• 海关人员突然袭击,缉获大量毒品

    A swoop by customs officers netted a large quantity of drugs.


  • 海关官员那个男子移交警方看管。

    Customs officials turned the man over to the police.


  • 首先必须通过移民局海关的检查。

    First, you have to go through immigration and customs.


  • 海关官员遍了我们行李

    The customs officers searched through our bags.


  • 穿过海关大厅便衣侦探逮捕了

    He was arrested by plainclothes detectives as he walked through the customs hall.


  • 海关官员登上艘船

    The ship was boarded by customs officials.


  • 步行通过了海关

    He walked through customs.


  • 海关关员阻截了一次企图走私画作出境阴谋。

    Customs officials foiled an attempt to smuggle the paintings out of the country.


  • 这些上贴骷髅标志引起海关官员怀疑

    Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.


  • 他们短短的几分钟内就很快走完了移民海关手续

    They are whisked through the immigration and customs formalities in a matter of minutes.


  • 海关官员对于这种设备做出一系列相互矛盾陈述

    Customs officials have made a series of contradictory statements about the equipment.


  • 海关人员炸药放入水中摧毁货物大部分货物完好无损。

    Customs men put dynamite in the water to destroy the cargo, but most of it was left intact.


  • 多年一直夹带手表海关

    For years he has been smuggling watches through customs.


  • 木匠全职工作但是一些重要建筑材料滞留海关了。

    I'm having my carpenters work full time, but some important building materials are being delayed at the customs.


  • 已经木匠全职工作了,不过一些重要建筑材料海关延误了。

    I'm having my carpenters work full time, but some of the important building materials are being delayed at the customs.


  • 妈妈坐在海关人员预留桌子旁边时,说:“真是地方。”

    "It's such a nice place," mother said as she sat at the table reserved for customs.


  • 预计中国将批准派遣载有武装警察海关官员巡逻艇,有权搜查遣返涉嫌违反制裁船只

    It is expected to approve proposals to send patrol boats manned by armed police and customs officers with powers to search and turn back ships suspected of breaking the sanctions.


  • 海关例行公事不耐烦暗示着,小时知道存在克洛艾,已经产生了渴望状态

    My impatience with the customs ritual indicated that Chloe, who I had not known existed a few hours ago, had already acquired the status of a craving.


  • 应该听说过去年四月份一则新闻安柏·海德因为条狗带去澳大利亚时没有海关申报面临诉讼

    You may have heard the news last April about how Amber Heard was facing lawsuits for taking her two dogs into Australia without declaring them to customs officials.


  • 美国海关声明如果使用进口商品监管进行销毁,则商品支付的99%的关税税费费用可以得到赔付。

    United States Customs states that if imported merchandise is unused and destroyed under their supervision, 99% of the duties, taxes or fees paid on the merchandise may be recovered.


  • 克雷西利用当代文学证据船运单海关记录发现大多数成年移民精通农业手工艺识字家庭为单位组织起来

    Using contemporary literary evidence, shipping lists, and customs records, Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.


  • 加拿大打球NBA球员曾经低声轻笑,带着难以置信神情跟:“我们必须其他人一样在海关排队等候。”

    An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada—get this—"We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."


  • 只有30分钟的时间办理市中心海关手续,意味着必须5点30分办理登机手续也就是说我必须4点15分左右离开

    I only have thirty minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and it means I have to check in by five-thirty, which means leaving home at about four fifteen.


  • 海关查获大量走私海洛因

    The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.


  • 海关开始对所有入境点的入境人员进行核酸检测。

    Chinese customs began NAT on inbound arrivals at all points of entry.


  • 事实上美国海关报告说,CFC-12仅次于违禁药物第二违禁品。

    In fact, the United States Customs Service reports that CFC-12 is a contraband problem second only to illicit drugs.


  • 货物通行单一种海关文件

    The transire is a customs document.


  • 页面内容主要来自马鲁港口提马鲁海关进出口公司目录

    The content of this page is from the TIMARU port or TIMARU customs import and export company directory.


  • 对于投向中国市场手机,海关工作人员利用一个电子系统货物标记出口”,重新标记为“进口”。

    For an iPhone headed for the China market, customs officials use an electronic system to stamp the goods as "exports" and then restamp them as "imports".


  • 我们行李通过海关检查。

    Our baggage has cleared customs.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定