• 我们哲学家约翰·洛克杰米·尼曼研究段历史

    We’ll study the history, from philosophers John to Jamie Hyneman.


  • 两位美国学者约翰·米尔斯斯蒂芬·沃尔特,2007年本书如果没有以色列游说议员,乔治·布什可能侵袭伊拉克

    Two American academics, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, made the claim in a book in 2007 that without the Israel lobby George Bush would not have invaded Iraq.


  • 来自约翰霍普金斯医学院研究员将晚年仍然具有正常认知能力修女轻度痴呆症患者或者严重的阿而默症患者进行对比

    Researchers from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine compared nuns with normal cognitive function at the end of life with those who had mild dementia or full-blown Alzheimer’s.


  • 约翰·斯:约翰·斯,宾夕法尼亚州州立大学食品科学系助理教授

    John Hayes: My name is John Hayes, and I am an assistant professor of food science at Pennsylvania State University.


  • 约翰·姆瑞:我使用笔名,是因为如今出版业运作方式

    JOHN HEMRY(JH): The pen name was required because of the way the publishing industry works these days.


  • 我们哲学家约翰·洛克本杰明·富兰克林神话般的大人物卡里·拜伦杰米·尼曼来研究段历史

    We’ll study the history, from philosophers John Locke and Benjamin Franklin to mythbusters Kari Byron and Jamie Hyneman.


  • 1968年,英国小说家约翰·布鲁发现要挤下当时已达到35亿人口,需要动用位于爱尔兰,面积572平方公里曼岛。

    By 1968 John Brunner, a British novelist, observed that the earth's people-by then 3.5 billion-would have required the Isle of Man, 572 square kilometres in the Irish Sea, for its standing room.


  • 约翰c莫里斯是医学博士,是华盛顿大学路易分校阿尔茨研究中心负责人

    Morris, MD, the director of the Alzheimer's disease research center at Washington University, in St. Louis.


  • 为了防止这些发生美国国务卿约翰·提出了后来所谓“门户开放政策

    To prevent that from happening, American Secretary of State John Hay proposed what became known as the "Open Door" policy.


  • 但是纳什约翰·萨尼共同分享1994年诺德国经济学家赖因哈德·泽尔腾指出不是一种貌似合理结果

    But Reinhard Selten, a German economist who Shared the 1994 Nobel prize with Nash and John Harsanyi, argued that this is not a plausible outcome.


  • 事实上乔布斯身边聚拢了一批人才:菲尔·席勒,约尼·艾夫,彼得·奥本,蒂姆·库克,还有零售负责人罗恩·约翰

    In reality, Jobs has surrounded himself with talent: Phil Schiller, Jony Ive, Peter Oppenheimer, Tim Cook, the former head of stores Ron Johnson.


  • 安东尼·戴维斯、考辛斯尼古拉·约基奇以及克里·斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯组成大个子队;托马斯、戈登·沃德约翰·沃尔以及德文·布克代表后卫们参赛。

    Anthony Davis, Cousins, Nikola Jokic and Kristaps Porzingis will represent the bigs while Thomas, Gordon Hayward, John Wall and Devin Booker will hold it down for the guards.


  • 运用混凝土本性成功案例赖特古根博物馆约翰制蜡公司

    Use of concrete nature of successful case is Wright Guggenheim Museum and the Johnson Wax company system.


  • 沙漏身材通常被认为女性美的象征拥有著名沙漏身材的女性包括玛丽莲·梦露斯嘉丽·约翰丽塔·丝。 。

    This figure is often considered to be an epitome of female beauty. Women with well-known hourglass figures include Marilyn Monroe, Scarlet Johansson and Rita Hayworth.


  • 施洗约翰节前夕,阿村小路上了半天草莓坏了太阳落山就上床睡觉

    On Midsummer-eve, Adele, weary with gathering wild strawberries in Hay Lane half the day, had gone to bed with the sun.


  • 对于约翰杜克而言,建筑对于生命意义超出生命原本承载地意义。

    For John Hejduk the architecture takes more significance to life than the life itself does.


  • 而尼克奥本坚持家族应该立足南非总部约翰内斯堡

    Nicky Oppenheimer insists that the family will stay connected with South Africa: they are still based in Johannesburg.


  • 约翰·雅各伯叮当施密特来自美国加拿大一首传统儿童歌曲。

    "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" is a traditional children's song from the United States and Canada.


  • 约翰·科洛19世纪英国思想家帝国防御问题专家首次全面阐述英帝国防御必要性重要性

    John Collom was a British thinker on sea power and expert on imperial defense in the 19th century. He gave the first comprehensive exposition to the necessity and importance of Britain's defense.


  • 约翰·格林同名小说改编而来,《星运里讲述是患有肺癌的16少女泽尔患有骨癌的少年奥古斯都坠入爱河的故事

    Based on the book of the same name by author John Green, the Fault In Our Stars tells the love story of Hazel Lancaster, 16 year old with thyroid cancer and Augustus Water, with osteosarcoma.


  • 约翰耳布,《教会里太阳教堂太阳观测台》,第3 - 23页

    John Heilbron, the Sun in the Church: Cathedrals as Solar Observatories, 3-23.


  • 一起工作的都有才华作家包括雷蒙德·钱德勒约翰·迈克尔·斯等人。

    Gifted writers worked with him, including Raymond Chandler and John Michael Hayes, but rarely felt they had been treated as equals.


  • 好莱坞女星安妮·薇紧随约翰·德普伦娜·汉·卡特其后加入蒂姆·伯顿执导改编电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中。

    Hollywood star Anne Hathaway is lined up to join Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter for director Tim Burton's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.


  • 满月潮汐,发生了许多奇怪的事以后,约翰开始怀疑事实上一条在满月期间习惯性引起死亡真正妖-美人鱼

    After strange occurrences, Johnny begins to believe that she may actually be a real mermaid that habitually kills during the cycle of the full moon.


  • 谢家华告诉今日美国》,在最喜欢中,有一本书叫作《部落领导力》。 这本书戴夫·罗根约翰·立·舍·赖特共同编著的。

    Hsieh told USA Today that one of his favorite books is "Tribal Leadership Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization" by Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer Wright.


  • 谢家华告诉今日美国》,在最喜欢中,有一本书叫作《部落领导力》。 这本书戴夫·罗根约翰·立·舍·赖特共同编著的。

    Hsieh told USA Today that one of his favorite books is "Tribal Leadership Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization" by Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer Wright.


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