• 挪威克朗(货币代码NOK)现在挪威流通货币

    Norwegian Krone (currency code NOK) is the name of the currency used in Norway.


  • 三晋锐角布中的布当是韩国铸造法定流通货币

    The spade coins shaped acute angle of Three Jin states should be the legal currency made by Han state.


  • 美国已经有超过一百没有发行任何形式流通货币了。

    States haven’t issued currency in any form for more than a hundred years.


  • 此外采用自由流通货币中央银行需要再维护汇率了。

    In addition, the central banks of free-floating currencies no longer had to raise interest rates to defend their exchange rates.


  • 正如这个规律适用市场其他商品一样适用于市场中的流通货币

    This applies as well to the market for circulating currency as it does to markets for any other good.


  • 否则,RMB成为亚洲流通货币,而美元将被出亚洲。

    Otherwise, Chinese yuan will become universal currency in this regionand American $s will be discarded by Asian countries.


  • 美元价值依照其他主要流通货币而定,现在情况和年前一样

    The dollar’s value in terms of other major currencies is about the same now as it was three years ago.


  • 用银制作而成钱币产生宋代,到了明代最主要流通货币

    Silver dollar or ingot coin is made of silver. It was produced in the Song dynasty, and it was become a major currency in Ming dynasty.


  • 这些存款成为美联储资产负债表另一大笔并不立即影响流通货币流动资金过多

    These deposits comprise another huge pool of excess liquidity on the Fed's balance sheet that doesn't immediately affect circulated currency.


  • 新加坡试图世界范围内抢占一席之地,他们的全球流通货币石油他们加分不少。

    Singapore is making a bid for a global role and has carved out a niche for itself in the currency and oil sectors.


  • 美元这个问题,认为这才是我们应当担心-是吧,美元可是我们流通货币

    And actually on terms of the dollar, I think you gotta be concerned about the dollar. -you do dollar is our currency.


  • 用户通过交易模块碳增值模块进一步参与二氧化碳排量流通货币的交易活动

    The user also can further participate in exchange activities which take the carbon dioxide emission reduction amount as a currency by a carbon exchange module and a carbon appreciation module.


  • 虽然圣马力诺不是欧盟成员,但按照欧盟理事会决定,允许欧元作为流通货币

    Although San Marino is not an official European Union member, it is allowed to use the euro as its currency by virtue of arrangements with the council of the European Union;


  • 并通过严格资本控制大部分流通货币限制国内,而只给投资者留下了很小空间容纳他们的资金

    Stringent capital controls keep most Chinese currency in the country, leaving investors very few places to put their money.


  • 美元同时全球储备货币流动性市场流通货币所有这些因素似乎独特角色前折腰

    All of these factors seem to be trumped by the dollar's unique role as the world's reserve currency and provider of the most liquid markets.


  • 法属圭亚那属于法国一个赤贫的、原始国家(现在的流通货币欧元),大部分人口社会保障救济金过活

    French Guiana is an impoverished, wild country that belongs to France (the euro is the local currency) and where most of the population is living on social security handouts.


  • 央行控制控制着狭义货币供应量,这被称作基础货币——通常是流通货币加上商业银行中央银行贮备货币

    Central Banks control the narrowest measure of the money supply, called the monetary base-typically, currency plus the reserves that commercial Banks hold with the central bank.


  • 此外人民币升值有助于增强中国购买力提高社会福利能为将来人民币成为国际流通货币打下基础

    In addition, the RMB appreciation will help enhance China's purchasing power, improve social welfare, and lay the foundation for RMB to become as an international currency in the future.


  • 即使欧元批评者承认不到年的时间里,以美元对手把欧元建立为世界流通货币一件相当可观成就

    Even critics of the euro would concede that it has had considerable success, establishing itself in less than a decade as a genuine rival to the dollar as a world currency.


  • 美元唯一现存对手欧元影响小。欧元除了欧元区17个成员国外,统计中只有25个国家把欧元作为流通货币

    Its only present rival, the euro, has a much smaller circle of influence, counting 25 devotees, beyond the 17 members of the euro zone itself (see chart).


  • 一个设在美联储资本储备财政部通过销售新的国债提供资金账户的过剩资本是“受困”的,并不会立即变为流通货币

    This is a capital reserve in the Fed financed by the Treasury selling new debt, but its excess capital is "trapped" and does not immediately reach currency in circulation.


  • 长久以来,查理曼大帝一直被誉为欧洲父”(甚至还发行过套欧洲流通货币),然而作为一个象征人物,他其实并不十全十美。

    Charlemagne has long been calledthe father of Europe” (he even instituted a common currency). Yet he is a flawed symbol.


  • 由于正在使用中的钞票有相当数量已被“毁容”,塞浦路斯中央银行近日呼吁那些涂鸦爱好者们立即停止该国流通货币上胡写画的行为。

    The Cypriot central bank, alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation, appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country's currency.


  • 并非所有建立国家都发行货币,如东帝汶选择美元作为本国流通货币,当然对本国许多贫民来说这样决定显得有些糟糕。

    Not all new countries issue their own currency. East Timor opted for the U.S. dollar, a choice that some created hardship for some of its impoverished citizens.


  • 并非所有建立国家都发行货币,如东帝汶选择美元作为本国流通货币,当然对本国许多贫民来说这样决定显得有些糟糕。

    Not all new countries issue their own currency. East Timor opted for the U.S. dollar, a choice that some created hardship for some of its impoverished citizens.


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