• 大卫·贝克汉姆可能代替边锋出战主教练确认替代杰拉德将会

    David Beckham is likely to start in place of the Arsenal winger, but the manager confirmed Young would fill in for Gerrard.


  • “美味老爸”5得主中,紧随贝克汉姆皮特之后明星厨师贾米·奥利弗电视剧明星乔纳·罗斯和身为人父汤姆·克鲁斯

    Rounding out the top 5 in the dishiest dad competition after Beckham and Pitt was celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, TV star Jonathan Ross and recent father Tom Cruise.


  • 越位规则为什么大卫·贝克汉姆、加里·莱茵克尔约翰尼·威尔金在踢球本手册囊括了世界杯菜鸟想要了解一切能够(相对)安静的氛围中看球。

    From the offside rule to why David Beckham/Gary Lineker/Jonny Wilkinson isn't playing, your guide to everything World Cup virgins need to know, so you can watch games in (relative) peace.


  • 萨尼亚将会缺席足总杯对阵利兹比赛联赛杯中对阵伊普斯维奇的比赛以及在英超中客场对阵西汉姆的比赛。

    He will now miss games against Leeds in the FA Cup, Ipswich in the Carling Cup and away at West Ham in the Premier League.


  • 他们还邀请一些明星前来助阵,史蒂夫·雷德格雷夫爵士大卫·贝克汉姆马修·品友情相助伦敦申奥笼罩了一权威气氛,任何人不敢小觑

    The use of stars such as Sir Steve Redgrave, David Beckham and Matthew Pinsent gave the bid an air of authority that was hard to ignore.


  • 贝克·汉姆首次担任队长2000年11月15日意大利友谊赛上,当时埃里克尚未到任,由泰勒担任临时教练。

    Beckham's first game as captain came on 15 November 2000 in a friendly game with Italy while Taylor was in temporary charge, prior to the appointment of Eriksson.


  • 这个神秘父亲如同一个名不见经传的脚手架工人一样默默无闻。却去年12月伯兰郡赫克汉姆综合医院(HexhamGeneralHospital)做完疝气手术之后要求出院后去世

    The secret father, a scaffolder, died last December after being discharged from Hexham General Hospital in Northumberland following a hernia operation.


  • 和贝克·汉姆相比弗拉米尼融入球队还有一些问题因为过去场上位置靠近中间在这里他需要在边路活动。

    Flamini had more problems to adapt than Beckham, because at Arsenal he was used to play differently on the pitch, more central, whereas here he plays on the side.


  • 荣誉使成为英国骑士授勋制度一员,而同样获得这一荣誉的曼联球员包括布赖恩·布大卫·克汉姆

    The honour makes Giggs an Officer of the British Empire, a British order of chivalry. Other United players to receive the honour include Bryan Robson and David Beckham.


  • 曼联切尔西西汉姆的比赛会紧张。我们看曼联跟的比赛确可以非常轻松因为我们需要顾虑自己的比赛结果

    The Man United people will watch Chelsea v West Ham with a very high heart beat. We can watch Man United v Arsenal very, very calm because we depend only on our results.


  • 纳接着输掉了他们下一场比赛西汉姆,从此他们保持了22不败亨利离开也不过耸耸肩。

    And yet though Arsenal lost their next match, to West Ham, they are unbeaten in 22 games and have shrugged off losing Thierry Henry.


  • 奥克汉姆同事位于明尼阿波利斯市明尼苏达州大学,调查了六个学生他们听到的四个音的旋律是否相同

    To test this theory, Andrew Oxenham and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis asked a group of six students whether two four-note melodies were identical or not.


  • 每一都会感谢永贝里俱乐部所做出卓越贡献,并且西汉姆日子里好运相伴!

    Everyone at Arsenal would like to thank Freddie for his fantastic contribution to the Club and wish him the best of luck during his time with West Ham United.


  • 格拉汉姆没有完全否认纳的夺冠资格,他认为温格在考虑漂亮攻势时候更应该关注于比赛的结果

    Graham has not completely written off his old club's chances just yet, but thinks Wenger needs to focus on results and silverware ahead of pretty performances.


