• 年度数据压力测试结果比较来看基本呈现出底的走势

    The annual data of the stress test results comparisons, the basic emerged after the first high-end trend.


  • 比较来看,ELISA一种简便敏感有效地检测风疹病毒抗体方法

    The ELISA is a simple, sensitive and effective method for detecting rubella antibody.


  • 从横向比较来看,与中国其他地区相比,郑州地区公路用地集约处于较高水平

    Compared to other regions of China, the intensity of highway land was relative high in Zhengzhou area.


  • 不同城市消费信心差异比较来看第三产业发达城市居民的消费信心相对更低

    From the variation of consumer confidence among the different cities, the residents who live in the city with advanced Tertiary Industry always show relatively lower consumer confidence.


  • 比较来看生理自我社会心理自我、家庭自我中学教师的心理健康更具有影响力

    Comparatively speaking, physiological self, social mental self and family self bring stronger influence to middle-school teachers 'mental health.


  • 综合比较来看,封闭式支架优于封闭支架;马蹄形环形支架要半圆等支护形式好。

    Compared comprehensively, enclosed supports are better than non-enclosed supports; supports of square annular shape or "u" shape are better than supports of semicircle arch.


  • 几种不同差错控制方案比较来看采用分段编码交织技术有效地改善MB通信系统性能

    Comparison of several different schemes of error control shows that the performance of MB communication systems can be effectively improved by using the technique of segmental coding and interleaving.


  • 产品重要指标记录分析结果以及以往生产指标相比较来看浮选控制系统切实可行的。

    From record and analysis results of product and each important index sign comparing with the former production index sign, this floatation control system is viable.


  • 然后列举华俄后裔所过俄罗斯节日中国节日,目的两者进行比较来看华俄后裔节日文化变迁。

    Then the Russian and Chinese festivals of the Chinese Russians, the aim is to compare the two different cultures.


  • 人们常常愿意比较来看,二人相貌性情、待人接物,对待徐志摩态度成为人们关注热点

    It is often willing to forest, land and two comparisons, two-person appearance, temperament, interpersonal, towards the attitude of Hsu Chih-mo, have become the focus of attention.


  • 计算实验结果表明:无论是从液滴轴向速度分布变化趋势定性分析,还是从与实验数据定量比较来看,建立的模型都是合理的。

    Both qualitative analysis to the changing trend of droplet axial velocity profile and quantitative comparison with experimental data demonstrate the rationality of this model.


  • 但是不同海拔地区比较来看海拔地区的儿童少年好于高海拔地区的儿童少年,平原地区儿童少年的优势要大大优于高原地区的儿童少年。

    But children in lower altitudes area are better than children in plateau area, and the superiority of children in flat area is superior to the children in plateau area.


  • 确认一个基因的确正在选择生物学家需要进行其他测试例如比较没被的基因形式来看它们有什么差异

    To verify that a gene has indeed been under selection, biologists need to perform other tests, like comparing the selected and unselected forms of the gene to see how they differ.


  • 出于兴趣我们英国比较子有的地区人们如何看待同性恋问题,同时了解一下,在美国同性恋们又要面临怎样压力

    Out of interest, let's just take a look at what the situation is like in liberal parts of Britain, and what kind of pressure gay people face in America.


  • 无论类型还是临床结果来看辐射引起甲状腺年龄组的观测结果比较起来似乎没有什么差别

    There appears to be little difference in the type or clinical outcome of radiation-induced thyroid cancer when compared with age-matched controls.


  • 我们用来发送数据两个简单协议RFCOMMOBEX比较使用它们传送文件优势和不足。

    Let's take a look at two simple protocols in the stack used to send data, RFCOMM and OBEX, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of using them when transferring files.


  • 我们赏心悦目的足球,不能从一方面来看球队。我们是一支作风比较凶悍的球队。

    We are playing good football, but you can't just look at the team in one way.


  • 命名let内容讨论起来相当费解所以来看下面代码清单7中的代码相比较

    Named let's are fairly confusing to talk about, so take a look at the following code and compare it with the code in Listing 7.


  • 可能有些Scheme比较陌生我们来看一些演示这种语言威力例子

    As Scheme may seem a bit foreign to some, let's look at a few examples that illustrate the power of the language.


  • 清单16方法并发性角度来看比较乐观

    Listing 16's approach is a little optimistic from a concurrency perspective. Now consider the code in Listing 17.


  • 查询公式角度来看这些变化影响带有比较约束查询

    From the query formulation perspective, these changes affect queries with comparison constraints.


  • 上帝注视你角度来看真理就是,上帝从不会我们他人相互比较。因为,上帝知道我们是如何被创造的:我们都与生俱来独特的天资禀赋

    The truth according to God's view of my life and yours is that God doesn't compare us with others; God knows how he made us - with unique talents and gifts.


  • 一些日子”的并且比较还有一些日子你是“不好”的并且吃得比较但是假设长远来看你还是每天平均摄入2,000卡路里。

    Some days you are "good" and eat less, and some days you are "bad" and eat more, but the assumption is that it averages out to 2, 000 calories per day over the long run.


  • 虽然比较角度来看清单1清单2确实比较有趣但编译只是构建脚本有趣之处的一个开始

    While Listings 1 and 2 are certainly interesting from a comparison standpoint, compilation is just the beginning of the fun that is build scripting.


  • 这个数字任何标准来看很高比较基数处于深度金融危机之时数据,因而很难解释数据代表的意义。

    While that's a high figure by any standards, it was difficult to interpret the number because it was based on a comparison with the depths of the financial crisis.


  • 我们经济现在处于一个比较艰难的处境,但是有信心长远来看,我们以往任何时候都要更加强劲

    We are in a rough patch right now in our economy, but I am confident that in the long term we will come out stronger than ever before.


  • 虽然现在我们倾向走向一个极端来看孩子家长双方态度比较端正

    Today we tend to go to the other extreme, but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent.


  • 生活拉美国家,有时候会感觉,可能这里的海湾比较大,所以同一件事情必须拿放大镜来看才会了解真相。

    It sometimes feels as if in Latin America, with its even bigger gulf, the same thing is true on a larger scale.


  • 现行的趋势来制定计划可能比较危险的,但是长远来看可以发现什么?

    Projecting from existing trends can be a dangerous tendency, but when you look at this and try to roll this forward, what do you see?


  • 其他网站参数技术比较但是实用角度来看这些数字没有任何意义

    There are benchmarks and technical comparisons posted on other sites, but from a practical standpoint those numbers don't mean anything to me.


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