• 是个派对可是其他客人离开后杰伊还在不断为斟酒

    The party was quite large, but after the other guests left, Jay kept filling my glass.


  • 信号灯派对”指参加聚会客人会穿不同颜色的衣服来显示他们的感情状况

    A stoplight party is a party at which guests wear different colors indicating their relationship-seeking status.


  • 有时候派对结束后,我会发现客人这个与世隔绝的小小角落吃夜宵

    The size is perfect for the little nook and sometimes at the end of a party, I’ll find guests having a night cap in this secluded little area.


  • 曼德拉先生亲自邀请客人举行这场派对,是庆祝重获新生的“蓝色列车”的首次起航,该列车有南非东方快车”之誉。

    The guests had all been personally invited by Mr Mandela to mark the inaugural journey of South Africa's newly renovated equivalent of the Orient Express, called the Blue Train.


  • 即使DJ用音乐制造出某种情绪(画廊女孩派对杰森·赛维设计的音乐组合让人觉得极为印象深刻),一些客人还是会带上他们自己的耳机

    Even though a DJ sets the mood (Jason Savvy's sets at GG parties are particularly impressive), some patrons bring their own headsets.


  • 派对组织者付给客人现金或者支票然后黄金运到精炼厂回炉重造

    The party host pays them with cash or a check, then ships the gold to a refinery, where it is melted down and recycled.


  • 信号灯派对目的减少客人派对接近潜在目标时的顾虑。

    The purpose of a stoplight party is to decrease the apprehension associated with approaching potential mates at parties.


  • 8客人举办场塔斯奇派对(tashkil,也叫储蓄派对),希望能够做好

    I'm hosting a tashkil (savings party) for eight guests and want to make sure I put on a good spread.


  • 此同时,鼻孔中充斥着昨晚香烟残留味道,仿佛是派对散场、众人散去之后,独自烂醉沙发上睡客人

    As I do, my nostrils are filled with stale cigarette smoke that hung around from the night before like a party guest who'd passed out on the living room sofa after everybody else went home.


  • 帮助派对开始如果10位以上的客人,您相辅相成收到一瓶张裕大香槟。

    To help get the party started if you have 10 or more guests you will receive a complimentary bottle of Prosecco Fantinel!


  • 英国派对组织者通常客人自带酒水可能请帖看到BYOB这个词。

    In the UK, it is common for the party host to ask guests to bring their own drinks. You might see BYOB written on theinvitation.


  • 这些可爱到爆的饼干一定会客人食指大动、垂涎欲滴的,要是放在小朋友感恩节派对上来吃不过了。

    Your guests will gobble these adorable cookies right up. These delicious cookies are perfect for a kid's party or the Thanksgiving table.


  • 意识客人窘境派对主人正在寻找有创意方法人们不再害怕。

    Hosts, conscious of their guests' quandary, are finding creative ways to take fear out of the equation.


  • 英国派对组织者通常客人自带酒水可能在请帖上看到BYOB这个词。

    In the UK, it is common for the party host to ask guests to bring their own drinks. You might see BYOB written on the invitation.


  • 优秀作品赞同美好派对的最好搭配我们客人离开的时候在内心由衷的赞同。

    Being known for great work is great pairing for throwing a great opening party. And our guests heartily echo it as they leave...


  • 客人本地家伙儿子生日派对决定采取特许教练庆祝观光会见他们悲惨事故结束

    The guests were all for the birthday party of the son of a local guy and decided to go sightseeing taking a chartered coach after the celebration, but met with their tragic ends in the accident.


  • 有些夫妻家庭相反适当礼仪回报代价,他们开办派对提供食物他们客人客人他们同样等价礼物现金

    Some couples and families instead of proper etiquette, in return for their opening party, provides food for their guest, the guest to give the same gifts or cash equivalent.


  • 记得小时候我们一家邀请参加“即叫即派对客人只需参与派对,却须担心要穿什么什么。

    I recall from childhood my family being invited to a "come as you are" party. Guests were to simply come, without worry about what they might wear or bring.


  • 遇到过:有时派对拍了很多照片之后查看照片意识很多客人眼睛的。

    Who doesn't know this: On a party lots of photos are taken and later when looking at the pictures, you realize that the eyes of a lot of guests appear red.


  • 菲比客人莫妮卡沉闷派对偷渡钱德和乔伊的饮酒作乐的狂欢派对

    Phoebe smuggles guests out of Monica's boring party and into Chandler and Joey's raging celebration.


  • 菲比客人莫妮卡沉闷派对偷渡钱德和乔伊的饮酒作乐的狂欢派对

    Phoebe smuggles guests out of Monica's boring party and into Chandler and Joey's raging celebration.


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