• 涂鸦垃圾漠视侵染着这日渐消失的世界遗产

    Graffiti, garbage and neglect plague the deteriorating World Heritage site.


  • 一个恐同现象减少消失世界中,展现自我活力的活动。

    It is self-empowerment in a world where homophobia has dropped precipitously but is far from gone.


  • 正在消失世界北极的归宿吗? ”这是朱丽叶.乔维特作的一个专题报道,刊登在本周日观察家杂志

    Disappearing world: Is this the end of the Arctic?” A special report by Juliette Jowit. This Sunday, in The Observer Magazine


  • 觉得很久以前生活行为也充溢着美那时年轻置身群远当今姑娘更为友善可爱姑娘之中,置身于一个如今已消失的世界

    It seems to me that many actions of my life were beautiful, very long ago, when I was young in an evanished world of friendly girls, who were all more lovely than any girl is nowadays.


  • 活动旨在帮助人们关注世界语言消失它们之中大多数每年消失

    The event is to help people to pay attention to the disappearance of the world's languages, many of them are disappearing each year.


  • 就是我们通过Kindle实现的,设计一种装置非常简单,这个工具消失进入作者世界

    That's what we wanna achieve with Kindle, to have a device, so simple, a tool that would disappear and let you enter the author's world.


  • 上周科学家们警告说,世界三分之一北极熊可能未来40年里消失

    Last week the scientists warned that a third of the world's polar bears could disappear in the next 40 years.


  • 科学家们认为过去一个世纪里我们已经世界超过一半食物种类消失

    Scientists believe that over the past century, we have allowed more than half of the world's food varieties to disappear.


  • 全球变暖使得北极升温速度世界其他地区两倍这意味着如果气温继续上升阿拉斯加苔原消失

    Global warming heats up the Arctic twice as fast as the rest of the world, meaning Alaska's tundra stands to vanish if temperatures continue to rise.


  • 一些伟大且重要的事物已经消失了,它失去的不仅仅是声音标记,还有人们理解世界相互沟通方式

    Something great is lost not just sounds and marks but the way that people understand the world and communicate with each other.


  • 看着时那种专注就好像世界其他部分都消失了。”一个当地人告诉

    “It’s like Don looks you in the eye and the rest of the world disappears, ” one local tells me.


  • 虽然发生这些案件,但是所有莫拉时期以来众多法律法规中,死刑世界许多地方逐渐消失

    Despite these cases the death penalty, on the statute books since the days of Hammurabi, is disappearing in much of the world.


  • 但是今天我们不断虚拟化世界中,物理设备服务已经消失不见

    But today, in our increasingly virtualized world, physical devices and services disappear into the ether.


  • 砍伐森林超过50%世界森林已经消失其余大部分受到威胁。

    Deforestation: Over 50% of the world's forests have already disappeared, and much of the rest is in threatened.


  • 科学家们认为这个世界冰盖短期内都不会完全消失然而,如今的格陵兰冰盖脱落的冰聚积的冰更多

    Scientists believe the world's great ice sheets will not completely disappear for many more centuries, but the Greenland ice sheet is now shedding more ice than it is accumulating.


  • 一刻世界消失了,剩下丹尼尔海边的小屋里。

    For a moment, the world and all its people vanished, and there was just Daniel and me in our home by the sea.


  • 许多生物学表示这个速度几乎1000于“自然背景速率而且6500万年前恐龙消失以来,世界经历最大一件

    This is nearly 1,000 times the "natural" or "background" rate and, say many biologists, is greater than anything the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs nearly 65m years ago.


  • 世界贸易中心塔楼纽约地图上消失

    The two tower buildings of the World Trade Center have disappeared from the map of New York.


  • 我们处于一个世界历史关键时刻海洋森林遭到破坏,物种正在逐渐消失气候发生着变化

    We are at a crucial point in the world's history — our oceans and forests are suffering, species are disappearing, the climate is changing.


  • 图像实在令人着迷—世界原有国界正在消失的图像;一个交流、联系竞争无处不在的世界

    The image was mesmerizinga picture of a world where old boundaries are disappearing; a world where communication, connection, and competition can come from anywhere.


  • 自从来到现代世界各个城市以来,那个已经消失无影无踪了。在这些城市我们建造高墙屋顶限制我们视觉而且我们点亮天空以便掩饰真正光线

    That dream has being long gone since I came to the cities of modern world where we build walls and roofs to limit our vision where we light up the sky to mask true light.


  • 未必负面母亲可能认为年幼孩子自身的延伸,如果不再存在于这个世界,孩子消失

    It's not necessarily negative; the mother may well think of young children as extensions of herself and feel that her children would be lost without her.


  • 韦尔奇语言学家担心不远将来世界有一半语言将会消失她认为至少有200种语言拥有足够的受众,值得我们之专门开发手机文本系统

    Ms. Welcher, who says linguists fear half the world's languages will disappear in the near future, thinks at least 200 languages have enough speakers to justify development of cellphone text systems.


  • 告诉爱妻卡桑德拉,我将要从电子世界里暂时消失后,也很喜欢这个想法于是决定也参加进来。

    When I told my lovely wife Cassandra I'd be electronically disappearing, she liked the idea so much, she decided to do it too.


  • 1953年塞林格搬出曼哈顿57街的家,买下新罕布什尔州康沃尔一处90英亩的土地。的新家位于树木繁茂的山坡上彻底文学世界消失

    In 1953, Mr. Salinger, who had been living on East 57th Street in Manhattan, fled the literary world altogether and moved to a 90-acre compound on a wooded hillside in Cornish, n.h..


  • 1953年塞林格搬出曼哈顿57街的家,买下新罕布什尔州康沃尔一处90英亩的土地。的新家位于树木繁茂的山坡上彻底文学世界消失

    In 1953, Mr. Salinger, who had been living on East 57th Street in Manhattan, fled the literary world altogether and moved to a 90-acre compound on a wooded hillside in Cornish, n.h..


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