• 波尔斯先生欢迎这个建议

    Mr Balls welcomed the proposals.


  • 波尔发现那些岁老人中,那些秘密主要在于基因

    Perls has found that in centenarians, it's principally genes that are the secret to extra years.


  • 波尔斯说:岁人中很少吸烟历史他们基本上也肥胖

    Few centenarians have a history of smoking, and they tend to not be substantially obese, Perls said.


  • 故事是从南非波尔监狱开始,纳尔逊·曼德拉曾这里度过了27

    Our story began in the Pollsmoor Prison in South Africa, a place where Nelson Mandela spent several of his 27 years of incarceration.


  • 我们访问波尔监狱期间,26号成员谈起最近一次监禁经历

    During our visit of the Pollsmoor Prison, a gang member from the 26's spoke with me regarding his latest incarceration there at the facility.


  • 亲爱的波尔怀着极大的兴趣完了相信不少女士类似疑问

    Dear Powles I read with great interest your note; I believe that many of you also have the similar questions.


  • 迈阿密主教练埃里克•波尔斯特拉承认这次失败所忍受最糟糕的失败”之一

    Miami head coach Erik Spoelstra admitted the defeat was one of the "toughest losses he has had to endure."


  • 波尔斯采访再次证实最后意图AMD进一步使用ATI品牌,其所有图形产品

    In its interview with polster again finally confirmed intention AMD and to further use a brand ATI for all its graphic products.


  • 波尔斯说:波士顿研究小组中的百岁人高加索白人意味着研究结果可以复制其他种族参与者中去。

    The centenarians in the Boston group's study were all Caucasian, meaning the results should be replicated with participants of other ethnicities, Perls said.


  • 周一早上热火全队迈阿密举行集训之后主教练埃里克·波尔斯特拉更衣室召集队员一次

    The Heat practiced one last time in Miami on Monday morning, followed by coach Erik Spoelstra gathering his team in the locker room for a quick meeting.


  • 不过如果波尔斯及其同事工作能够取得成功,那些百岁老人出身的幸福意外可能会为我们其他人带来好处

    But the centenarians' happy accident of birth may benefit the rest of us too, if Perls and his colleagues are successful in their work.


  • 我们认为基因变异而言,真正活到老年来说重要组合而言,老人实际上非常强健。”波尔

    "We think centenarians are going to be really powerful when it comes to genetic variations or combinations that are important to living to really old age," says Perls.


  • 当时热火包机计划当晚迈阿密,不过詹姆找到韦德表示他们应该波尔特里,看能不能改为第二天早上回去

    The Heat’s charter planned to fly home that night, but James suggested to Wade that perhaps they ought to ask Spoelstra about leaving in the morning to return home.


  • 这种情况……总是我们相信遗传基因这种令人惊讶的特征中占有重要地位,”波尔周三新闻发布会上说。

    "That... has always made us believe that genetics is playing a very important role in this wonderful trait," Perls said Wednesday in a press conference.


  • 研究更多的关于例外长寿基因基础理论波尔斯同事追踪调查了参加英格兰岁老人研究的800名岁老人。

    To learn more about the genetic underpinnings of this "exceptional longevity", Perls and his colleagues have been tracking 800 centenarians enrolled in the New England Centenarian Study.


  • 南非安全级别最高监狱波尔斯穆监狱最近开始狱中实地拍摄真人选秀囚犯身穿统一橙色囚服,摄像机前展示才艺,希望获评狱中明星”。

    Dressed in orange uniforms, inmates at South Africa's maximum-security Pollsmoor Prison sing and act for the cameras in a new reality series where they vie to be crowned "Jail Star".


  • Serendipity这个词,1854年霍勒·沃波尔一封信创造,这个词源于一个关于三个王子故事他们总是意外发现那些他们无意寻找东西”。

    The word "serendipity" was coined by Horace Walpole in an 1854 letter, from a tale of three princes who "were always making discoveries, by accident, of things they were not in search of".


  • 我们通讯员阿里姆·马克波尔前往枪击现场那里罗宾·廷报道最新情况。

    Our correspondent Aleem Maqbool went to the scene of the shooting, and from there, he told Robin Lustig the latest.


  • 所有人都准备好了,”波尔·特拉说道:“这个夏季对我们似乎过漫长,仿佛我们永远不到现在一样。”

    "We're all ready for this because of how long the summer has seemed," Spoelstra said. "seemed like it's taken forever to get to this point."


  • 最新发表研究中,他们宣称单纯通过增加每个主题的邻居数量有可能完成累托波尔兹曼·吉布分布之间切换的。

    In their latest work they say that it is possible to switch between Pareto and Boltzmann-Gibbs distributions, simply by increasing the number of neighbors each agent has.


  • 波尔主教练博阿说:“毫无疑问是个壮举。”我们还有另外一奖杯争取以完成这个难忘赛季

    Porto coach Andre Villas Boas: "Without a doubt this is a great feat." We have one trophy left for a memorable season.


  • 迈阿密教练埃里克·波尔·特拉只球队把目光集中无能力结束比赛上

    Miami coach Erik Spoelstra said the team would be focusing on its inability to close out games.


  • 波尔先生所敬慕人中有达可•温沃汤姆逊爵士,一位学识广博的苏格兰生物学家。 1917年,写了生长成形论》。

    One of Mr Ball’s heroes is Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, a Scottish biologist and polymath, who in 1917 wrote “On Growth and Form”.


  • 波尔主教练博阿说:“毫无疑问是个壮举。”

    Porto coach Andre Villas Boas: "Without a doubt this is a great feat."


  • 我们应该感激大卫阿滕波尔、罗伯特·布莱恩其他流行作家以及电视节目主持人普及这些兴趣

    We should be grateful to David Attenborough, Robert Winston, Brian Cox and other popular writers and television presenters for generating such interest.


  • 为了诱惑敌人派了一支骑兵分队波尔塔瓦以南佯渡沃卡拉河。

    To divert the enemy he sent a detachment of cavalry to make a feint across the Vorskla south of Poltava.


  • 波尔本场的胜利延续着一个赛季出色发挥,他们已经赢得了葡超联赛冠军机会拿下三冠王——他们将周日葡萄牙决赛中面对吉马良

    Porto's victory continues their superb season, in which they have won their league title and remain on course for a Treble - they face Guimaraes in the Portuguese Cup on Sunday.


  • 那个古董投影展台里,阿尔·弗雷多阿德尔·菲奥神(莱奥波尔多·特里亚·特饰)批准下放映着电影,这正是20年来每个电影院的人看不到任何一个哪怕是简单原因

    In the antique projection booth, Alfredo screens the films for the approval of Father Adelfio (Leopoldo Trieste), the reason no one has seen a single kiss in 20 years of going to the cinema.


  • 那个古董投影展台里,阿尔·弗雷多阿德尔·菲奥神(莱奥波尔多·特里亚·特饰)批准下放映着电影,这正是20年来每个电影院的人看不到任何一个哪怕是简单原因

    In the antique projection booth, Alfredo screens the films for the approval of Father Adelfio (Leopoldo Trieste), the reason no one has seen a single kiss in 20 years of going to the cinema.


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