• 最近地质证据表明16,000年前沿海岸大部分地区没有了,这与人们过去的看法相反

    Recent geologic evidence indicates that contrary to what had been believed, substantial areas along the coast were free of ice as early as 16,000 years ago.


  • 太平洋海岸图片。被认为250多孤单柏树涌现来自岩石沿海岸鹅卵石海滩加利福尼亚州

    Thought to be around 250 years old, Lone Cypress Tree springs out of rock along the coast in Pebble Beach, California.


  • 越来越多的人支持这样一种理论移民发生得多,是沿阿拉斯加沿路线沿西北海岸通过海路进行

    There is growing support for the theory that migration took place much earlier, by sea, following a coastal route along Alaska and down the northwest coast.


  • 天黑之后惟一亮光来自沿海岸火灾尽管灰尘笼罩下显得非常黯淡。

    After dark the only light came from fires near the shoreline, though it was dimmed by a cloud of dust.


  • 斯里兰卡2004年发生海啸之后许多拒绝沿地区搬迁远离海岸住房项目区因为搬迁影响他们生计

    After the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka, many people refused to relocate from the coastal area to housing projects away from the coast because the move would disrupt their livelihoods.


  • “快船队第一次获得他们海滨城市圣迭戈打球时候后来这个沿海岸北上了一点,来到了洛杉矶原来名字还保留着

    The Clippers first acquired the name when they played in the oceanside city of San Diego. The team later moved up the coast a bit to la, but kept the name.


  • 人类干预与否沿进程不断的使海岸形状大小颜色变化着。

    With or without human intervention, coastal processes continually morph coasts into different shapes, sizes, and colors.


  • 调查过十几个寺庙之后,马丁尼自亚历山大·利亚沿海岸公路西去探访认为最后一处遗址,也是觉得最有希望的地方。

    After studying more than a dozen temples, Martinez headed west of Alexandria along the coastal road to explore the ruin she had begun to believe was the last, best hope for her theory.


  • 相反这个国家沿海线地区教育,尽管本身十分不足,却为甚至一代以前提供劳动力

    Instead, the country coasts along on the education-itself far from perfect-provided a generation or so ago to its present workforce.


  • 利·普顿:就算使用传统发电技术能满足整个海岸电力供给——包括马塞诸塞卡罗莱纳所有沿

    Willett Kempton: Even just using conventional technology, there's enough power to run the whole East coast - all those coastal states, from Massachusetts through North Carolina.


  • 沿海岸线附近海水呈现明亮的蓝色——这里是浅水区,到了离岛较水深更深的地方,海水则变成了深蓝色

    Water color in the image changes from light blue along the coastline-indicating shallow water-to the dark blue of deeper water away from the island.


  • 过去年里已有冲塞海岸上,时间海滩上积雪融解沿水域的冷却相符合。提供者萨尼海岸工程

    The dead crabs have been washing ashore for the past three years coinciding with snow melting off the beaches and chilling the coastal waters. Credit: Thanet coast Project.


  • 本周五日本线经历8.9地震余波之后,沿海岸线80公里,又被场毁灭性侵袭

    A devastating tsunami hit the coast of northeast Japan on Friday in the aftermath of an 8.9 magnitude earthquake about 80 miles offshore.


  • 如果想这样做,预订阿莫旅行即可,或者可以雇条船沿海岸前行,直到到达这个小岛的海湾那里喷涌出的温泉注入大海

    To do the same, book a trip to Ammoudi or hire a boat and head along the coast until you reach the bay of Palia Kameni where water from the springs pours into the sea.


  • 桑德兰沿海岸而下,公款帮助下日产正在研发电动汽车

    Down the coast in Sunderland, Nissan is developing electric cars with the help of public money.


  • 一个无家可归人准备叫做皮内拉斯希望帐篷里沮丧不安,这个帐篷天主教堂清水建立的,萨拉·索塔沿海线向上50公里

    He wound up in a tent in a camp for the homeless called Pinellas Hope, which was set up by the Catholic church in the town of Clearwater, 50 miles up the coast from Sarasota.


  • 通常一年中低温月份中,日本本州东北部地表沿海岸或者基本是自西向东吹。

    Commonly, during cooler months of the year, surface winds blow off shore, or essentially west to east, in northeastern Honshu.


  • 世界面积最大冰盖开始沿海岸边缘逐渐消融这令人们担心全球海平面上升速度科学家预期

    The world's largest ice sheet has started to melt along its coastal fringes, raising fears that global sea levels will rise faster than scientists expected.


  • 过去年里已有冲塞海岸上,时间海滩上积雪融解沿水域的冷却相符合

    The dead crabs have been washing ashore for the past three years coinciding with snow melting off the beaches and chilling the coastal waters.


  • 不管语言沿海线线粒体dna层级——一个女性基因标记携带了女性线链——相似

    Levels of mitochondrial DNA - a female genetic marker only carried down the female line - is similar all along the coast, regardless of language.


  • 地区星期五里通宵保持在这样强的飓风肆虐之下,并在同样条件下,它星期六下午抵达大西洋沿海岸

    Hurricane-force winds are expected in that region overnight Friday, with hurricane conditions arriving along the mid-Atlantic coast by Saturday afternoon.


  • 通常研究同样调查海啸作用力沿海线的距离怎样变化的。

    My current research is also investigating how tsunami forces change with distance from the shoreline.


  • 沿海岸向前有个镇,叫做罗萨鲁也是渔村经常浮现的眼前

    Along the same coast, toward the town of Rosario, is another fishing village. It will always be in my mind.


  • 100多架飞机数十艘船只数千军人沿海线搜索的时间。

    More than 100 aircraft, dozens of ships and thousands of military personnel will scour the coastline for three days.


  • 80%澳大利亚人沿海线而居,报告警告称“现在该行动的时候了。”

    With 80% of Australians living along the coastline, the report warns that "the time to act is now".


  • 在距内格里尔3.2公里外找到该岛最佳浅滩潜水区,那里沿海岸线岩石悬崖结晶水珊瑚

    Some of the island's best snorkeling can be found two miles (3.2 kilometers) from Negril, where crystal water and coral reefs wait below the coastline's rocky cliffs.


  • 斯密特一个现实例子孟加拉这个国家沿地区居民现在全力应付气候改变带来海岸线上升问题。

    A real-world example of this is Bangladesh, a country whose coastal inhabitants are currently struggling with climate change-related sea level rises, the University of Guelph's Smit said.


  • 科学家们发现,受到侵蚀海岸线已经威胁到了生活阿拉斯加因纽特人村庄其中还有年久的沿墓地遗迹

    Scientists found that coastal erosion caused by retreating sea ice is damaging remains in an Inuit village in Alaska, including a fourth-century coastal cemetery.


  • 科学家们发现,受到侵蚀海岸线已经威胁到了生活阿拉斯加因纽特人村庄其中还有年久的沿墓地遗迹

    Scientists found that coastal erosion caused by retreating sea ice is damaging remains in an Inuit village in Alaska, including a fourth-century coastal cemetery.


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