• 深海热泉地球表面出现裂缝我们这里提到的裂缝是在海底深处发现的。

    Hydrothermal vents are cracks in the Earth's surface that occur, the ones we are talking about here are found deep at the bottom of the ocean.


  • 没过一会身体鲸们回了海底深处

    Within a moment or two, its body was dragged by the killers down into the depths of the sea.


  • 作者海底深处沉船仍然保持完好比喻下列哪项?埃及古墓

    The author compares a sunken ship preserved in the deep sea to which of the following? A tomb in Egypt.


  • 唐太斯海里着一个三十六重的铁,正把他拖海底深处

    Dantès had been flung into the sea, and was dragged into its depths by a thirty-six pound shot tied to his feet.


  • 周五,板块推挤聚集压力超过了距海岸80英里海底深处岩石承受力

    On Friday, the accumulated strain overcame the strength of the rocks deep beneath the sea some 80 miles offshore.


  • 构造板块移回到海底深处(这些火山最终喷发就是源于海底深处)时,地壳便摧毁。

    Old crust is destroyed as tectonic plates return to the depths from which those volcanoes ultimately draw their fire.


  • 2010年4月6,一起里氏7.7地震在(印度尼西亚)明打威海峡的海底深处突然发生,这个海峡位于苏门答腊岛锡默卢、尼亚斯之间

    A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck deep beneath the Selat Mentawai (Mentawai Straight), between Sumatra and the nearby Simeulue and Nias Islands on April 6, 2010.


  • 各大洋重新出现时地壳便各个火山喷涌而出;当构造板块移回到海底深处(这些火山的最终喷发就是源于海底深处)时,地壳便摧毁。

    As oceans reopen new crust is pulled forth from volcanoes; old crust is destroyed as tectonic plates return to the depths from which those volcanoes ultimately draw their fire.


  • 海底这些喷口释放出温度高得难以置信热水,温度比开水还要高34因为这些地球深处加热的。

    These vents on the ocean floor, they release this incredibly hot water, 3 to 4 times the temperature that you boil water at, because this water has been heated deep within the Earth.


  • 冰岛由于热区里的物质地底深处涌起部分海底山脊空中而形成国家。

    Iceland is the result of a "hotspot" in which material rises from deep within the Earth, pushing part of this ridge up into the air.


  • 海底进行时间搜索之后,搜救人员海面以下4,000深处打捞到这些遗体

    The bodies were hauled up from a depth of almost 4, 000 metres after a lengthy search of the seabed.


  • 一条生活印度尼西亚附近SangiheTaluad区域海底516深处百合(SeaLilly)长有红色的“手臂”。

    The red arms of a Sea Lilly living 516 metres deep off the Sangihe Talaud Region near Indonesia.


  • 海底进行时间搜索之后,搜救人员海面以下4,000深处打捞这些遗体

    The bodies were hauled up from a depth of almost 4,000 metres after a lengthy search of the seabed.


  • 总的来说我们深入海底深处不过不会海区作业。”该项目的顾问施拉格

    "We are going deeper overall under the floor, but we aren't working in a deep region of the sea," says Schrag, who serves as a consultant to the project.


  • 站得埃菲尔铁塔一样,帕迪多油井通到了海底2400深处抽到石油最深点海底2900米。

    Standing nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower, it is chained to the seabed 2.4km metres below and is capable of extracting oil at a maximum depth of 2.9km.


  • 他们花费个小时观察记录海底努力了解水下深处极地生命性质

    For hours, they observed and documented the sea floor, struggling to understand the nature of polar life far below the surface.


  • 张照片入选了“澳大利亚Australia深海”活动,活动目的在于探寻海底100至1000深处的生物。

    The shot, taken by a submersible in Australia's sea territories is part of the 'Deep Australia' project which aims to explore life from under the sea from 100 to 1000 metres deep.


  • 最终解决方案取决于将根辅助油井打入海底深处彻底堵住目前在泄漏的油井。

    The hope for a permanent solution remains with two relief Wells intended to plug it completely far beneath the seafloor.


  • 一个是历史记录的第二大地震,即2004年12月正好发生印尼苏门答腊岛以西海底断裂并且引发海啸整个印度洋海洋深处造成巨大破坏

    One, the second-biggest ever recorded, ripped the seafloor just west of Sumatra, Indonesia, in December 2004 and unleashed a tsunami that caused destruction across the entire Indian Ocean basin.


  • 一个是历史记录的第二大地震,即2004年12月正好发生印尼苏门答腊岛以西海底断裂并且引发海啸整个印度洋海洋深处造成巨大破坏

    One, the second-biggest ever recorded, ripped the seafloor just west of Sumatra, Indonesia, in December 2004 and unleashed a tsunami that caused destruction across the entire Indian Ocean basin.


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