• 江浙两省,人们通常是用陶土杯来冲泡龙井、碧螺春、毛尖或绿茶。

    In Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, a clay cup is usually used to brew Longjing, Biluochun, Maojian or just green tea.


  • 下面哪一个江浙一带清明节的传统食品

    Which one is the Qingming Festival food in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province?


  • 目的江浙蝮蛇蛇毒中纯化出出血纤溶

    Objective Purificating no hemorrhage of fibrinolytic enzyme from Agkistrodon halys venom.


  • 江浙商人俨然晋商徽商称为当时的“商帮”。

    The Jiangsu and Zhejiang merchant with the Jin business and the anhui merchants and was calledthree big business gangs”at that time.


  • 目的探讨江浙蝮蛇镇痛c 4组分可能作用途径

    OBJECTIVE To research the possible pathway of analgesic function of C4 protein in snake venom of Agkistrodon halys (Pallas).


  • 皖南地区同上海江浙沿海发达地区经济交往和合作门户

    Gateway for Anhui Southern Area to Shanghai and Jiangsu-Zhejiang Province in terms of economic communication and cooperation.


  • 离子江浙蝮蛇酸性磷脂酶a_2中的作用是多方面的。

    Calcium ion has multiply-aspect interaction with acidic phospholipase A_2 from Agkistrodon halys Pallas.


  • 烹饪派系北方菜系、南方菜系、四川菜系江浙菜系。

    These four major cooking schools are the Northern Style, the Southern Style, the Sichuan Style, and the Jiangzhe Style.


  • 估计,目前泰国来自江浙地区华人超过10,000

    It is estimated that in Thailand, the Chinese from Jiangsu, Zhejiang region more than 10,000 people.


  • 因此活跃上海房地产市场投机疏散江浙上海,许多网民空。

    As a result, active in the Shanghai real estate market speculators are evacuated Jiangzhe Shanghai, and many netizens gob.


  • 大片桑树林、果园,以及开阔水面景观展示江浙水乡的田园风光

    You can find around the hotel there are lots of mulberry and fruit trees, the open water landscape, and numerous scenic spots, which display the beautiful scene of Kiangsu and Chekiang countryside.


  • 荧光光谱方法研究江浙蝮蛇中性磷脂酶A_2(NPLA_2)。

    The neutral phospholipase A2 from the venom of Agkistrodon halys Pallas (NPLA2) was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy in this paper.


  • 大商帮”中的两枝,徽商江浙商人此役损失惨重,从此一蹶不振。

    Anhui and Jiangzhe businessman that belonged to "Three business Group" took serious losses during the war, and never recovered from that time.


  • 他们于1842年抵达江浙前线先期到达预定地点不料受到英军伏击。

    They arrived in front of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in 1842, scheduled to arrive at the location early, only to be ambushed British troops.


  • 商帮中的枝,徽商江浙商人此役中损失惨重,从此一蹶不振

    Hui merchants and Jiangzhe merchants, two of the "Three biggest regional business cartels", suffered a heavy loss in the war and never recovered.


  • 大商帮”中的枝,徽商江浙商人在此役中损失惨重从此一蹶不振

    Those merchants from Huizhou and Jiangzhe District, who were once regarded as two representatives of "Three Commercial Group", were greatly suffered and had been devastated ever since.


  • 商帮”中的,徽商江浙商人此役中损失惨重,从此一蹶不振

    The Hui and Jiang-Zhe businessmen, two branches of the then Three Major business Communities, came to find that the last nail had been hammered into their coffin and they could never get over it.


  • 同时江浙登陆台风发生源地、登陆时间地点进行了气候统计。

    At the same time, a climatic analysis on the origin of the typhoons as well as their landfall time and landfall place are made.


  • 当然这里例子江浙一带的,其实整个长江流域都在发生上述现象

    Of course, more than the examples cited here is the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area, in fact in the entire Yangtze River Valley in the occurrence of the above phenomenon.


  • 南方普遍风俗元宵面条水磨年糕江浙闽粤地初一元宵

    Southern universal custom is to eat dumplings, noodles and joint rice cakes, jiangsu and living etc. Ground balls, or Fried junior or boil;


  • 宋代江浙诗人四声分押格局占绝对优势,说明中古四声格局在宋代江浙基本变。

    In Song Dynasty, the poets of Jiangsu and Zhejiang mainly used the four tones rhyming skill, which shows this pattern was basically unchanged there.


  • 人们江浙男人性格细腻,女人更是呵护有加,身材似乎缺少那么点男子汉气概

    People often say that men of Jiangzhe are chary. They treat women well. But it seems they lack spirit of man.


  • 如果漫步一带古城小镇,或许你有幸看到那些镶嵌于明清古宅原汁原味的

    You will still see some stone Windows on antiquated houses of Ming, Qing dynasty when you are wandering about some small and old towns in Zhejiang or Jiangshu province if you are lucky enough.


  • 在校期间至今拥有6舞台表演经验,担任过江浙大型活动小提琴表演、竖琴表演嘉宾广受好评

    During the period of school has 6 years of experience in stage performances, Jiangsu Anhui served as the major activities of violin performance, harp performer, acclaimed.


  • 江浙一带,饭桌上通常扣肉有些地方,大年三十晚上人们瓜子平时不能晚上炒瓜子的。

    But the area of jiangsu, dining table usually there will be KouRou, some places, 30 night, people will Fried melon seeds, while in peacetime is not night Fried melon seeds.


  • 江浙一带,饭桌上通常扣肉有些地方,大年三十晚上人们瓜子平时不能晚上炒瓜子的。

    But the area of jiangsu, dining table usually there will be KouRou, some places, 30 night, people will Fried melon seeds, while in peacetime is not night Fried melon seeds.


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