• 一个国家生活水平不仅取决于国内生产消费财富取决于通过国际贸易间接生产的财富。

    A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade.


  • 这项行业贸易刊物《质量体系法规》委托开展研究显示,行业平均水平了约10而且10年前了很多

    That's about ten seconds more than the industry averageand a lot slower than a decade ago, according to the study, which was commissioned by QSR, an industry trade publication.


  • 寻求增长更高生活水平的过程中,国家继续利用自由市场和自由贸易崛起加力。

    And in the search for growth and higher standards of living, countries will continue to use free markets and free trade to power their rise.


  • 工业生产能力的使用达到创纪录高度,4月份强劲的国内需求吞掉了去年41%的进口贸易赤字推上了新的纪录水平

    Industrial capacity utilisation has risen to a record high, and rampant domestic demand sucked in 41% more imports than a year ago in April, pushing the trade deficit to a record level.


  • 促进自由贸易开放市场我们国创造就业岗位使中国消费者获得新的商品和更高生活水平

    Freer trade and open markets have created jobs in both our countries, and given Chinese consumers access to new goods and to higher standards of living.


  • 不过由于出口商销售收入预期会调低,降低存货水平至少去除国际贸易中的一个制约因素

    Yet as importers adjust to lower levels of expected sales, it should at least remove one constraining factor for international trade.


  • 但是贸易逆差降到足够水平,低可以弥补地产泡沫破裂带来的损失,是需要很多时间

    But it will probably be a long time before the trade deficit comes down enough to make up for the bursting of the housing bubble.


  • 双方经贸关系逐渐走出国际金融危机冲击负面影响,双边贸易全面超过危机水平

    Our bilateral trade has gradually shaken off the adverse influence of the international financial crisis and exceeded the pre-crisis level.


  • 2010年,三国贸易总额已超过金融危机水平人员往来规模历史新高

    In 2010, the total trade volume among the three countries exceeded the pre financial crisis level and their personnel exchanges hit another historical high.


  • 进一步减少贸易壁垒我们付出七年努力,现在却功亏一篑,十分遗憾,这不止因为这些谈判的目标提高最贫穷国家富裕国家市场中的准入水平

    The collapse of the seven-year effort to further reduce trade barriers is regrettable, not least because it aimed to increase the access of the poorest countries to rich-country markets.


  • 北欧国家也是自由贸易的支持者,他们也是后来才加入欧盟的,他们也认为他们国家的水平高于欧洲

    The Nordics are freetraders who joined late and believe their national standards to be higher than Europe's.


  • 更为严格公共财政自由贸易带来通货膨胀率,而较低的通胀降低了利率水平

    Low inflation, achieved through more disciplined public finances and trade liberalisation, has brought falling interest rates.


  • 上月美国商务部公布了一则报告以来,那些新一轮衰退的忧虑有所加深。该报告指出美国6月份贸易赤字加剧2008年10月份以来的最高水平并且出口下降了2.3个百分点。

    Those fears intensified last month after the Commerce Department's report showed the U.S. trade deficit rose in June to its highest level since October 2008, with exports declining 2.3 percent.


  • 今年双边贸易有望创造历史最高水平

    Our bilateral trade for this year is expected to reach a historical high. China will intensify efforts to buy more from ASEAN.


  • WTO规定留给这些国家相当大余地经过20单边削减关税大多数国家的关税水平低于约定税率(bond rates),贸易谈判达成协议的关税上限。

    The WTO’s rules allow them plenty of scope: after two decades of unilateral tariff-cutting most of their tariffs are well below their “bound” rates, the ceilings agreed in the trade club.


  • 美国市场中,墨西哥份额增加12.2%,达到北美自由贸易协定生效以来最高水平

    Mexico’s share of the American market has grown to 12.2%—its highest level since NAFTA came into force.


  • 大约39%左右制造商表示如果日元兑美元停留85点上下的水平的话,他们会将工厂研发中心转移到海外去这是日本贸易上周200家公司调查结果

    Some 39 percent of manufacturers said they will move factories and development centers overseas should the yen stay at about 85 per dollar, a Trade Ministry survey of 200 companies showed last week.


  • 三国贸易量大幅增长,已超过国际金融危机同期水平

    Trilateral trade has grown by a large margin to exceed the level before the international financial crisis.


  • 澳大利亚贸易条件出口价格除以进口价格)跃居30%,已超过年来的最高点成为50最高水平

    The country's terms of trade (the price of its exports divided by its imports) have leapt by 30% over the past three years to their highest level for over 50 years (see left-hand chart).


  • 学习培训包括经济学现金管理制造水平国际贸易相关一些科目

    Studies may include courses in economics and cash management, manufacturing standards, international trade, and related subjects.


  • 7年前多哈回合谈判开始已有100多项类似贸易协定付诸实施降低某些WTO成员国(全部国家,见)的关税水平

    Since the Doha round was launched almost seven years ago, over 100 such deals have come into force, lowering tariffs for some members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) but not others (see map).


  • 实际上世界贸易今年可望增长12.5%,达到70年代第一石油危机以来最高水平

    In fact, world trade volumes are likely to increase by 12.5 percent this year, the highest rate of growth since before the first oil shock of the 1970s.


  • 实际上世界贸易今年可望增长12.5%,达到70年代第一石油危机以来最高水平

    In fact, world trade volumes are likely to increase by 12.5 percent this year, the highest rate of growth since before the first oil shock of the 1970s.


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