• 同意赔偿洛克比空难遇害者家属

    He agreed to pay the final amount of money owed to families of the Lockerbie bombing victims.


  • 1999年利比亚交出洛克比空难嫌犯

    Libya hands over two Lockerbie bombing suspects.


  • 洛克比空难之后,利比亚10多年间遭到孤立

    After Lockerbie, Libya was plunged into isolation and remained there for more than a decade.


  • 白宫要求1988年洛克比空难主犯重新回到苏格兰监狱

    The White House has called for the man convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing to be returned to prison in Scotland.


  • 洛克比空难过去已经块21希望知道了这件事,为什么以及怎么干的。

    Almost 21 years after the Lockerbie bombing, I would expect to know who did it, why they did it and how they did it.


  • 昨日,麦格·拉西泰晤士访谈起誓将在前拿出自己与洛克比爆炸无关证据

    Megrahi vowed in an interview with the Times newspaper yesterday that he would present new evidence before he died exonerating him of any involvement in Lockerbie.


  • 同意赔偿洛克比爆炸案受害者家属,还宣布利比亚停止生产大规模杀伤性武器计划

    He agreed to pay the final amount of money owed to families of the Lockerbie bombing victims. And he announced that Libya was ending its programs to make weapons of mass destruction.


  • 洛克比爆炸案中一名受害者父亲到达利比亚,会见(?) 此案中唯一定罪嫌犯。

    The father of a victim of the Lockerbie bombing has been to Libya to visit the only man convicted of the atrocity.


  • JohnBrennan称,释放洛克比空难主犯决定不幸的不当的,错误的。”

    John Brennan described the decision to free the Lockerbie bomber as "unfortunate, inappropriate and wrong".


  • 英国首相戈登·布朗坚持称,洛克比空难利比亚主犯被释放方面没有利比亚方面达成任何交易

    The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has insisted that no deal was struck with Libya to secure the release of the Libyan man convicted of the Lockerbie airliner bombing.


  • 不论是对利比亚反对派还是洛克比空难遇难者家属来说,穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲的是个好消息。

    The death of Moammar Gadhafi is welcome news for many people, from Libyan rebels to the families of the Pan Am flight 103 victims.


  • 1988年洛克比镇的泛美航空公司爆炸案可能卡扎菲卷入名声最大同时也是最有争议事件

    The 1988 Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie is possibly the most well-known and controversial incident in which Gaddafi has been involved.


  • 英国发现正是时候——美国曾经威胁因为释放洛克比空难投弹手阿尔·麦格里希,断绝情报部门联系

    The British discovery also came at just the right time - the us had threatened to sever intelligence links over the release of Lockerbie bomber al Megrahi.


  • 戈登•布朗终于被迫简要地表示尊重释放洛克比空难[2]制造者阿布德尔巴塞特•阿尔-迈格拉希决定。

    Gordon Brown has finally expressed, under duress, laconicrespect” for the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.


  • 1998年,英国答应洛克比空难丧失189名公民美国任何指控犯下这场暴行的人苏格兰服刑终生。

    In 1998 Britain agreed with America, which lost 189 citizens over Lockerbie, that anyone convicted of the atrocity would serve his sentence in Scotland.


  • 但是到了90年代,卡扎菲拒绝交出1988年洛克比空难疑犯利比亚国际制裁隔离,奥马一家生活窘迫。

    But in the nineties, with Libya isolated by international sanctions because of Qaddafi's refusal to hand over suspects in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, Osama had struggled to make a living.


  • 英国不同,苏格兰刑事案件中保留“证据不足判决,眼下令人不快景象正是由洛克比案的此种审判结果所带来的。

    Unlike the English, the Scots retain a "not proven" verdict in their criminal courts, and the unappealing prospect in sight is of this being the effective outcome of the Lockerbie case.


  • 指控BP石油公司说服释放洛克比空难爆炸格·拉希问题发挥作用卡梅伦巴马为相关问题做好了准备

    David Cameron and Barack Obama were peppered with questions about allegations that BP played a role in securing the release of the convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.


  • 洛克比空难爆炸嫌犯被释放一事,戈登.布朗今天开始打破沉默利比亚人欢迎嫌犯归来欢腾场面愤怒反感”。

    Gordon Brown today broke his silence on the release of the Lockerbie bomber, saying that he was "angry and repulsed" at the scenes of jubilation in Libya.


  • 回绝给予本人人民以自在剥削他们财富国内外谋杀反对本人的人、恐惧手腕恫吓普通百姓——包括我们美国人(指洛克比空难,狮子注。)

    He has denied his people freedom, exploited their wealth, murdered opponents at home and abroad, and terrorized innocent people around the world – including Americans who were killed by Libyan agents.


  • 不过庆典中提到洛克比空难制造者Abdelbasset al - Megrahi的名字,al - Megrahi因即将前列腺上月苏格兰方面释放

    But there was no mention of Abdelbasset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, who was freed by Scotland last month and is dying from prostate cancer.


  • 不过庆典中提到洛克比空难制造者Abdelbasset al - Megrahi的名字,al - Megrahi因即将前列腺上月苏格兰方面释放

    But there was no mention of Abdelbasset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, who was freed by Scotland last month and is dying from prostate cancer.


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