• 科迪勒拉山脉海岸山脉卡斯卡德山以及洛基山组成。

    Composed of the Coast Range, the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains.


  • 蓝玉髓台湾珍贵宝石之一,它产于台湾东部海岸山脉一带。

    Blue chaleedony is one of the most precious gemstones in Taiwan, The most popular imitations of blue chalcedony in Taiwan market are dyed chalcedony, dyed quartzite and blue opal.


  • 一种热带森林通常接近海岸山脉顶峰常常终年连续覆盖

    A tropical forest, often near peaks of coastal mountains, that usually has constant cloud cover throughout the year.


  • 来自太平洋海岸向内陆遇到海岸山脉落基山脉这些山脉屏障

    Inland from the coast, the winds from the Pacific meet the mountain barriers of the coastal ranges and the Rocky Mountains.


  • 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚海岸山脉战斗,康拉德·安加横穿沃丁顿山脊深处座高山山脊。

    Conrad Anker traverses an alpine ridge deep in the Waddington Range on Mount Combatant, Coastal Range in British Columbia, Canada.


  • 雾蒙蒙北部海岸华达山脉没有一个地区幸免不受影响

    No area was spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


  • 克罗地亚:克罗地亚的亚得里亚海海岸悬崖岛屿山脉任意游走,同时还有许多文化历史景观可看。

    Croatia: Croatia's Adriatic coast offers cliffs, islands and mountains to snake your way around, as well as plenty of cultural and historical sites.


  • 巴拉山脉西海岸他们踪影,他们也是美国西弗吉尼亚华盛顿两个的州而且英国常见

    They are found in the Appalachians and West Coast. It is the state flower of two US states, West Virginia and Washington, and is quite common in Great Britain as well.


  • 企图逃避自我,于是逃离海岸,跑科罗拉多州落基山脉的一个山麓小丘上大学

    I attempted to escape by leaving the East Coast and heading to the foothills of the Colorado Rockies for college.


  • 新西兰西海岸预言山脉foreboding mountains)峭壁环绕山谷阿图阿——众神的所在

    The foreboding mountains and steep-walled valleys on New Zealand’s southwest coast are the places of


  • Prokudin - Gorskii穿着西装帽子,坐在Karolitskhali河边石头上,Karolitskhali位于巴(在黑海海岸)港口附近高加索山脉里面。

    Prokudin-Gorskii in suit and hat, seated on rock beside the Karolitskhali River, in the Caucasus Mountains near the seaport of Batumi on the eastern coast of the Black sea.


  • 动物园着手佛吉尼亚州蓝岭山脉(Blue Ridge Mountains)、北卡罗来纳州海岸等地建立幅员辽阔的“生存中心”,此储备非洲动物种群

    Zoos began establishing "survival centers" on vast acreages in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, coastal North Carolina, and elsewhere, and stocking them with African fauna.


  • 加拿大西部著名洛基山脉东部山脉延伸到了加拿大海岸

    The west of Canada are the famous Rocky mountains. In the east, mountains stretch down the coast of Canada, too.


  • 现今北美瑞典挪威以及澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛和新西兰许多海岸线淹没山脉前方世纪将会成为岛屿

    Many of the current coastlines in North American, Sweden and Norway, along with Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand will be underwater with the mountains becoming islands in the century ahead.


  • 土耳其北部,车队西行驶沿着黑海海岸,还穿过美丽坚固假牙山脉格鲁吉亚

    The convoy has driven East to West in northern Turkey following the coast along the Black Sea and driving through the beautiful, rugged Pontic and Georgian Mountains.


  • 美国广袤平原、高大的山脉数以千计形状各异江河湖泊凉爽森林炎热沙漠以及长达数千英里海岸线

    In the United States, there are wide plains and high mountains, thousands of lakes and rivers of all sizes, cool forests and hot deserts, and a coastline several thousand miles long.


  • 山脉海岸平行可以在这里感受到清新的空气,欣赏到美丽景色

    It is a mountain range running parallel to the East Coast. You can get fresh air and beautiful scenery here.


  • 帕特里夏经过墨西哥西部海岸西马德雷山脉时,风速已被迅速削弱

    And those same winds were rapidly weakened when they passed over the Sierra Madre Occidental, mountains near Mexico's western coast.


  • 天气系统包括雷暴阵风陆龙卷沿海岸湖面山脉大风大雪冻雨

    Included in this category are thunderstorms, gust fronts, tornadoes, high winds especially along coasts, over lakes and mountains, heavy snow and freezing precipitation.


  • 由于18世纪晚期19世纪早期移民定居地是从海岸(大西洋海岸)开始凡是阿巴拉契亚山脉以西地方都认为是西部。

    For the settlers starting out from the Atlantic coast in the late 18th and early 19th century, everything west of the Appalachian Mountains was considered "the west".


  • 山脉地跨利比里亚几内亚象牙海岸边界,有着世界丰富铁矿储藏量。

    The Nimba mountains, straddling the borders of Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast, hold one of the world's richest deposits of iron ore.


  • 花莲一个很棒的地方拥有新鲜空气、动人的景致壮丽的山脉美丽海岸线许多花莲是台湾最后的净土。

    Hualien is a wonderful place, with fresh air, beautiful scenery, magnificent mountain ranges, and a lovely coastline. Many people say that it is the last Eden in Taiwan.


  • 北美洲最西部一系列山脉沿太平洋海岸线美国阿拉斯加东南延伸加利福尼亚

    A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.


  • 这个时候强烈的活动,特别是喜马拉雅安第斯山脉地区;而在北美西海岸要少一些;在欧洲的阿尔卑斯山几乎没有造山活动。

    This time around, there will be strong mountain building, in particular in the Hymalayas and Andes, not so much along the West Coast of North American, and hardly at all in the Alps in Europe.


  • 星星云层遮住的时候,鸽子显然是通过山脉海岸线河流地标找到他们的的。

    When the stars are hidden by clouds, the doves apparently find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges. coast lines, and river courses.


  • 星星云层遮住的时候,鸽子显然是通过山脉海岸线河流地标找到他们的的。

    When the stars are hidden by clouds, the doves apparently find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges. coast lines, and river courses.


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