• 非盟专家们仔细讨论反恐法律草案

    AU experts pore over draft law on terrorism.


  • 法律草案需要国会批准

    The draft legislation still requires parliamentary approval .


  • 法律草案先前议会两院一审议中获得通过

    Rogation already was in before two courtyards read the parliament in discussing, obtain through.


  • 法律草案未来的个月内印度国会进行辩论。

    The draft legislation is to be introduced for debate in the Indian parliament in the next two months.


  • 法律草案意味着女性公共场合面纱可能罚款。

    The proposed law would mean that women wearing the veil in public could be fined.


  • 同时,它们与欧洲行政部门——欧洲委员会法律草案各不相同

    Both differ, too, from a draft law proposed by the European Commission, Europe's executive branch.


  • 起草或者组织起草若干重要法律草案行政法规草案

    To draft or organize the drafting of certain important laws and administrative regulations;


  • 仔细琢磨这个印刷精美法律草案,就发现它跟“无害相去甚远

    A closer look at the fine print also reveals that the draft legislation is far from harmless.


  • 法国国民议会通过了一项法律草案,允许非法下载人踢出网络

    The French National Assembly has passed a draft law that would allow illegal downloaders to be thrown off the net.


  • 中国份针对非金融企业法律草案明令限制外资所有的第三方支付

    Draft versions of a law covering what China describes as ânon-financialâ companies (meaning companies that are not banks) placed restrictions on foreign ownership of third-party payment services;


  • 两种对立观点争论不休法律草案一再被否决的情况下,通过重要法案非常困难

    It was very difficult to pass significant legislation when two opposing views were constantly being debated and legislative bills were constantly being defeated.


  • 法律草案老年人可以庭上起诉要求儿女在生理精神上照顾自己

    Under a draft legal amendment, elderly people could go to court to claim their right to be physically and mentally looked after by their children.


  • ,这项法律草案,‘扼杀近来涌现维护社区土地自然资源权利为目的草根倡导网络。’

    He says that the proposed law 'will stifle the grassroots advocacy networks that have emerged in recent years to defend community land and natural resource rights.'


  • 汉堡通过联邦参议院联邦立法机构份三十页法律草案寻求通过能够代表国家利益规定

    With a 30-page draft law, Hamburg is seeking to pass new regulations in the Bundesrat, the federal legislative body that represents the interests of the states.


  • 在进行任何投票很久,就会有两个或者更多法律草案流转所有草案都是针对同一个问题

    Long before any voting, two or more drafts of legislation circulate, all trying to address the same problem.


  • 3月22日许许多多的妇女也门首都萨那为一部禁止法律草案庆祝的情景几乎不值得大惊小怪

    THE sight of hundreds of women cheering a proposed law banning child marriage, as they did on March 22nd in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, was hardly amazing.


  • 英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA)的影响,起草法律草案承诺虐待动物者入罪,奖励告发人。

    His draft bill, influenced by Britain's RSPCA, promised to do this and offer rewards to informers.


  • 7月8日,旨在解决矿业公司购买利用土地条款法律草案报告提交后,行业公司股价非但没反而下跌了。

    On July 8th reports of a draft bill aimed at settling the terms on which mining companies can acquire and exploit land ended up sending the shares of firms in the industry lower rather than higher.


  • 项拟行政拘留执行年龄16周岁14周岁法律草案面临过度惩罚的担忧,同时也谨慎支持之声

    A new draft law that would change the minimum age for administrative detention from 16 to 14 has been met with both concerns of overcorrection and voices of support, albeit cautious.


  • 这项法律草案没有提及吸烟区吸烟罚款金额,专家表达了罚款低于土耳其实施的50美元水平愿望

    The draft law does not mention the size of a fine for smoking in non-smoking areas, but the expert expressed the hope that it will be no lower than that effective in Turkey - 50 dollars.


  • 减少俄罗斯烟草使用,这项法律草案设想烟草产品价格涨一次,达到超过消费者食品商品价格指数水平

    To reduce tobacco use in Russia, the draft law envisions an annual increase in prices for tobacco products to the level exceeding the consumer price index for food commodities.


  • 项旨在将法国天燃气公司国有股权80%至34%法律草案近日获得议会下院批准缺少此项法律并购无从进行。

    A draft law to reduce the state's stake in GDF from 80% to 34%, without which the merger cannot proceed, was recently approved by the lower house of parliament.


  • 去年,在另一个顽固支持吸烟国家-伊拉克内阁通过项与此类似的法律草案。但实施后,旋即遭到坚决的反对

    When a similar draft law was agreed by Iraq's cabinet last year - another die-hard smoking country - its implementation was met by staunch opposition.


  • 默克尔手头棘手法律局面因为必须确保任何法律草案不会受到联邦上院批准影响,她今年早些时候在那里失去了多数控制。

    Merkel has a tricky legal scenario on her hands, as she needs to ensure any draft law would not be subject to approval in the Bundesrat upper house, where she lost her majority earlier this year.


  • 默克尔手头棘手法律局面因为必须确保任何法律草案不会受到联邦上院批准影响,她今年早些时候在那里失去了多数控制。

    Merkel has a tricky legal scenario on her hands, as she needs to ensure any draft law would not be subject to approval in the Bundesrat upper house, where she lost her majority earlier this year.


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