• 同时海新重工船坞工程实现了坞门下水重要节点

    Meanwhile, the dock project of Hinxin Shipyard achieved its important launching node.


  • 10月11下午,江苏海新船舶重工有限公司迎来了一来自日本贵宾:“中国作业船调查团”。

    In the afternoon of October 11, a group of guests from Japan, named "The Mission Group for Chinese Engineering Vessels" was warmly welcomed by Haixin HI.


  • 大部分晚餐了彼得,已经穿上克拉拉外套

    Heidi, who had given the boy most of her dinner, was already putting on Clara's new coat.


  • 该集团的莱说给了我们抵御这场金融风暴,将资本金增加国际标准水平时间

    'This gives us time to weather the storm and build up our capital position to the new international standards,' ING's Mr.


  • 已经开始组建一个家庭生活的一切都改变。”格尔如是说,离开之前还请假三个月陪伴家庭成员——刚刚领养的小女儿

    "I started a family and it changed everything for me," says Heigl, who took a three-month family leave from Grey's this season to bond with her newly-adopted daughter, Naleigh.


  • 已经开始组建一个家庭生活的一切都改变。”格尔如是说,离开之前还请假三个月陪伴家庭成员——刚刚领养的小女儿

    I started a family and it changed everything for me,” says Heigl, who took a three-month family leave from Grey’s this season to bond with her newly-adopted daughter, Naleigh.


  • 博士们正在技术检测淀粉样蛋白,它是一个可以引起斑块蛋白导致阿尔默病。

    Doctors are also beginning to use new technology to detect amyloid, a plaque-causing protein that can lead to Alzheimer's disease.


  • 芬兰建造反应堆可以打消核电站商业运作上担忧,但它的建造计划拖延超过了预算

    The reactor that Areva is building in Finland might have dispelled worries about the commercial viability of new plants, were it not behind schedule and over budget itself.


  • 大鼠身上进行植入试验可以恢复对某个开关失去记忆,这预示了一种潜在的治疗阿尔兹·脑卒中失忆症患者方法

    A new brain implant tested on rats restored lost memories at the flick of a switch, heralding a possible treatment method for patients with Alzheimer's disease, stroke or amnesia.


  • 声明这些物种里有许多逃过了以前的考查,因为它们实在太小了,比如蜘蛛蛞蝓藤壶

    Many of these avoided previous detection because they were too small, including goblin spiders, sea slugs and barnacles, the statement said.


  • 冷战结束的年后,北约国家普遍认为俄罗斯并未对其造成危险,所以需要制定应变计划保护成员例如波罗的沿岸国家。

    For years after the cold war, the orthodoxy was that Russia did not pose a threat, so NATO did not need to draw up contingency plans to protect newer members, such as the Baltic states.


  • 最近一次撞击发生当日默尔小组正好发布2009年撞击木星事件的照片分析报告。

    The recent impact happened the same day Hammel and her team released new photos and analysis of the 2009 Jupiter collision.


  • 加拿大伯纳比西门菲大学考古学布赖恩·这些证据非常有说服力并且代表着最早宴会案例

    Brian Hayden, an archaeologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, says that the new evidence is "very convincing" and represents the "best documented case" of early feasting to date.


  • 本周刊登科学杂志一项研究,便讨论了量子理论两个重要也是最令人费解的性质伯格的不确定性原理非定域性

    The new research, published this week in the journal Science, deals with two of the theory's most important and mind-bending properties: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and nonlocality.


  • 过去十年来现代汽车逐渐增强自身的设计能力韩国扩编人员,2002年2003年分别在美国加州欧文德国塞尔斯·建立设计中心

    Hyundai slowly beefed up its design capabilities over the past decade, adding staff in South Korea and building new design centers in Irvine, Calif., in 2002 and Russelsheim, Germany, in 2003.


  • 现在蒂重高兴起来,脑袋装满事物想法不再说话直到他们到了爷爷的小屋。

    Heidi now felt quite happy again, and her little brain was so full of new impressions and new thoughts that she did not speak any more until they had reached the hut.


  • 随着年龄的增长胰岛素敏感性降低是阿尔兹默病的一个风险

    Sensitivity to insulin can decline with ageing, which presents a novel risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.


  • 大多数用来建设足球购买训练设备允许霍芬姆购买潜力年轻球员

    Much of the money has been spent on a new stadium and training facilities but it has also allowed Hoffenheim to buy more than a dozen promising young players.


  • 一项研究表明激活神经元钾离子通道药物证明治疗阿尔默症有效

    Drugs that activate potassium channels in neurons might prove effective in treating Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests.


  • 出乎意料是,现任英国金融服务局行政长官的克特出任央行行长行使监管角色

    But in a surprise move, Hector Sants, the current head of the FSA, will be made a deputy governor at the central bank and handed the new supervisory role.


  • 所以伯比莉女士考虑用巨大的,高科技叶片来代替,叶片将笼罩酒暗(荷马曾用词,意即深深的大-译注),这成为一个旅游景点不过有荷马赞美诗来赞美它们行。

    Miss Birbili thinks giant, high-tech blades, looming over the wine-dark sea, could become an equally welcome sight. But it may be a while before a new Homer hymns them in verse.


  • 阿布扎比有了自己古根博物馆,卡塔尔贝律铭奴维尔设计博物馆已经建成,更不用说它将主办2022年世界杯

    Abu Dhabi has its Guggenheim, Qatar new museums by I.M. Pei and Jean Nouvel (see article), not to mention the 2022 football World Cup.


  • 总督从人民手中接受职位那天早晨丝特·白兰珠儿来到市场。

    BETIMES in the morning of the day on which the new Governor was to receive his office at the hands of the people, Hester Prynne and little Pearl came into the market-place.


  • 如果能够足够多的购买的话,我就可以为自己赚取加勒比的旅行、一台笔记本电脑,或者一份丰厚的红利。

    If I sell to enough people, I could win a trip to the Caribbean, a new laptop, or a big bonus.


  • 北约候选国积极游说其中包括2004年加入北约波罗沿岸国家最近,他格鲁吉亚加入北约积极游说。

    He has lobbied hard for new candidates, including the Baltic states, which joined NATO in 2004, and most recently for Georgia.


  • 阿尔信托基金贝卡·伍德'这些发现可能改变我们诊断阿尔茨默病的方法极大促进治疗方法的研发。

    Rebecca Wood, of the Alzheimer's Trust, said: 'These findings have the potential to transform the way we diagnose Alzheimer's, greatly enhancing efforts to develop new treatments.'


  • 阿尔信托基金贝卡·伍德'这些发现可能改变我们诊断阿尔茨默病的方法极大促进治疗方法的研发。

    Rebecca Wood, of the Alzheimer's Trust, said: 'These findings have the potential to transform the way we diagnose Alzheimer's, greatly enhancing efforts to develop new treatments.'


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