• 本文探讨了石嘴山市沙湖湿地综合整治中的水资源循环问题。

    The circulation of water resource in integrated management on Beishahu Wetland is discussed in the paper.


  • 沙湖地处石嘴山市平罗县之间石嘴山市区26公里,距首府银川56公里

    Sand Lake is located in Shizuishan City and Pingluo between the urban area 26 kilometers away from the Shizuishan, 56 km from the capital of Yinchuan.


  • 奈瓦沙湖乡村俱乐部提供肯尼亚豪华住宿选择客房私人别墅郁郁葱葱绿色草坪亩。

    Lake Naivasha Country Club offers luxury Kenya accommodations. Choose from guest rooms or private cottages set on acres of lush green lawns.


  • 详细介绍宁夏沙湖旅游区基本概况,包括旅游区地理位置、自然资源条件、环境状况等。

    The general situation of the Sandlake tourism area Ningxia is introduced , including the geographical position , the condition of the natural resources , the condition of environment.


  • 有次开车伊丽沙白快车道西行驶,一条安大略湖多伦多尼亚加拉瀑布的高速公路。

    I was driving in the fast lane westbound on the QEW, which is the highway that runs around Lake Ontario from Toronto to Niagara Falls.


  • 升高得巨型,它正在窥视莫诺表面

    The tufa towers rise like giant sand castles, peeking above Mono Lake's surface.


  • 近日,亚航宣布增加条航线米尔(沙捞越)湖(沙巴),计划九月份投入运营

    Recently, it announced two more connections to Miri (Sarawak) and Tawau (Sabah), which it will operate from September.


  • 这么一条沙带西部吉尔吉斯(Khyargas)以南地区横跨大约200公里延伸到东部较小湖泊——台勒门湖(Telmen Nuur)。

    One ribbon of sand, spanning roughly 200 kilometers, extends from an area south of Khyargas Lake in the west to a smaller lake, Telmen Nuur, in the east.


  • 最大水库——加利福利亚北部的沙斯塔(Lake Shasta)——水位已经超过历史均线达到水库边缘

    The state’s biggest reservoirLake Shasta in northern California—is full to the brim, with a water level way above its historical average.


  • 假如沙克留守,湖人也许可以再获总冠军(事实证明迈阿密做到了不过假如那样湖人就陷入热火现在境地

    The Lakers may have won one more championship if Shaq had remained in LA (as the Miami Heat did) but they would be in the same position as the Miami Heat are in now.


  • 它们中的第一2008年被激活,其他的位于巴西、沙斯塔、比米尼、的的喀喀湖的休眠中的水晶取得联系。

    The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the other sleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca.


  • 菲尔-杰克逊经过短暂退役之后又回到了教练席上,率领湖人拿到三连冠开始十年这次他们的核心叫沙克-奥尼尔。

    Phil Jackson returned from his brief retirement to lead the Lakers to three consecutive championships to open the decade, this time leaning on center Shaquille O'Neal.


  • 湖人爵士系列赛越来越激烈了,此时的湖人需要手感时冷时热的萨沙挺身而出比赛胶着时投进几个关键球

    As series with Utah gets tight, Lakers need the hot-and-cold Sasha Vujacic to keep things loose, and to hit a few key jumpers in the bargain.


  • 杰克逊已经季后赛三轮要求后卫乔丹-法码尔萨沙沃顿带领湖人板凳球员。

    Jackson has called on guard Jordan Farmar, Vujacic and Walton to carry his bench in the first three rounds of the postseason.


  • 解决这些问题办法在顺应盐湖演化规律的基础上采取人工措施,延缓盐湖演化速度,在盐湖演化为下湖之前完成全部采盐任务

    Man made measures must be taken to tackle these problems, to manage to postpone the evolution of the lake and to complete the exloitation task before it completely becomes sand covered lake.


  • 四川盆地西部侏罗系沙溪庙组河流三角洲—滨浅湖沉积为主红色泥岩系,天然气资源相当丰富

    Abundant in natural gas sources, Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in west Sichuan Basin is a red sandstone and shale mainly deposited in fluvial, deltaic shoal faces.


  • 俯瞰月亮,只见湖光色,交相辉映,充分展现出一种原始的、自然的、未经人工刻意雕琢的原生风貌

    Moon lake offers intertwined beauty and radiance from water, sands and surrounding scenes, giving full play to its original, natural landscape without any man-made polish.


  • 记住湖人甚至是一个人,在沙克科比之间,科比菲尔间,科比和科比间时刻都上演戏剧性的画面。

    Remember when the Lakers, even when pummeling everyone, always had drama tick-tick-ticking between Shaq and Kobe or Phil and Kobe or Kobe and Kobe?


  • 有人惯于甚至这样平静底的湖中有着危险窟窿可是若有这种情况,湖水早把湖底的不平一律夷为平底了。

    Some are accustomed to speak of deep and dangerous holes even in quiet sandy ponds like this, but the effect of water under these circumstances is to level all inequalities.


  • 处,浸于水中暗色枝杈杈样子光滑而且有了些年头,一丛丛地着呈纹路在水中起伏,蛤贝爬过的痕也历历在目。

    In the shallows, the dark, water-soaked sticks and twigs, smooth and old, were undulating in clusters on the bottom against the clean ribbed sand, and the track of the mussel was plain.


  • 采集青海湖地区沙柳河谷灌丛14主要植物,采用AAS分析了其中7微量元素含量

    Collected 14 plants of dominant species from the valley shrub of Shaliu river in the area of Qinghai lake. The content of 7 trace elements in all plants was analysed by AAS.


  • 沙三段时期,东濮地区发育濮阳明湖

    Puyang lake and Dongming lake were growing in Dongpu area.


  • 东营凹陷南斜坡王58地区沙四分析平面变化浊积扇发育控制作用。

    Taking the Upper Sha-4 turbidite fan in Wang-58 block as an example, we explain how lake level fluctuations control the development of turbidite fan.


  • 东营凹陷南斜坡王58地区沙四分析平面变化浊积扇发育控制作用。

    Taking the Upper Sha-4 turbidite fan in Wang-58 block as an example, we explain how lake level fluctuations control the development of turbidite fan.


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