  • 39岁的贝克汉姆长子布鲁克林赫特福德郡的训练场回来时,卷入了一场车祸虽然报废了,但是所幸并无受伤。

    The 39-year-old was involved in the accident after picking up his eldest son, Brooklyn from Arsenal's training ground in Hertfordshire but emerged unhurt, although his car was not able to be used.


  • 法定时间获得绝佳的破门机会没有成功把握,肯尼迪乔治·格拉汉姆查理·乔治悉数错失临门一脚。

    Arsenal carved out the better chances but their finishing touch deserted them in normal time as Ray Kennedy, George Graham and Charlie George failed to convert decent opportunities.


  • 格雷汉姆相信不许签入3名球员同时他们必须拥有足够的经验立即融入球队当中,而不需要耗费训练营或者替补席上进行培养的。

    Graham believes Arsenal need to sign three players, and they must have enough experience to slot into the first-team straight away rather than needing time to develop in the academy and reserves.


  • 阿兰-主教练需要仔细准备西汉姆比赛战术防守住,帕度的球队状态非常糟糕

    Manager Alan Pardew will need to prepare West Ham's game plan carefully to thwart Arsenal, who can make sides look very inferior.


  • 因此我们将会专注西汉姆比赛助攻纳斯里打进第一进球其他进球非常类似

    Therefore, we will concentrate on the game against West Ham. arshavin. eu: The first goal that you created with Nasri is very similar to many other Arsenal's goals.


  • 特维斯和ac米兰联系到了一起,虽然西汉姆留下

    Tevez has also been linked with Inter Milan and Arsenal, although West Ham had been hoping to keep him.


  • 温格周日足总杯第三西汉姆的比赛中进行轮换可能会重新启用德罗斯

    Arsene Wenger may recall Philippe Senderos to the Arsenal side as he rotates his squad for the FA Cup Third Round tie at West Ham on Sunday.


  • 租借西汉姆期间打非常出色所以对于我们有用的,”主帅

    "He is back from a loan spell at West Ham where he did very well, so he is available again for us," said the Arsenal manager.


  • 主教练格拉汉姆在执教阿期间邓恩共事,猜测也许邓恩被迫离开埃米尔球场

    Former Arsenal manager Graham, who worked with Dein during his own tenure at the helm, has speculated that he suspects it was a case of him being pushed out of the exit door at Emirates Stadium.


  • 西汉姆主帅左拉相信切尔西拥有更好机会赢得赛季的英超冠军

    West Ham United manager Gianfranco Zola believes Arsenal have a better chance of winning this season's title than his former club Chelsea.


  • 曼联对阵大战之前切尔西主场迎战西汉姆场比赛天空体育1现场直播。

    Chelsea face West Ham on Sunday before Manchester United tackle Arsenal, with both games live on Sky Sports 1.


  • 罗宾范佩西相信队友永贝里应该奇妙“的俱乐部一个更加积极注解,特别是当转会西汉姆之后。

    Robin van Persie believes his former Arsenal team-mate Freddie Ljungberg should have been more positive in his comments about the 'fantastic' club he left for West Ham


  • 西汉姆不能再得到一个忠诚球员但是享受约翰·雷德福德最佳岁月

    West Ham could not have asked for a more committed footballer, but Arsenal had enjoyed the best years of John Radford.


  • 这位英格兰中卫相信温格执教14改变了超越前任格拉汉姆伟大工作

    The former England centre-back believes Wenger's 14 years in charge have transformed Arsenal and eclipsed the great work of predecessor George Graham.


  • 这位以色列国家队队长带来了很多英超经验加盟切尔西之前,西汉姆利物浦都取得了成功

    The Israeli captain arrives at Emirates Stadium with a wealth of Premier League experience, having spent successful spells at West Ham United and Liverpool before his move to Stamford Bridge.


  • 这位以色列国家队队长带来了很多英超经验加盟切尔西之前,西汉姆利物浦都取得了成功

    The Israeli captain arrives at Emirates Stadium with a wealth of Premier League experience, having spent successful spells at West Ham United and Liverpool before his move to Stamford Bridge.


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