• 意志力可以阻止自我放纵洪流水坝

    Your willpower is not like a dam that can block the torrent of self-indulgence.


  • 啊,急川洪流轰鸣

    Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.


  • 不过,随着信息洪流增长人们感到不知所措的情况并不罕见。

    But as the torrent of information increases, it is not surprising that people feel overwhelmed.


  • 历史洪流角度来看,米米·贝萨姆约翰·斯图阿特·通常都被认为好人

    IN THE grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys. Between them, they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism.


  • 不过这样指涉运动展开普遍的是发生一些展开象征化,特别是整体应用洪流之后

    More often, such a movement occurs after at least some unfolding and symbolizing, and especially after the felt flooding of global application.


  • 这部债务三部曲所有中,周期始于资本洪流跨境流动,它推低了利率刺激信贷增长

    In all three volumes of this debt trilogy, the cycle began with capital flooding across borders, driving down interest rates and spurring credit growth.


  • 正如十九世纪末二十世纪初来自欧洲移民洪流后代的情形,如果融合鼓励,那么种族差异消失。

    When integration has been encouraged, as with the descendants of the great flood of European immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, ethnic distinctions have vanished.


  • 一个巨大的等离子显示屏包络屋顶体育场产生惊人虚拟洪流水,担心下雨破坏仪式证明是毫无根据的。

    A giant plasma screen enveloping the roof of the stadium produced a stunning virtual torrent of water but fears of rain spoiling the ceremony proved unfounded.


  • 那个洪流限制了我们思想,我们的大脑并且只要我们还在贪婪嫉妒恐惧愉悦欢乐如此等等所限制,我们就是洪流一部分

    That stream has conditioned the human mind, the human brain, and as long as we remain conditioned by greed, envy, fear, pleasure, joy and all the rest of it, we are part of this stream.


  • 他们肩并肩站一会儿注视着节日洪流,寻找自己其中位置

    They stood there for a moment, side by side, watching the rush of the holiday current and for their place in it.


  • 降雨量有限每年融化雪水洪流平原,成为滋润此地的水源

    Rainfall was limited, and what water there was rushed across the plain in the annual flood of melted snow.


  • 年后,其它科技巨人一样,思科也遭受到了钱伯斯先生称为“百年不遇洪流”袭击。

    But a year later, like other technology giants, it was hit by what Mr Chambers calls the "hundred-year flood".


  • 观察家担心欧洲处理即将到来违约洪流没有美国有效率,这意味着慢的复苏

    Observers worry that Europe will cope with the coming flood of defaults far less effectively than America, meaning a slower recovery.


  • 热情洪流淹没的理智,我令人目眩速度扬帆疾驶;我没有时间心灵观察,去感受去理解这个现实的世界

    I sailed with giddy speed, carried away by the flood of passion; I had no time to see and feel and take the world into my being.


  • 随着世界范围越来越多受到更高的教育知识洪流进一步增强

    And as more people around the world become more educated, the flow of knowledge will increase even further.


  • 导致洪流一般旨在遏制投机活动的草案出现短暂中断

    That has led to a brief interruption in the torrent of proposals aimed at curbing speculation.


  • 欢迎来到资讯纷乱时代大多数而言,信息的丰足犹如洪水般袭来,使我们数据洪流中扑腾,不敢轻易判断大多数信息的可信度

    And welcome to the age of information confusion: for many of us, that abundance feels more like a deluge, drowning us in a torrent of data, much of whose trustworthiness we can't easily judge.


  • 构筑起心灵家园,使那些不曾存在的、呈现已然湮没时光洪流中的一事一精神的天空中翩跹起舞。

    It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have happened in the past.


  • 自始至终这些公司都在融合利用来自服务数据洪流提供更好客户体验增加销售机会

    All the while, the companies are merging and leveraging the flood of data from new services to provide a better customer experience and increase selling opportunities.


  • 当时中国印度都已经变得内向,使自己隔离于思想洪流以及那些使得日本其他人口更少亚洲国家富有的好处。

    Both China and India had turned inward, cutting themselves off from the flow of ideas and goods that had made Japan and other less populous Asian economies richer.


  • 我们一直沉浸在文化知识洪流里,我们必须决定如何使用这些知识塑造我们未来

    There's a torrent of cultural knowledge flowing over us all the time, and we get to decide how to use that knowledge to shape our future.


  • 但是既然机器引发了绝大部分数据洪流那么机器可以用来处理这些信息。

    But just as it is machines that are generating most of the data deluge, so they can also be put to work to deal with it.


  • 来自地球内部石油经过少数长期开采,从点滴变为洪流

    The trickle of oil from the Earth, long extracted by humans in small amounts, became a torrent.


  • 泥水夹带灰烬洪流汽车建筑物洪水城市和乡村泛滥成灾。

    Torrents of muddy water and firery debris washed away cars and buildings, flooding towns and farmland.


  • 通过聪明算法,微博的洪流可以揭露一个国家情绪变化

    Fed through clever algorithms, a torrent of microblogs can reveal changes in a nation's mood.


  • 同样没有寻求回报滚滚资金洪流,被IMF加以指责那些造成系统性风险金融工具无法成长,更无法形成威胁。

    But equally, without the flood of money seeking returns, the risky financial instruments that the IMF is blaming for increasing systemic risk may not have grown and posed the risk that they did.


  • 同样没有寻求回报滚滚资金洪流,被IMF加以指责那些造成系统性风险金融工具无法成长,更无法形成威胁。

    But equally, without the flood of money seeking returns, the risky financial instruments that the IMF is blaming for increasing systemic risk may not have grown and posed the risk that they did.


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