• 西去飘蓬。

    Left the pavilion to the west, Floating Life Regret drift.


  • 那些伤感的日子里流年乱了浮生

    In the sentimental days, I take time, messy floating.


  • 流式填料床适应更高负荷

    It was also showed that suspended growth method could bear higher phenol load than PF does.


  • 第三部分介绍了浮生及其两种英译本的译者

    The third chapter introduces the particular objective in this thesis, Fu Sheng Liu Ji, and its individual translators.


  • 译本《浮生记》林语堂作为杰出翻译家的有力见证

    Six Chapters of a Floating Life is a testimony to Lin Yutang's superb skills as a translator.


  • 难道是你的存在富于想象了,不能作迟钝浮生普遍照明

    Was thy existence then too fanciful For our life's common light, who are so dull?


  • 我们天真一点贪心浮生人生不过梦幻一场

    We were stupid, we were naive, and a little bit greedy too. Life is only illusion, Life is but an empty dream!


  • 希望走到一面能够投射灵魂的镜子前,解是回望的浮生若梦。

    I wish I will look out a mirro which may flash back my soul, then get off my blank life with regrets.


  • 引用了林语堂自己翻译的《浮生记》中的译文,来论证的翻译观点

    His viewpoint is also demonstrated in the paper by quoting his translation in Six Chapters of A Floating Life.


  • 第二是对《浮生记》文本、作者以及两个译本、译者综述性介绍

    The second chapter holds an introduction of Six Chapters of a Floaitng Life and its translations.


  • 因此林译《浮生记》译者与原文作者和译文读者主体间关系完美契合。

    Therefore, Lin's Six Chapters ofa Floating Life is a perfect mediation of the intersubjective relations.


  • 结果随着AA剂量增加,L5178Y细胞相对存活率长率明显降低

    RESULTS: The relative survival rate and suspension growth rate of L5178Y cells decreased significantly with the increasing doses of AA.


  • 只是奈何浮生欢娱少,离别,怨天怨人鸳鸯独行独坐独唱独

    Just how little a pleasure, hate parting, blaming heaven complain more of fate. Who pities the mandarin duck heart? Lone, solo single reward also to lie alone.


  • 目前芯片检测技术基础上提出一种新颖悬浮式生物芯片并行检测分析方法

    On the basis of current detection technology of suspension biochip, a novel parallel detection method for suspension biochip is brought up.


  • 文学翻译重要做到达意传神,林语堂先生英沈复的《浮生》较好地做到了一点。

    It is very important to transfer the spirit of the original in literary translation. Lin Yutang has done this very well in his translation of Six Chapters of Floating Life written by Shenfu.


  • 夏日炎炎,而这里依然清风阵阵,信步相伴舒缓音乐,好一番偷得浮生半日闲景象。

    Even in the scorching summer, refreshing breezes waft in from the lake and mountain. An idle stroll in the courtyard accompanied with soft and melodious music is a typical day of the hotel life.


  • U 937单核细胞,主要是以为主,细胞形态成圆球状,表面光滑,没有突起。

    U937 is a kind of pro monocyte. It grows mainly in the state of suspension.


  • 接种时第二大部已经贴壁形态圆形为主,可见不规则三角形多角形形状

    Gang inoculation was suspended growth, the next day most of the already adherent morphology with round-based, showing irregular, triangular, polygonal and other shapes.


  • 事实上人们将可看到的是个多重现实景象:花枝招展艺术品、火热兴建中的城市、偷得浮生闲的花园

    There is in fact a multiple reality, with apertures to the art exhibited, the city being constructed, and the garden to be sought refuge in.


  • 浮生记》中的陈芸以其内蕴丰富性特异性而成为中国古代文学史具有现代意义女性”形象。

    The heroine Chen-yun in the Six Chapters of Floating Life is the "new female" character in the Chinese ancient literature because of the luxuriant and distinctiveness that she implied.


  • 想起浮生川流许多别的时代以及这些时代之遗忘,我便感觉到离开尘世的自由

    I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and and are forgotten, and I feel the freedom of passing away.


  • 作者希望通过对《浮生》林语堂译本分析,对研究尔默文化语言学应用于意象的传递翻译研究有所裨益。

    It is hoped that this thesis can be of some help to the research in the application of Palmer's Cultural Linguistics to the translation of imagery transmission studies.


  • 虚无思想中国文学中历来不乏例证古代诗人每每经历挫折之后借助诗文抒发人生短,浮生之慨。

    Nihilism in the Chinese literature, has always been no lack of examples of the ancient poet; often after experiencing frustration, they will express with poetry that life is short and like a dream.


  • 浮生六记》中某些侧重表达功能文化词语翻译,译文作者采用了异化手法强调源形式风格的表达。

    As for the culture-specific concepts which emphasizethe expressive function, the translator adopts foreignization method to transfer the form and style of the source language.


  • 旅途终结之前能找到内心深处那个包容万物自我,任外在躯壳浮生万类随偶然变易的流水一同漂过。

    Before the end of my journey may i reach within myself the one which is the all, leaving the outer shell to float away with the drifting multitude upon the current of chance and change.


  • 本文接受美学理论为依据,通过对《浮生六记》两个英译本进行比较译者翻译起到的作用进行研究

    Based on Reception Aesthetics, this paper intends to do a research of the translator's role in the process of translation by comparing two versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji.


  • 人生短,并且对于大部分人来说并不愉快但是,仍然有人可以在抛掉烦恼偷得浮生半日闲,感受幸福的降临。

    Life is short and, for most humans, very unpleasant, and yet people do feel happiness when they stop thinking and worrying.


  • 人生短,并且对于大部分人来说并不愉快但是,仍然有人可以在抛掉烦恼偷得浮生半日闲,感受幸福的降临。

    Life is short and, for most humans, very unpleasant, and yet people do feel happiness when they stop thinking and worrying.


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