• 汉地今天放鞭炮、点灯笼狮子十分热闹开心。

    In han Chinese, on the other hand, people are enjoying themselves setting off firecrackers, lighting lanterns and performing lion dances in festive ways.


  • 事实上只有中国汉地佛教,才真正将作为一种戒律来遵守。

    In fact, only Han Buddhism in China includes vegetarian diet as its religious disciplines.


  • 清朝中叶满洲长期置身于汉地社会都市生活环境影响下,国语骑射”的本领逐渐丧失

    In the middle of Qing Dynasty, Manchus, having lived in the central region for a long time and affected by city life, gradually lost their abilities of"National language and ride".


  • 灵活躲过了他们的猛击

    Hans deftly ducked their blows.


  • 司法官大胆宣布国王时代最高贵幸福时代

    The Councillor boldly declared the time of King Hans to be the noblest and the most happy period.


  • 建议宾客礼貌进食,不要在招待会上狼吞虎咽而且切记不要喝醉

    Hanson advises guests to accept the offerings politely—but not to gobble, or gulp—and for goodness sakes don't get drunk.


  • 他们白金接受女王勋章并且直到现在还是把作为自己应得的来接受

    They go to Buckingham Palace to receive medals from the Queen and, by now, more or less accept it as their due.


  • 谈到一个人一定一定不能什么的话题时,那么付出代价就是没有公平严肃对待娜的问题

    Talking about what "one" must and must not do and what it costs did not do justice to the seriousness of Hanna's question.


  • 剑桥接受教育年青人,却茫然开始了一个流浪的生涯,后来成了蝴蝶收藏家一些奇怪作者

    As a young man, after a Cambridge education, he stumbled into a career as a drifter, a collector of butterflies and author of strange books.


  • 一起,感觉几个星期都很好——尽管我们吵架,尽管她一一次拒之门外,我还是一次又一次巴结,讨好她。

    With Hanna things felt good for weeks—in spite of our fights, in spite of the fact that she pushed me away again and again, and again and again I crawled to her.


  • 然而事迹给人们讲述了一男子如何摆脱悲痛、勇敢起来担当临时帐篷营区协调人指导帮助社区成员渡过危机和恢复生计的故事。

    But his is a story of a man who stood up courageously from tragedy to become the Camp Coordinator of the temporary shelters, guiding and helping his community through crisis and recovery.


  • 接收便条,寄送磁带正常的事,这样轻松方式保持联系,娜之于像是远在天边,又像是近在眼前,我本来还是可以无限期继续这一情形的。

    The exchange of notes and cassettes was so normal and familiar, and Hanna was both close and removed in such an easy way, that I could have continued the situation indefinitely.


  • 冰冷目光嘴的方式默默聆听我的朗读,最后猛敲一下墙壁面孔转变一个面具跟我说着话

    Hanna loving me with cold eyes and pursed mouth, silently listening to me reading, and at the end banging the wall with her hand, talking to me with her face turning into a mask.


  • 如果一过多下去就会想到很多尴尬痛苦情形而且知道即便我对娜的记忆已经了别,我还是没法不去想。

    If I think about it more, plenty of embarrassing and painful situations come to mind, and I know that even if I had said goodbye to my memory of Hanna, I had not overcome it.


  • 几天来行为一直都很古怪,喜怒无常专横霸道同时很明显看得出有某种压力不折不扣折磨着使她极其敏感脆弱

    Hanna had been behaving oddly for days, moody and peremptory, and the same time palpably under some kind of pressure that was absolutely tormenting her and left her acutely sensitive and vulnerable.


  • 大块头,十分温柔,是一个十分男子生了一副女人柔肠

    He is big and tender, a man every inch of him, but with a woman's heart.


  • 莫伊尼补充道:“人们过去总是不受拘束果园中行走。”

    People have always been free to walk around the apple orchard unescorted, ’ she added.


  • 经历萨拉令人不安要求后,发现仍然美妙好人愿意不求任何回报帮助陌生人一种慰藉

    After dealing with the disturbing demands of Sarah and Hannah, it is a relief to find that there are still wonderfully kind people who are willing to help a stranger for nothing in return.


  • 混合真人实景计算机绘图动画这个起源于中世纪故事笨拙巫师格格巫(·阿扎·利亚)最终发现蓝精灵所在

    A mix of live action and CG animation, the story starts in the Middle Ages, when the maladroit sorcerer Gargamel (Hank Azaria) finally discovers the location of Smurf Village.


  • 这时法官进入了法庭愤怒瞟了一眼娜后宣读裁决。

    But then the court entered the courtroom and after an irritated glance at Hanna, the judge announced the verdict.


  • 黑暗日子里,本•伯南克克·保尔森、蒂姆·盖特纳希拉·贝尔把握了大局,大胆快速采取了行动

    In the darkest of days, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner and Sheila Bair grasped the gravity of the situation and acted with courage and dispatch.


  • 斯莱流利说,“我们FBI方分局发出了全境通告,今天早上我们一位密探幸运中南区发现了。”

    We put out an APB with the other FBI district offices and got lucky this morning when one of our own undercover agents saw him in South Central. We were ready to pounce...


  • 金森觉得他烦人还是告诉了他,警方一层气体他们俩兄弟出来,警方使用的是无色无味的气体。

    Hutchinson is annoyed, but says they're planning on gassing the brothers out floor by floor; they're using a colorless, odorless gas.


  • 忘了明天跳绳事儿,十二点上床睡觉就像爸爸那样。” 四年级的阿丽气喘吁吁、满头大汗

    "Don't forget the jump rope thingie is tomorrow and go to bed at midnight like me and my friend did, " said fourth-grader Isaac Hanly, still puffing and sweaty.


  • 目前爱尔兰官方大方希望促成来访唐宁街白金宫内也普遍赞成

    The Irish authorities are now openly pressing for a visit, and both Downing Street and Buckingham Palace look favourably disposed.


  • 目前爱尔兰官方大方希望促成来访唐宁街白金宫内也普遍赞成

    The Irish authorities are now openly pressing for a visit, and both Downing Street and Buckingham Palace look favourably disposed.


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