 中国国内水资源不足满足本国消费需求硅晶片工厂仍在消耗上百亿加仑水。

    China doesn't have enough water for domestic consumption. Yet silicon-chip factories use billions of gallons.


  • 价格上涨可能由于消费某一供应不足产品需求特别

    Prices may increase if consumer demand for a product is particularly high and the supply is limited.


  • 然而中部贫困山区农村消费市场来看需求不足,市场开拓乏力。

    However, looking from the middle impoverished mountainous area countryside consumer market, the demand still obviously insufficient, market development asthenia.


  • 目前我国城市住房系统中的关键问题住房消费市场不成熟,住房有效需求不足

    The key problem in our city housing system at present is the immaturity of the housing consumption market and the shortage of the effective housing demand.


  • 解决需求不足矛盾归根到底取决于消费需求特别是居民消费需求增长

    The solving of shortage demand contradiction is in final analysis decided by people's demand increase.


  • 价格地段环境设计方面不符合消费者需要的房地产商品大量积压同时能够符合需求的房地产却供给不足

    While large amount of real estate are overstocked because of high price, unsatisfactory location, poor environment, unreasonable design, and so on , popular ones are in shortage.


  • 我国教育需求旺盛供给相对不足,教育价格相对教育收益偏低制度性分割的劳动力(就业)市场造成教育消费不理性的经济原因。

    In our country, it is in great demand in education but education supply is insufficient. The education price is comparatively low with education yield.


  • 目前产量需求严重失衡的主要问题在于资源探明程度探明可采储量严重不足石油消费增长失控

    The current unbalance between production and demand is due to a low proven resource base, a clear shortage of proven recoverable reserves, and a dramatic cxpan- sion in petroleum consumption.


  • 实际绿色需求作为奢侈需求消费者对绿色商品需求不足使绿色市场无法发展壮大。

    But actually, it is only a luxurious demand. The green commodity demand is insufficient, that causes green market to be unable to grow vigorous.


  • 我国国内需求不足突出表现为对消费资料有效需求不足

    The insufficiency of civil demand in our country is mainly expressed in the insufficiency of the effective demand for consumption goods.


  • 第三着重探讨了保险需求消费理论基础,重点讨论了经济人社会需求与供给的社会制定以及经济理性人等理论观点的片面性不足之处。

    The third chapter focuses on the theoretical basis of insurance demand and consumption, involving economic man and social man, social institution of demand and consumption, economic rationality.


  • 我国目前存在消费市场疲软根源在于有效供给不足不是有效需求不足

    The origin of weak markets in our country is not demand deficiency, but supply deficiency.


  • 年以来,我国经济运行面临着需求不足市场疲软以及经济增长率下降问题,反映消费上则消费率水平偏低不断下降。

    Since 1995, many problem exist in this field, such as inadequate demand, weak market and a decline in economic growth etc, as shown consumption, the rate of consumption have been low and is decline.


  • 年以来,我国经济运行面临着需求不足市场疲软以及经济增长率下降问题,反映消费上则消费率水平偏低不断下降。

    Since 1995, many problem exist in this field, such as inadequate demand, weak market and a decline in economic growth etc, as shown consumption, the rate of consumption have been low and is decline.


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