• 梦境安宁思绪流动河水,从夜晚闪烁群星,从太阳光芒不断向他袭来。

    Dreams and restless thoughts flow from the river, and from the stars shining in the night from the rays of the sun.


  • 夜里,它们栖息普拉特河缓缓流动浅水处,呆在没腿的凉爽河水沙洲,因为起的水花会警告它们可能捕食者了。

    By night they roost in the gently flowing shallows of the Platte, shin-deep in cool water, or else on sandbars, giving them warning against any predator that might come splashing out.


  • 污染严重时,河水只要流动而且接触植物土壤岩石自身很快就会变清洁

    Rivers clean themselves quickly when pollution is not too great, so long as the water is moving and in contact with plants, soil and rock.


  • 在阿切站的埃瓦索·恩伊洛河边,孩子们河水装到水罐一般会全年流动除非遭遇极度干旱

    Samburu children gather water in jugs from the Ewaso Nyiro River in Archer's Post, which flows all year except for periods of extreme drought.


  • 泥沙堆积是由河水自然流动形成缓慢地推动水库水位上升,这造成重庆部分低洼地区可能洪水淹没的潜在危险。

    Sediment buildup from the natural flow of the river will slowly cause the water level in the reservoir to rise - potentially flooding low-lying parts of Chongqing.


  • 知道这是因为害怕看见自己死亡而故意蒙住自己的双眼还是由于河水流动自然而然地让睡衣掩盖住了脸蛋

    No one knew whether she had deliberately shielded her eyes from death or if the river current had simply veiled her face.


  • 他们这样做了以后河水停止了流动留下了一条通往对岸干燥小路

    As they did so, the river stopped flowing, leaving a dry path across to the other bank.


  • 河水曲折河道处,由于遇到网箱或许石笼网河水就会拐弯,顺着固有的河道流动

    The water in the river twists and turns, perhaps due to stone cage cage gabion mat, the water will turn down the natural river flow.


  • 河岸顶部洪水淹没之时,周围土地变成河流河水成片朝着平坦的地势流动无论何处都成了排水

    When the Banks have been crested, the surrounding land becomes the river, with he water moving across flat land in a sheet, toward whatever is the drainage point.


  • 河水流动性持续展开,类比人类情感经历生命无常

    It riffs on the river's transient qualities as an analogy to the impermanence of human emotion, experience, and life.


  • 河水慢慢地在低语的芦草流动

    The river is gently flowing among the whispering reeds.


  • 图片中看到正下方条高速公路,车流经过声音听起来就像河水流动时不时还能听到汽笛喇叭声

    As you can see there is a highway beneath us, which surprising sounds a lot like a river, with the occasional horns and sirens now and then.


  • 河水曲折河道处,因为遇到网箱或许涂塑石河水就会拐弯顺着固有河道流动就能够安全引导河水

    The water in the river bend, because the stone cage nets may encounter plastic coated gabion mat, the water will turn down the inherent channel flow can safely guide water.


  • 沉浸音乐里好像步入河流感受河水流动只要跟着这个旋律倾听着

    I was in your music, just like the rivers flow into the feeling, follow the melody, listen.


  • 怀特沃德这个名字来自这些小溪河流快速流动而清澈见底的河水

    The name White Water comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.


  • 河水流动通过水闸码头便成为一个散热器服务于中心HVAC暖通系统中央机房泵房利用冰冷河水排热。

    As river water flows in and out through the lock, the marina functions as a heat sink, serving a submerged HVAC central plant and pump room which utilize the cold river water for heat rejection.


  • 因为污染物除随河水流动方向流动以外,还河水流动不同方向扩散。污染物可能由于水体的自净作用流动过程中逐渐消失。

    Due to the diffusional effect, the pollutant will flow not only towards the down-stream, but also in other directions, including the direction against the flow stream.


  • 至今见到兰溪这么美丽的河流流动半透明的甘甜河水堤岸翠绿的垂柳温柔地拂掠水面

    To this day I have never seen such a beautiful river as the Lanxi river, with its sweet translucent waters, verdant embankments and weeping willows gently sweeping the water's surface.


  • 所保留视觉记忆河水流动方向弄错了

    Such is the visual memory that I retain, but it has the river flowing the wrong way.


  • 杀死犯人尸首中,首尾相叠,堵住河水流动,抬高了河床的水位

    The bodies of those who had been killed were thrown into the river, blocking the flow of the water and raising the water level.


  • 杀死犯人尸首中,首尾相叠,堵住河水流动,抬高了河床的水位

    The bodies of those who had been killed were thrown into the river, blocking the flow of the water and raising the water level.


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